What is a good black man?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Trey1540, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. maddy

    maddy New Member

    What a "good black man" is from a ww perspective

    Trey, It's obvious i am not black so i am thinking since you are into white women, maybe it should be helpful to know what would be considered a "good black man" from the white women perspective.

    There are few things all good black men must have:

    1. The most important: good to great credit score...... ideally above 700

    2. The ability to provide financial support for his family in a legal way.

    3. The will to try new things and activities who are not as popular inside the black community, if you consider a long term relationship with a ww. Eg: going at the beach, swimming, camping, play chess, theater...

    4. The understanding that appearance matters to our families, so wearing a less culture specific outfit at the family dinner it shouldn't be open for discussion.

    5. What makes a good black man a keeper: be very experimental in bed and not afraid to get down on a woman.

    I hope these general guide lines bring more clarity to your question and i did not offend any guy who thought these things are obvious and should have not be mentioned at all.

    Peace out...
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
  2. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Okay, first off I hope this is an attempt at humor on your part, if so please disregard the remainder of this post. Second if that's not the case please refrain from speaking on behalf of all WW, cause nothing on your list is applicable for me personally, and several are borderline to flat out offensive. I think perhaps changing 'What a "good black man" is from a ww perspective' to 'What a "good black man" is from my perspective' would be more fitting.

    Oh my gosh, I'm seriously SMFH at this y'all.
  3. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Espy for the mufuckin' win. :smt038

    Not sure if she was trying to be offensive, but the way she laid it out sounded kinda sketch.

    And by "culture specific", I wonder if she means Phat Farm, du-rags and Timbs.
  4. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    This is probably one of the most offensive post I've read in this forum.
  5. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    This thread had nothing to do with what white woman considered to be a good black man. It was directed toward black men who uses this "I'm a good black man" line to put down the masses and reinforce racial stereotypes about black men.
  6. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member


    I'm with you, Espy. I seriously hope she's joking.
  7. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I can't believe you're taking these motherfuckers serious.

    C'mon, people.
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  9. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Ikr,people act like good black men are being poached or some shit. We here you just gotta open your eyes.
  10. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    You need to read some of my shit. Really.

  11. Cyrus

    Cyrus New Member

    Who are these people, though? I honestly don't think I've ever heard anyone say that. Ever.

    Can you give examples of the people who say this? I mean, as in names we might know?
  12. Redeemed One Jr

    Redeemed One Jr Active Member

    A good black man is a man that:

    If he has a family can provide for them.
    (Doesn't have to be the sole provider, but even if he's a stay at home dad, he tries to be the best stay at home dad the world has ever seen)

    If he has a lover, can give her security.
    (Meaning his woman knows that there will at least be an attempt to protect her, if danger is near)

    If he is alone, can be self-sufficent.
    (Doesn't have to have other people yank him up by his bootstraps, but has a plan and goes forward with implementing it without having to have the thumbs up from everyone else around him, because he knows what is best for his own life)

    Can stand against adversity.
    (Is able to shake off the hard knocks this world can give him. Not just from any kind of racism, but is able to truly become stronger from things that may come against him and bounce back, all the while not becoming bitter and angry toward his fellow man)

    I think somewhere along the way all of these elements together come together to make a good man.
  13. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    That's whassup.:smt023
  14. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Naw, that's some bullshit, just some shit to try and keep your mothafuckin ass down if you accept it. There are White people whom say your "a good Black guy" (or something similar of that nature) knowingly, and some from a point of ignorance. Bottom line, that saying is racist. Singling out one person from a entire race/ethnicity as the good/quality exception throws dirt on the rest of the race, therefore making it fucked up.

    Think of a white person saying this to your face: "your one of those good black guys huh?" (in Trey's case it would be: "your one of those good niggas huh?") That shit is demeaning, even more so when you add nigga in it--that's not even half a step from: "your a good nigger, huh? Gonna do what you're told huh?" (Trey, nothin good can come of the word nigga. I know you and others use it as a term of endearment, but why use a word that's so heavily contested in this day of age, moreover, used against Black presiding that. It's not worth it, especially when there are more words in this world than you will probably use in a life time to describe a Black person.) Anyway, derail over.

    There's no such thing as a "good Black guy," no more so than there is a "good White guy," "good Latino guy," etc...etc...There are only good people and bad people, and those come in all colors, shades, shapes, and sizes.
  15. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Very good indeed.

    And consider this for your list. A man is honest, trustworthy, and will do the right thing even when no one is watching.
  16. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

  17. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Sorry folks about all the post, I kinda read the thread backwards cause I couldn't wait to post after the first several.

    Maddy, I wanted you to know that I left the unsiged rep, I always sign mine and forgot too.
  18. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    What in the racist Ku Klux Klan hell is this?

    If you really think like this, you need to leave Black men alone.
  19. maddy

    maddy New Member

    It was a humorous attempt to touch some unfortunate real life situations

    Hey guys,

    It looks like what i've said, touched a lot of people in lots of different ways, so i will have to specify that my post was suppose to be a humorous attempt to touch some unfortunate real life situations.

    There was no harm intended to anyone, especially to the ones who are "good men" for real (meaning they are reliable, trustworthy and has the ability to take good decisions)

    However, after i've seen how offended some people got, it made me think i should turn this into a serious debate because these were not things i pulled out of my hat.

    I've dated guys driving top notch cars bought on other family member's names because they own credit was too f.. up.

    *** I've dated someone who thought it was OK to show up at my company Christmas party two hours late wearing a shiny big logo shirt, shades and a scarf hanging from the back packet of his cool baggy jeans, simply because the party was taking place in a nightclub.

    *** I've dated a guy who thought it was perfectly OK to help some friends get some grass because " it's just $20 bucks, what's the big deal, weed is not even a real drug"

    *** I've dated guys who never went to the beach with me because "black people don't swim", or i have to listen to the lame excuse "Do a really look that i need some tan to you?"

    I know each of this situations is a laughing matter, but all of these above mentioned dudes called themselves "good black men". And maybe they were black men with good heart or black men with good intentions, but overall their actions didn't back up my definition of a good dependable men.

    So Trey, the only way the stereotype you asked about will loose it's power is that the people who address themselves as " good black men" will actually be good quality people.

    Espy: Yes babe girl, i make a mistake their. It's solely my opinion. Since you don't agree with what i said it will be interesting to know what a good black men is in your opinion

    I am happy to know in real life a good 50-60 of these good black men who are entitle to consider themselves good because they really are excellent people. Thank you for being in my life!
  20. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    That shit isn't funny at all....

    Your perception about how a BM should be in order to be "good", sounded very racist even though you provided us with some examples. I'm talking about your personal view of what you have deemed "good" is very flawed and it's quite sad.

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