Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors are Jesuit-trained intelligence & espionage agents provocateurs (double agents). Farrakhan with Rev. Michael Pfleger (who hates the 2nd Amendment). Minister Louis Farrakhan is currently the leader of a reconstituted Nation of Islam, the original organization having been renamed and eventually dissolved by Warith Deen Muhammad. The Nation of Islam's National Center and headquarters is located in Chicago, Illinois and houses its flagship Mosque No. 2, Mosque Maryam in dedication to Mary, mother of Jesus. Inside of Mosque Maryam - notice the eight-pointed star. It's associated with Black Magic. Eight Pointed Star: This pentagram represents and corresponds to the eight seasonal rituals observed by the Witch as well as change, abundance and regeneration within the wheel of life. As a child, Farrakhan received training as a violinist. At the age of six, he was given his first violin and by the age of 13, he had played with the Jesuit Boston College Orchestra and the Boston Civic Symphony. In Boston, Farrakhan attended the prestigious Boston Latin School (the school symbol is Romulus, the founder of Rome) and English High School, graduating from the latter. Louis Farrakhan claims he is both a Muslim and a Christian (Catholic) A packed house welcomed Minister Louis Farrakhan to St. Sabina Catholic Church...The 74-year-old provocative Nation of Islam leader, who has endured a series of health setbacks, didn't speak from the Quran but from the Bible. "Even though I am a Muslim - I don't apologize for that - I'm also a Christian," he told the crowd at 1210 W. 78th Pl. "Islam considers the Bible a sacred book." Farrakhan entered the St. Sabina Catholic Church with his friend, the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of the church.
American Nazi Party & Nation of Islam American Nazi Party members at a Nation of Islam (NOI) rally in Washington, DC. Some American Black Muslims make common cause with domestic neo-Nazis In 1961, Elijah Muhammad, founder of the Black supremacist Nation of Islam, met with Ku Klux Klan leaders at the Magnolia Hall in Atlanta. Although they had different ideas about the skin color of the master race, they shared the belief that Blacks and Whites should stay separate. The following year, Muhammad invited American Nazi Party chief George Lincoln Rockwell to address a Nation convention in Chicago. Flanked by a dozen storm troopers in swastika armbands, Rockwell told an audience of 5,000 Nation devotees that he was "proud to stand here before Black men. Elijah Muhammad is the Adolf Hitler of the Black man." Sporadic contacts between Black Muslims and White supremacists continued after Louis Farrakhan set up his own branch of the Nation of Islam in 1975. Klan leader Tom Metzger was so impressed with Farrakhan's anti-Semitic bombast that he donated $100 to the Nation after a Farrakhan rally in Los Angeles in September 1985. A month later, Metzger and 200 other White supremacists from the United States and Canada gathered on a farm about 50 miles west of Detroit, where they pledged their support for the Nation of Islam. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend," explained Art Jones, a neo-Nazi militant from Chicago. "I salute Louis Farrakhan and anyone else who stands up against the Jews." Source: Swastika & the Crescent
Hitler's Pope, Pope Pius XII, signed a Concordat with Hitler in 1933 Concordat between Nazi Germany and the Vatican, the Reichskonkordat. "Above all I have learned from the Jesuits. And so did Lenin too, as far as I recall. The world has never known anything quite so splendid as the hierarchical structure of the [Roman] Catholic Church. There were quite a few things I simply appropriated from the Jesuits for the use of the [Nazi] Party." - Adolph Hitler (1889-1945; Nazi leader and chancellor of Germany from 1933-1945) "The SS had been organized by [Heinrich] Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. The rules of service and spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius de Loyola [the founder of the Jesuit Order] constituted a model which [Heinrich] Himmler strove carefully to copy. Absolute obedience was the supreme rule; every order had to be executed without comment." - Walter Shellenberg [Chief of the Nazi Sicherheitdienst (SD)] "Setting up the Jesuit order, Ignatius Loyola devised an elaborate spy system, so that no one in the order was safe. If there was any opposition, death would come swiftly. The Jesuit order not only became a destructive arm of the Roman Catholic Church; it also developed into a secret intelligence service." - Pastor John Torrell
You Have Been Warned! Quotes On The Jesuits "The war [i.e., the American Civil War of 1861-1865] would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits." - Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; 16th President of the United States) "My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, [and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Jesuit Order's] restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, [and] death...I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of [Ignatius de] Loyola." - John Adams (1735-1826; 2nd President of the United States) "The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the starting of the two world wars - a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict." - Edmond Paris (Author of the book "The Secret History of the Jesuits") "The Jesuits...are a secret society - a sort of Masonic order - with super added