I would keep my inappropriate thoughts to myself! Man, I would bang the shit out of her for all night long! But why is she interviewing all the NFL teams, knowing that most black guys are whistling at her? Wishing that they are the ones to fuck her? Seriously, they should keep their inappropriate thoughts to themselves, refrain from saying it! Ahem! Man...it's going to be very hard for me to refrain myself from saying it aloud, but I have great respect of women of all in humanity. Nothing more. It's understandable that she's very hot....good god. I better keep my mouth shut now. LOL.
I don't know why reporters (male or female) need to be in the locker rooms interviewing. Are male reporters allowed in the locker rooms of female gynmnasts, tennis players, cheerleaders, volleyball players?
Wasn't there some scandal between some football players and cheerleaders a few years ago? I would think that they wouldn't be allowed.
Not sure, but I agree with you. I think locker rooms should be off limits to all reporters. Athletes need their space after a game, I would think. And she was dressed very inappropriately and like a groupy, instead of a professional.
she could have been dressed in a potatoe sack and she would have gotten some hollas I agree. refrain is the word. they are grown ass men..act like it. they acted as though they never seen a woman before. with that being said I would have put my bid in on the woman but I wouldnt be all acting like a seal or summin. exactly no one needs to be in the locker room. lets not forget it was other women in the locker room complaining not her
she needs to fucking get bent already :smt038 honestly I can't blame people for crackin on her, and doing stupid shit to get her attention...she's a straight 10 and some change. on a side note, yes she is worth TWO separate threads
I apologize in advance for this minor derailment from worshiping the lovely Ines Sainz... but has anyone else noticed that in nearly all of the clothed photos she's hitchin' her pants up, or at least tuggin' on 'em? Like they're going anywhere if she doesn't, I mean really.