FrankenFish, coming to a DINNER TABLE near YOU?!?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by AnMDBCartoon, Sep 21, 2010.


Genetically Engineered Salmom: Yea or Nay?

  1. Great! Helps to sustain our environment & I think OK to eat!

  2. Schmidtt, NO! No telling WHAT the hell I'm gonna ingest with THAT!

  3. Okay, I guess...but in moderation &/or in "small doses"..

    0 vote(s)
  4. Ah DUNNO! It's a TOSS-UP!

    0 vote(s)
  5. Ask somebody who GIVES a FAT RAT'S WELL-FED ASS!

    0 vote(s)
  6. I was just getting into my latest issue of GREAT MUSTARDS OF THE WORLD, OAF!

    0 vote(s)
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  1. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Let's lay our cards on the table....

    Overfishing has left our oceans in a frightful state. No denying it..

    But...will THIS be a *true* solution? Or an anethema?

    And there you have it..

    To make a long story short:

    Will consumption of said product have any future adverse effects of any sort on the consumer? Considering the possible cumulatiove effect of a product that has yet tobe tested & tried by anyone...let alone be FDA approved?

    Or will things be brought back to an 'even keel' with this 'new miracle biological marvel' designed to keep the fish population form the scourge of extinction?

    Only time will tell......

  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Eating small fish would solve a lot of problems.

    Sardines...smelt...herrring..perch...are all MUCH better for you than the guys higher on the feed chain.

    Bigger fish also contain more mercury.

    People should start demanding small fish from their favorite restaurants and grocers.

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