features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous." - Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book "Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States") "[The Jesuits] are the deadly enemies of civil and religious liberty." - R. W. Thompson (Ex-Secretary, American Navy) "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power - power in its most despotic exercise - absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] - and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses..." - Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French) 'The whole frightful responsibility for this terrible Thirty Years' War [1618-1648] must rest upon the [Holy Roman] Emperor Ferdinand II, and his teachers, rulers, and bosom friends - the Sons of Loyola [i.e., the Jesuit Order]." - Theodor Griesinger (German historian; 1873) "If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Superior General of the Jesuit Order] are one and the same person." - James Parton (American historian) "The organization of the [Roman Catholic] Hierarchy is a complete military despotism, of which the Pope is the ostensible [i.e., apparent; seeming] head; but of which, the Black Pope [Ed. Note: The Superior General of the Jesuits], is the real head. The Black Pope is the head of the order of the Jesuits, and is called a General [i.e., the Superior General]. He not only has command of his own order, but [also] directs and controls the general policy of the [Roman Catholic] Church. He [the Black Pope] is the power behind the throne, and is the real potential head of the Hierarchy. The whole machine is under the strictest rules of military discipline. The whole thought and will of this machine, to plan, propose and execute, is found in its head. There is no independence of thought, or of action, in its subordinate parts. Implicit and unquestioning obedience to the orders of superiors in authority, is the sworn duty of the priesthood of every grade..." - Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris (Union General during the American Civil War)
i remember hearing about this stuff...white supremacists supporting black supremacists, but I never seen a photo like that. Both parties can't stand Jews and definitely want black/white to stay away from each other. None of those groups support IR. Malcom was down with all of that.....but like we should know, his viewpoint on 'color' changed drastically, during his visit to the holy land. Seeing Muslims representing all of the races made him think twice about the brainwashing he received in the states. In a way we're still brainwashed to believe Muslims are only of color. Look at the media and what happened with 9/11. Those protesters were quick to challenge anyone of color, but failed to realize that there are tons of white Muslims all throughout the globe, lol
I'm with you. I've heard, but have never seen it till now myself. They have similar agendas so I can see why they'd support each other. It's sad that theirs so much hatred among them.
but he LOVES you, my brotha i appreciate the empowerment they worked so hard to put into the mindset of our communities, during our darkest hours (when and where I grew up, being black was like having everything stacked against you), but I think he's a little too blunt for contemporary times. We're trying to come together now as a country, and i'm all for that, so I think it's time for a more refined approach. Like the one Dr King had.
the sad thing is the people that follow them. the definition of salvation is the realization of the supremacy of infinite Mind over all bringing with it the destruction of the illusion of sin, sickness, and death liberation from ignorance or illusion deliverance from danger or difficulty --------------------------------------------------------- if they knew the truth they wouldnt be wasting their time , money and spiritual energy hating. it is easier to love than to hate. they dont even realize they are being used
i dont hate you tho, my Jewish sista but yeah I really do promote travel. Even tho I don't travel, I realize from the past lessons of others, that a lot of knowledge can be attained, just by visiting different areas of our world. Shit can really open your eyes. Why do you think people in control feared others who were well-read?
i understand what you are saying but HE dont love me he loves the power I will give him if I follow him or give him too much of my time listening to him. I went to his "mosque". It is a joke.
If I had to visit a mosque, I think I would visit one in the middle-east first. i would like to get an outside look, then come back to the states and absorb our bastardization and 'blackenization' of one of the world's oldest religions.
LOL! Aww, thanx I agree with you. People really need to step outside their close-minded worlds (and minds) and see that there's so much out there past their little boxes. Well, we know Farrakhan is well-traveled, but he hasn't and won't change his agenda.
you never lie on that one. I went to the US atty/feds to report a person/exwife forging my name and destroying my credit....I stated she committed mail fraud because she mailed it to cali. he stated well it would be double jeopardy since she got convicted by the state for forgery. I responded then eric robert rudolf was convicted by you and the state of alabama and the feds and alabama are 2 different soviregns wtf. he stated yeah , uuuhhmmm how much did you lose. I responded according to USC 18 1341 nader vs us dollar amt is irrelevant. Iam i correct. he responded yeah, well uhhm it is just that ... uuuhhmm . well we cant. Im sorry bye. knowledge is a motherfucker.