why G-d punish the innocent and reward the evil ?

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by goodlove, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. donsboy

    donsboy Member

    Where do u find narcissism in God allowing the devil to prove his point? God said there was noone like his servant Job. The devil caused all the suffering not God. He allows us to do what we wish because we say and the devil says we don't need God. God only made one rule in the beginning don't eat off my tree. That rule is to prove he has authority over us because he made us. God is universal sovereign because he made everything. When we reject his sovreignty we say you can't tell me what to do. Its the same with parents and children. its way more than can be discussed in this forum. But if you want some real answers they can be found in the bible if you read with an open mind.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah but even a parent doesn't dictate your actions through out your entire life and parents aren't always right.
  3. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Wow, we have a massively differing viewpoint on this babe. I do believe religion in general has been used to control the masses throughout the ages, however that doesn't make the concept of God any less valid in my mind. As I've said before I know without a doubt that He exists, which may appear illogical on the surface, however to me faith is the one area of life that will always defy logic... anything you cannot see, hear, taste, touch or prove is illogical, and yet I believe.

    As to the question goodlove posed, donsboy is correct that the Bible contains answers and explanations, but few people truly read it, preferring to take someone else's word for it's contents. While I do believe in God and am a faithful person, I do not take anyone else's word on anything scriptural, I read and interpret it for myself.
  4. donsboy

    donsboy Member

  5. Cyrus

    Cyrus New Member

    There is more than one "God" ... because not even all Christians believe and practice the same, despite supposedly working from the same text.

    (By the by, just want to address something donsboy said and Espy echoed -- basically, you both seemed to suggest that anyone who doesn't think the bible has the answers, is necessarily someone who hasn't read the bible. I'm sorry, but that's simply not true. In fact, some of the most bitter, devout atheists I know were raised in strict Christian households ... just because someone doesn't believe as you believe, does not mean they don't know the bible.)

    ... okay, well the point I really wanted to make here is that there are even Christians who don't believe in a disembodied, spiritual God at all ... they would say the bible is sacred text, but that it is also myth and metaphor and not to be taken literally:

    In this view, if I understand correctly, we are all collectively "God".

    So I guess the original question stands ... why do we allow suffering and injustice?
  6. Espy

    Espy New Member

    That is not at all what I said. I addressed the OPs post and indicated that IMO those answers are in the Bible. I am completely aware that many people read the Bible and don't believe it holds answers to their questions. My issue is with people who spout Christianity and have not read it for themselves.
  7. Cyrus

    Cyrus New Member

    Yep, I apologize. Re-reading what you'd said before, you obviously were drawing the distinction between people who parrot back whatever they've been told is Christianity, without ever reading the bible themself, and someone who has and does read scripture themself. My sincere apologies. For what it's worth, I agree with you -- if any religious faith is to offer answers, it will only be to those who seek for themselves.
  8. Espy

    Espy New Member

    No problem, just correcting your perception before a bunch of people jumped on it LOL! I agree that anyone who doesn't seek answers to anything for themselves, has no one but themselves to blame when that proves to have been a big mistake.
  9. donsboy

    donsboy Member

    that's not what I said either. I said I have met many who take the word of others and haven't read the bible for themselves. I have met many who ask the same questions as the op. The bible claims to be inspired by God. If this is true and we want to know why he has allowed suffering then read the book that is the best seller of all time and see what it says with an open mind not one jaundiced by personal experiences.
  10. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Hang on, I thought you believed in God? Why am I co-signing you again?? :rolleyes:

    Hold up, Andrae, I could get used to this agreeing with you thing....!
  11. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    too long to explain here.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol common ground can be found anywhere that's why I don't hold grudges or believe in enemies unless someone steals from you or injures you and your loved ones. Everything else can be forgiven.
    But I absolutely whole heartedly believe in God I just don't believe in a God who we. NEED to pray to to shit done. I don't believe in a God who is watching by the sidelines while a shit load of innocent people suffer and I get some people believe those who suffer are learning a lesson or teaching a lesson. Well fuck that philosphy. I can't blindy follow a deity that would allow the rape and murder of a child or even child being forced to kill others or be killed himself. The only thing I believe as far as Christianity is God created the earth and gave us all the tools to make paradise on earth we just have to seek them out.
    In my mind God is a great architect who designed one solar system and then moved on to the next leaving life here to choose its own path. Everything else is us as people trying to define our reality with over simplifications of good and evil being manifested in the forms of deities the most popular right now is God and the Devil. Like I said before the believe in deities have killed millions over the course of human history maybe we need to look somewhere else to gain our faith.
  13. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Wow, I tried to rep you for this but apparently I have to spread it around?? See, this is why we need records of sent rep - I have no idea what I've repped you for before :p ;)
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thanks love
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    the foul thing about it is that people are reading the same text and not following the word like it suppose to...they will say the old testiment is done away with when christ states otherwise. they do this because they momma did it , grandma did and ect

    when Job basically asked why are you allowing this to happen to me. G-d responded basically " who are you to question me. were you there when I made the earth..and so on "

    now that is a fucked up thing to say when the man lost his kids , his finances, his health and ect..

    also he and the devil were playing a game with the man. the devil I bet if you removed the protection away from Job he will curse you and G-d responded " you are on bitch"

    that is fucked up

    alot of people dont understand suffering and I dont think they want to find out and also they can understand why me versus them
  16. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    Have ever considered Physics and Cosmology? That is, are you aware that the Universe is about 13.75 billion years old? It would be one thing if the age of the universe was not measureable - but it is... If the age of the universe was something beyond our ability to measure; then, it could be argued that the universe has always existed - and we would therefore not have cause to speculate about the reason for its existence.

    Some of you present an argument like "time didn't exist before the universe" - which is unprovable, and has no logical basis. It is simply a way that atheist Mathematical Physicists try to circumvent the age of the universe.Some will try to throw out a definition of "spacetime" - without the ability to realize that there is Space; there is Time; and there is the Spacetime Continuum. Space is bound by Time; but time is not bound by Space - meaning, of course, that you can get a bucket of water; but you can't get a "bucket of time." Time is not bound - but is rather independent; notwithstanding the separate concept of an interdependent Space-time continuum. The fact remains that the age of the universe dictates that the universe came into existence.

    Note: For those of you whose sole source of knowledge on Physics is Wikipedia, I will tell you now that Wikipedia is inadequate; and is only a compilation of regular people posting scientific exerpts in order to support their own commentary. Not only that - but do any of you actually understand what you are copying and pasting?
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  18. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    I was just saying that I need a Guinness... :drinkers:

  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    LMAO that was the funniest thing you've ever posted. Good shit fam
  20. donsboy

    donsboy Member

    who are we to question the sovreign of the universe? we are specs of dust on a small planet rotating an average star on the outer edge of an average galaxy. where did we happen to be when he founded the universe? And still he humbles himself to deal with us. He doesnt need us. He allowed the devil to test Job to prove his claim. God then rewarded the faithful man with 10 more children his daughters being the prettiest in the land. He gave him twice as much as he had previously materially (so he was worth twice as much as before) and he extended his life double so as to see 4 generations of his descendants. Thats real self love (narcissism) there huh? Sounds like God has always done what he says he will, reward those who will follow me faithfully.

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