1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Now you're just being picky. Take the kiss sit down and be happy. Some people I swear... lol
  2. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Yeah hug me buddy.

    Now, if you will KINDLY STOP TALKING ABOUT ME, I would be very happy.

    Technically and literally CHEATING means cheating on a partner (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cheat) so when I said I never cheated I was perfectly right. let out all the morals about chating including the one who you cheat with etc because those are emotional/moral acceptions that we give to the term.

    Now, I'm not going to let you all talk about my business like it's a TV show especially when maybe 3 people here really know me, talk to me, listen to me and are fond of me and know how I am. And they never judged me. Most of you, as it's normal in a forum, never got to know me so all the judgements aren't needed. I didn't like when Andrae said that he likes to fuck every girl that goes to do internship at his job just because he doesn't have to say "goodbye" to his fuck but did you see me blink? Why should I judge him for that? It's his life and I don't give a fuck what he does and who he fucks with.

    It's the way he did it. I take it he never studied some psychology EVER. He could have talked about the situation but abstracting it from my reality and it would be fine because that would have been judging the situation and it's ok because we are here for this too, but he put it in a way that JUDGED ME, ThickShawty or whatever is the name I'll chose if I ever come back here and I can't accept it.
    And when I asked him to stop it was because I didn't think we would have gone that deep in my stuff and I was getting unconfortable, not because I felt like his judgement on me would affect me, because only I know how things went and I clearly stated I was YOUNG AND STUPID but because he was talking about ME without knowing shit.
    He could have said "ok guys, so what do you think about this and that", but no, he had to do like "so you thickshawty bla bla bla". It's called lack of TACT or whatever you call it in english, not me being a CHILD. We are all adult and as I treated everybody with big respect here, I expect it to be the same for me.

    As I already said, I should have been more careful about what I shared because I know that that obviosuly would put me under your lenses but that was persisting, not just "talking".

    I thought the whole thing was closed a few posts ago.

    I hope I won't have to post in here anymore.

    Have a good day y'all.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    TS my last couple of post had nothing to do with you. I was speaking in the general sense when I said some people should treated like children so you dial back the victim mentality. You took a certain position in a fricking debate and I disagreed with you. No one is persisting on anything. And the only reason I comment is because you quote my posts genius. Good day to you miss.
  4. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I agree that for some ignorance is bliss, and I should absolutely have been more careful. However I was 16, naive, and lacking in common sense, all of which contributed to that error on my part, though that's no excuse for not being more thorough. It honestly never occurred to me a married person would date, it's just so wrong to me, like I said I lacked common sense. However I would likely have been more careful with a man I didn't know had he not been introduced to me by a family member who had known him for many years. I assumed that if there were something I needed to know, or if he wasn't someone I should be messing with, that she wouldn't have introduced us in the first place or would have at least warned me that he was married, as she both knew he was and knew that wasn't something I would be interested in. I would never introduce anyone to a married person with the intent of setting them up, again that's just completely wrong to me. But she had her reasons, which at the time also would never have occurred to me, and I just literally didn't give it a second thought. But the instant I found out I ended it, apologized to his wife, and made sure I never saw or spoke to him again. I truly wouldn't have spent time with him had I known upfront, open marriage or not. In this case when I say I would never cheat with a married person, I do mean it.

    I agree with this too. I think Andrae is just blunt, and truthfully few people respond well to bluntness regardless of the topic. I think the world is so used to things being sugar-coated to take the sting off, that anytime anything is said bluntly it's a shock and bit of an affront.

    I understand that TS shared a personal experience and didn't appreciate what she viewed as judgment, and most people don't enjoy being judged, but anytime you share something like that you are almost guaranteed to get responses both in support of, and against what you did. I think if you aren't prepared for that, then don't share, cause it's just bound to happen. I love TS for being willing to share her personal experiences, and I am truly sorry that her feelings were hurt though.

