Quick question for black guys.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Adolescent09, May 7, 2010.

  1. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I agree 100%, but as you know in some cases WW aren't any better and both are affected by typical Western Culture coming from the idiot box.
  2. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    It actually annoys me too. It's not even flattering, I don't want a guy who is with me because he has extreme problems with black women. :/
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    LS relax I doubt that will ever be the case with you kid. You've got a good package going. I'm sure the guys going for you are probably mopre focused on the hot piercing and your booty.
  4. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member


    is equated as the same thing, so then some feel the need to verbalize that misconstrued notion by addressing those who (publicly and loudly) misconstrue it, which gets considered to be hating on those said people. (see Taye Diggs)
  5. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

  6. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    As I always say, I'm not trying to be some dudes consolation prize.
  7. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    There's so much crap being circulated whenever we have a relationship with a WW. Nobody makes a big deal about BW/WM - so, there's no reason to explain WW/BM either. You meet many different kinds of people in your life; but it's only out of fear and guilt that Black Women and White Men lose their minds when they see us with WW. We don't really care what they do - they're just mad because their monopoly on the interracial scene has been broken.

    That's their problem...
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You and LS need to kill that noise. You're attractive women. No guy is looking at you and thinking "Well I can't get a good black chick so I guess she'll do"
    Its more along the lines of "damn i'd love to butter that sweet Jewish bagel" so knock it off. You're cute deal with it.
  9. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    Thank you, but that's not what I'm saying. It has nothing to do with looks, but how some BM are fed up with BW, so they come to us. Not talking about the dudes who genuinely have an affinity for WW. I'm talking about the dudes who date us under the wrong premise.

    I knew of a dude like this. You know deep down he wants to be a with a Sista, but he can't meet the right one. That also says a lot about his choices in a mate and not their skin color, but I digress.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I gotta call bullshit on that one IB. That sounds like some weak little "I'm trying to find myself" kid shit. No grown man is dating ww because the right bw hasn't come along. I think as a young guy you might date women of different nationalities and ethnicities to see if there's a difference but no dude is gonna spend time with an attractive woman of any race just because he thinks he can't find a good one of his own race. You can't get any lamer than that.
  11. Matches Malone

    Matches Malone New Member

    People like what they like. Why do some people like cookies over cake? Why do some people prefer tall men, women with big boobs, man with a big dick. It's whatever you like and you shouldn't have to explain that to everyone. If my experience with black women has been poor...so what? Someone else may have had a good experience.

    Why can't people just like what they like?
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Lets start with the lie that you proceeded here with, which is that you are a Black man.

    Let's end with the fact that you're the dodger, since you dont have the clit to say what you really feel as a Black woman opposed to IR's.
  13. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    C'mon now. You can call BS on it all you want, but you know there are BM out there who are tired and fed up (as they say) with BW, so they date WW or other Non-BW. It happens all the time. Look at some of the dudes who post here. They spew the same rhetoric.

    The dude I knew was on some 80% BW do this and that BS.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wow I guess I've been dating ww so long that the way bw act has meant very little to me. If they're not family they pretty much don't exist so how they act won't influence how I feel about ww and think most of the dudes if not all on her feel the same way. LA coined it best when he said "I don't get the same flip in my stomach/butterflies with any other girls the way I do with ww"
  15. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Yeah, see your radar isn't focused on them. You're under what I deemed earlier as "BM with an affinity for WW". That's your natural attraction. Other dudes might be attracted to WW, but deep down in their hearts, they want a Sista.
  16. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    I love women - period. But I can see why a lot of us are fed up with BW. I've always been in predominately white environments - so, I've been surrounded by white women my whole life (it was really hard on me, too... lol). Today, I believe that there is something really special between WW and BM.

    I must add, though - I've experienced negativity from intolerant WW and BW also.

    In sum, Black and White in America is beautiful - but not always pretty...
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Then they're wack and you don't need em. Shit like that old song says "If you don't want her don't waste you're time. I'll take her"
  18. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I know some people have had bad experiences and some may be legitimate reasons, but I just don't like when people date for the wrong reasons.

    Your closing slogan is perfect...lol

    Trust, he's a goner!

    I don't like dudes like that. That's a big turn off.
  19. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    You got some decent black women out here. I can't say that all of them are fucked up because that's just not true. However, I can only speak from my experience and based on that most black women ain't shit.

    Please spare me "your mama is black" bullshit. Do you give black women the lecture when they criticize black men? Do stress to them that there fathers are black? I don't think you do cuz. So don't come at me or any other black man who share my views that bullshit.
    They do a lot of trifling ass shit and I'm going to call them out on it. I know way more about them than you will ever know.
    I know white women have issues. I've talked about them on this forum. However, white women have never caused anything like this.


    I lost 9 of my niggas in week in half. All because some dumb little skank ass hoe wanted her mouth about things she knew nothing about. You had 22 people dead all over a misunderstanding. The whole time the bitch who started it gets walk away with her life while innocent people lost theirs. Everytime I see her trifling ass I get the urge knock her fuck out.

    This is the type of bullshit I'm talking about. What does a man's opinion of black women have to do with you? You ever thought that maybe a black man that prefers white women just happens to dislike black women based on the foul shit that he's seen them do? You what you need to do is think for yourself. You have no idea what I feel the way I do about black women or white women.
    One thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other. My preference has always been white girls. I can honestly say I never had any desire to be in a relationship with black woman. My opinion of black women has absolutely nothing to do with my dating preference. It's strictly based on the trifling shit that I see black women. Is that so hard to believe?
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn fam you need a hug and you need to heal for real. Most of us here have had bad experiences with women period. Based on past experiences living in NY most women(if they're attractive and know it) are stuck up wanna be princesses but as I get older I'm beginning to see that's my bullshit circle. Change circle homie. Even if you have no desire to date black women it'll be good to let go of the anger.

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