Ohh my bad. lol. When I was a teen, these older boys we hung with did that. We were at my friend's house and they were trying to jack off for the 'competition'. My best friend and I were so embarrassed, and kept "ewwing" so they told us to leave the room, then when it was time, they yelled for us to come back in and we ran in and they exploded on the bed. It was funny to me.
I think that's the point Kunoichi... if arousal and sex aren't on the mind BA doesn't want to look at no dick. :smt081
"whoa, you got to shower after pt (physical training)...we always showered at night. At Ft. Jackson, the shower was a communal shower with six heads arranged in a circle, you you end up facing eachother in the shower. The toilets in the barracks had stalls and doors and the ranges had porta potties, and yes you take everything inside with you including your weapon." -taken from a soldier's account at Ft Jackson Like I said, if you played a sport or something, being nude or partially exposed around guys isnt a big deal. It comes with the territory. But for you, you may get a rude awakening. try not to appear to homophobic or they may doubt your orientation. But it's not that bad...remember the communal shitter from Full Metal jacket? A bunch of toilets in a line, no stalls, no doors? lol....buuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn
She don't look that pretty anymore after she had her face done. It's so damn hideous, if you ask me....
Oh shit, that's right. BA is going into the military, right? Oh boy, I bet his hazing just may include delicately washing some Senior's balls.
That has me baffled. Why does she wants to have her face done? She looked so beautiful in the past! But now, she's all hideous. Horsey isn't part of my vocabulary! Seriously, tell me why she had her face done? Is there reason to it?
NC when she got that new show a few years back they did her over. New hair too. It's not enough for her to be smart and qualified they probably thought her looks should get a boost.
She got famous after the OJ trial. She got her own show on CNN or Fox, one of those news stations. So the station paid to have her face 'freshened', as she had very hooded eyes and bags under them. She said she was happy with the results.
Hey I'm with him there. Why watch porn if you don't want to think about sex, and I don't want to look at naked women if I'm not watching porn, hence if sex or arousal isn't the purpose I don't want to look at no pussy either. We are so off track in this thread... sorry guys, I'll quit.
Uh, what? Oh, that's sooo wrong on many level! You don't have to get your face done when it comes to being smart. What's wrong with the society that we're living today?! Just leave your beauty alone! Very sure about that, buddy. Why would I lie, eh? It's isn't part of my vocabulary! They what?! They paid to have her face freshened?! No wonder why her looks is so damn hideous, I no longer want to see that hideous face of hers! Make me wanna to vomit.