I admire this Mayor Fenty along with his school head Ms. Rhee who were determined to help the children in the worst school system in the nation. It seems that it was largely the black community that ousted Fenty because he fired incompetent teachers and administrators and shut down failing schools. The corrupt teachers union has won this one. Now the children of D.C. no longer have champions fighting for them. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/39195786#39195786
Michelle Rhee stated that she probably leave DC if Fenty loses since Gray does not support her. Another reason blacks in Washington, DC ousted Fenty they seen him as not having the interest of the African-American community. Ms Rhee had to do what needed to be done for DC schools.
The method that Ms. Rhee was using to improve the schools would not work in my opinion. She needs to change her plan. I am not going to be happy if she has to leave but I don't agree with her method.
Fenty lacked any moral values his support for gay marriage homosexual agendas are harmful to blacks. Another liberal controlled city ruined.
Fenty lost because he forgot about the people in the District who needed him (and voted him into office) more than anyone. "Fenty and Rhee persuaded the foundations, the reformers and the media. But they failed to persuade the one group that could have kept both of them in office: low- and moderate-income African-American voters. There's a lesson here for education reformers in other cities. Real education reform is disruptive. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. Beloved teachers lose their jobs. Neighborhood schools that have anchored communities are closed or reconstituted. But with the disruption comes a rebirth of education, a rising tide that lifts all parts of the community. Education reformers need to make that case. They need to make it to the parents who have the largest stake in quality education: their children's futures. They need to make it not only to foundations and editorial writers but also to neighborhood leaders, small-business entrepreneurs, and ministers and their flocks. In other words, they need to make it to the people with whose support reform will not only succeed but take root. Because if they don't, other reformers will find themselves with Fenty and Rhee in the history of education reform, in the chapter titled, "What Might Have Been." Taken from: http://www.theroot.com/views/does-d...nal-national-defeat-education-reform?page=0,1.