I have been into this hard core genre since I was 16...I'm entranced. Usually I have to add soul and R & B to temper it, but I could listen to this ish for hours and hours. I had to leave my music behind when i came to the States, but I found it all on Y/T, so I can get my fix whenever I want!! Here is my playlist collection if anyone wants to jam back in time! http://www.youtube.com/user/kunoichi215#p/c/08A21A1F0C6A95A5
Parents used to bump this at the house when I was a kid. One of my favorites. The Gap Band. [youtube]G5r5OE_u5m0[/youtube]
Now here's some old school, nasty, unwashed Lebron James gym socks funk! [youtube]ccvUstooIfw&feature=related[/youtube]
Kunoichi, you don't know how much respect you just gained from me!!!!! Seriously. [youtube]HM62YdqxYAQ[/youtube] [youtube]CAg3LVuJPvc[/youtube] [youtube]R_7_s7R-DOc[/youtube] [youtube]YXZ5OW0FVW8[/youtube]
[YOUTUBE]uWuRefRdnDs[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]LuyS9M8T03A[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]7kYtliQs0tc&feature=related[/YOUTUBE]
I loved D.A.B.O.M! My other faves are Early in the Morning, Outstanding..and this song! [youtube]lkwvqylv1DQ[/youtube] I've always loved Charlie Wilson! :smt060. (who incidentally, is married to a white chic)
Whoa goodlove, Parliment are KING!! I saw George and Co when they did a retro comeback concert at a local club venue. Sure he was old, but he still kicked it. I was front row (standing room)..My life's dream! [youtube]Ro-DT4UBcZk[/youtube] Love this! (there's a slight intro)
BA, I know you and I could kick it for hours listening to this stuff! :smt052 I love love love Chase Me! All the songs in this thread are killer. Here are a few of my faves... [youtube]QYw5PxCBHVk[/youtube] [youtube]CF4fIEwfCIA[/youtube] [youtube]sJlAop6SyLI[/youtube] [youtube]mZyFfRM6Mao[/youtube] "When she signals from the rear, my stick comes out of gear", lol!
The original and first Queen of funk...right here!! [youtube]wLGBxSHdxUc[/youtube] rayer: Dancing up a storm! All hail the Queen! [youtube]8oRW9cN3ucg[/youtube]
Let's not forget the man himself. People nowadays mostly think of him as part of a Chappelle show skit. But he used to bring the funk real hard and aggressive. IMO another thing that makes old school funk great is the artist's voices. We all know the instrumentals were top notch, but next time you listen to some of these cuts just focus on the singing VOICE. I'm telling you, on just the vocals alone most of these cats would completely embarrass today's weak voiced radio artists. [youtube]wsXzDMRFWkk[/youtube]
Cosign. ^^ He lived and breathed it 24/7. And he was so varied in his musical range, all the while staying true to funk... Here, he goes hard vocally... [youtube]H9g0WbkDhRQ&[/youtube]
Another thing - they were true performers back in the day, instead of coming on stage in their scrubs with their pants down their asses. Classic example, I just love Lakeside's cool and suave style when they performed on Soul train in their slick suits and gangsta hats! *mmmm* :smt066 ----> http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6gbfe_lakeside-raid-soul-train-80_music Love the lead voice. Rich baritone. ************* PS: How's this for a throwback to the way it USED TO BE! [YOUTUBE]cHea2DTTkI4[/YOUTUBE] STARGUARD
Rick James was killing it back then! People forget how nasty Rick was. Awesome power and vocal range. Wicked bass lines. Damn Kunoichi. I feel like i'm in a time warp right now, 8 years old, sitting in my race car bunk bed wearing my spider man underoos under my little Geranimals pimp suit. I feel like playing some Atari.
To be a true baby gangsta you also had to have at least one pair of these... This was around the time I did my first bid. I was 4 years old. Can you believe that fuckin' DA gave me a year for trying to build my illegal jolly rancher empire.
I loved Best of my Love! That song is an all time fav of mine. So is this... [YOUTUBE]UYprggb0flk[/YOUTUBE] Such a sexy/romantic song