Black athletes (males, no Williams sisters by the way) are now the most hated according to some polls.
I had posted a link that had the same story. And mentioned some of the other athletes they did at your link Clemens etc. that I think are hate worthy......... Several that are on the list I really like so who they polled to find such hate, would be interesting to find out.
White men in America frequently bolster their masculinity through conceptualizing black men as physically distant and therefore sexually unavailable to white women. Take a muscular and attractive black man; fill his bank account with $100 million; the glowing adoration of women he'll never meet, and he embodies an incalculable threat to white masculinity in many sectors of American society. That and white people love their canines so Micheal Vick is, pardon the pun, going to remain in the doghouse for many years to come.
well to be fair, some of these guys deserve to be up there. TO was loathed by everyone here when he played for us. All he did was cry and bitch about not getting enough catches, do situps in the parking lots to show off, and showboat after nice pulls. Not to mention the constant bickering between him and one likes that kind of mentality. Vick was/is a rich guy, who spread herpes (guess ya'll dont care about that, dirty bastards) to women and ran dog-fighting rings. Did I mention he was rich? Why the fuck do you need to open dog fighting circuits like you're some poor ring-leader from 'The Deer Hunter.' Bron'Bron inflamed an already circus-type media, by having a 1-hour special, just about where he was going to play this year. I dont know if that's enough to make him public enemy number 1, but it was a pretty tacky move that just showcases a bit of selfish-twit attitude. That, and the clip of him throwing his warmups away from the assistant who's hands were obviously in a position to take them. But no, Bron just tosses them to the floor as another reminder that he's special and doesn't need any class. Tiger Woods? I really don't see any argument there. The man with everything in the world, decides to ruin his marriage and his kids' life, by cheating on his wife with random trash. Way to go, to perhaps one of the most wealthiest athletes to ever walk the earth. I'm not saying color is or is not an issue, but these guys aren't exactly class-acts, targeted by 'the man' without any provocation or just-cause. They're just dickheads that people don't like. and for fuck's sake, Mike Vick got a job playing in the NFL after being locked up for two-years, who's salary is being paid by some white guy. Come on.
There's thousands of dickhead athletes in the world. Don't go making a list of only [insert ethnicity here] males, without someone thinking that shit might be suspect. End of story. i.e. People's Magazine "Most Beautiful Person' always being a white man.
thousands of dickhead athletes, except LeBron is in the top 5 of NBA players, TOs in the top tier of NFL players, and Woods is the most celebrated golfer ever known. All dickheads. Who's going to write an article about some white guy in the NFL, that's popular and a dickhead? Only ones I can think of are Tom Brady and Big Ben.
I don't know about Most Beautiful 'person,' but I do know of People's most beautiful 'people' including Zoe Zaldana, J-Lo (yes, they're all white ) and of course this guy yeah he definitely looks white to me... if they have a vote and just pick one, then that's another story
Let me rephrase it: Every year People Magazine does a 'Most Beautiful People' list and then list the 'Most Beautiful Person' of that year.
:cry: you might be on to something, but I will NOT take another L, two nights in a row. Imma come back later and flip this shit
I can come up with a reason why people might dislike all six of them. Vick- herpes/dogfighting, Woods-cheating, Owens- his perceived cockyness, Ochocinco- his arrogance, Bryant- cuz he's good, and James= cuz he's good also. Btw those Most Beautiful list are stupid as fuck. How the fuck you gonna be voted number 1 in one year then the next you're number 13 or some ish.
reasons arent enough....we have to find out why theyre all BLACK. my theory was because all of these guys listed, are either at the TOP of their sport, or did something really serious that landed them 2-years in the Bing (Mike Vick). White guys do dumbshit too, but they're not publicized with the exceptions of Favre, Big Ben, and Tom Brady. Other than that, blacks just dominate the shit too much and no one pays attention to white athletes (unless they play bullshit hockey)
lol, does Kimbo purposely have a hairy arrow on his chest pointing towards his face? ^^^ Damn, why did I have to notice that...:smt095
Hahahahaha! I noticed that but didn't think it was intentional. He seriously looks just like my next door neighbor, well in the face, my neighbor is not built nearly that well.
Because a handful of Black athletes are on a list of the 'most hated', does not mean Black athletes as a whole are the 'most hated'. That's the connection I hear being made, and it's a bad logic argument. The top two pro sports in the USA are overwhelmingly AA, and most of the fans who buy tickets to see NBA and NFL games are white men. If the two most popular sports in this country were played by Koreans, one could assume that more Korean athletes would be on a list of the 'most hated' athletes. And people may not like that LeBron left as a FREE AGENT to sign with another team, but seriously, that doesn't make him worthy of 'hate'.
didnt you hear tho??? black athletes are HATED in America :smt030 damn them and their huge salaries, which are supported by the white masses paying for tickets and owners, to see these hated negroes play top-level ball /sarcasm
LeBron James actually had the highest Q Score ever recorded by an athlete. Tiger Woods was openly worshiped by most white males that I work with and by most if not all of my white neighbors. The most of the men still root for him but, not in front of their wives like before. However Tiger was never too popular with many blacks they respected him of course, but most did not love him. The fact that he did not openly refer to himself as black, marrying a WW and playing golf are not things that would endure you to some blacks. Then when it was discovered that he cheated on his wife with nothing but, other WW it became worse. I would listen to black women on radio stations call in and expressed dismay and anger because he could not find one black woman to have an affair with (which I thought was odd). I later read several posts and angry blogs from BW expressing the same feeling. My feeling was that BW should be glad that none of them were found to be involved in adultery in this particular case. I did not mean to digress. My view is that Tiger was the most trusted athlete that is why he became the first billionaire athlete it was endorsements. LeBron was the most liked ever at one time. When people think highly of you they expect more from you.