Exactly. If I was her husband, I'd be wanting her to show that body off the way she does if she has had three kids! That's inspiration right there lol
She apparently is very athletic. Her bio on multiple sites says she has three kids. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...-reporter-who-was-harassed-by-the-jets#page/7 But Ines is taken. She is married to Hector Perez Rojano, and the pair have three children together. Their daughter, Ines, is six years old, and they also welcomed twin boys, Eduardo and Hector, in 2008. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ines_Sainz
Because of the HIPPA act, its not avail ,however she's been on air for most of 9 yrs and film/photos show she recently purchased that new ass. Its ok though. Just wondered if you thought it was natural, that's all.
Oh you know women, we are always checking out other women to compare ourselves. Like how you guys do at the urinal. Kunoichi-> <- Inenz :smt061
look ma, im sure u hold it down just fine with what u got...u dont need to bang on another woman like she stole your grape soda like your tits..im sure they're bigger than hers, and u know we like em like that
Men's restroom etiquette says that making eye contact with another man's junk equals an automatic ass kicking. Talking to another man at the urinal equals a "dude, what the fuck?"
I do think it's likely her real ass, I think she just knows how to dress it well. You'll note in most of the photos she always wears the same type of jeans/pants, they make her ass look good, no pockets to distract the eye, calls all your attention to her ass. Smart woman. I think Loren is eyeing her cause I swear you can see a little bit of nipple on her right breast, they're about to fall plumb outta that dress, I'd be shocked too.
LMAOOO @ the "dude, wtf!" But really now, to say straight men don't snatch a glimpse, puleeze. If a guy next to you with a 12 inch dick performed a perfect arch water fall, you wouldn't side-eye? Hmmmm....
No hate sweetie. That's the difference. I admit her body is bangin, but Im smart enough to know her tits and ass are fake. But I dont want to detract from this thread, so here is your dream girl, just how you like her. :grin:
Kunoichi, I think the picture was removed before long you could posted it. I don't see it? EDIT: Never mind! I see it. LMAO.