    I actually agree with Andrae on his overall take that if you are involved with a married person, even if you aren't married, you are party to the cheating. Now that's my personal view based upon my morals, so I don't expect everyone else to feel that way. I think you have to make decisions for yourself based upon your morals, and as long as you can live with them, that's what matters to you. I would not tell someone I thought they were morally wrong, unless they asked my opinion, in which case I would tell them what I think. I think Andrae offered his opinion, some felt it was unsolicited and unwanted, but really if you post on an online forum I think that's an open invitation to people to chime in.
  5. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Has God sub-contracted with you and others on here to judge other people? You can give your opinion about the subject at hand but you can't judge others. ;)
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I honestly cannot believe what has happened in this thread.
  7. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    You know us Americans all too well.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    How is giving your opinion any different than judging someone? Judgements are opinions based on ideas and facts.
  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    ^^ I think we have a winner!!
  10. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Such anger.....

    and a considerable amont of bitterness, hostility & hatred.....

    ...when, in the words of chicity, I kinda sorta mebbe thought We Stand United as a community....

    Maybe just a puerile starry-eyed attempt at The-Glass-Is-Half-Full Belief on MY part....

    Which most likely explains why alot of my posts are not being responded to..

    That the majority of the people here really hate me, too..........................

    It just *smells* like it...................

  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Really? Have you seen other threads on this forum? I thought this was pretty tamed.
  12. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    Wow. That's quite a story...
  13. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Opinion on the subject.

    You gave a judgement of TS.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering how old he was.
  15. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    I didn't realize you were a minor at the time, that is 100% on him. I was talking about adult relationships.

    I don't know why you added the smiley because you are clearly pissed. I don't mind. I don't think it is passing judgement to ID a situation as cheating despite the denials.

    Passing judgement would be to say that person was a bad person. No one has said that. People walking on eggshells to avoid the obvious truth.
  16. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I have slept with a guy who I am pretty sure had a girlfriend. We only hooked up about 5 times. I didn't really want anything out of it apart from sex, so we were on the same page. I've never cheated on a boyfriend before. Should have I felt guilty? Maybe. Did I? Surprisingly not. If I knew who his girl was I wouldn't have done it though. Go 'head and judge me too. :smt102
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I can't believe I have to break this down for adults. The actions we commit form the character we project. If you told me you use to steal when you weren't starving of hunger and I formed the opinion/judgement that you were a thief would I be wrong?
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Really Bookie, I'm not surprised at all. Strongly stated opinions rarely go over well with the majority of people, and it's not the first time a thread has gone completely askew, just look at some of the religion or weight threads. :shock: It's just people expressing themselves, sometimes heatedly, but it doesn't have to be taken personally. I find it difficult to take something personally from someone I don't really know, but especially if I don't even happen to like them then their opinion doesn't mean diddly to me. Now granted some of us here know each other a bit more and so I can understand blunt comments having more sting in those situations, but for the most part I just have trouble seeing why anyone would let something said on the forum really bother them. I can think of 2 instances in the almost year I've been a member when someone said something that got my attention in an unpleasant way, but I know both of those people better than I know anyone else here and so their comments carried more weight with me. But even then it didn't bother me for more than a few minutes, it was just a momentary shock.

    I personally prefer people be blunt with me, it saves time and leaves less room for misinterpretation, however I've learned over the years that most people need it sugar coated and so I do try to reign in my natural bluntness, but that's something I learned over time. I don't however do that with people I know well, or family, but they know how I am and I just refuse to edit all the time in my own home. I think some people frequent online forums for precisely that reason, because they don't want to have to edit everything they say to be PC all the time, and with the anonymity they enjoy online it's just easier to be themselves and express that for better or worse. I will say that though I don't express things as bluntly as I often think them on here, I do give my honest opinion, and if I had to edit constantly to post, I wouldn't participate. My overall approach is that we're all adults here, some outspoken, some blunt, some downright rude, but it's their right to express themselves, if I don't like it that's what the ignore feature is for.

    One thing that I think comes into play in situations like this is the mentality that if you are the sort of person who anyone can say anything they like to you without you holding it against them, then you feel they shouldn't have a problem if you do the same. The problem with that is most people really can't do that, they hold grudges and have long memories. One thing I've noted about Andrae in particular is that he doesn't hold grudges, he may get angry at someone, but he doesn't hold that against the person in the long term. New topic, new day, clean slate... that seems to be his method and that really is not how a lot of people work.
  19. Espy

    Espy New Member

    You know all you have to do is ask babe. He was 22. I typically didn't date anyone less than 5 years older than me.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn Esp you really have me pegged. I don't get why anyone would hold a grudge here or take things so personally but I think I just have a guys mentality. We all grew up fighting each other and getting over it very quickly.

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