I can't really remember. All of the times I was at my drunkest, I eventually puked a bunch of times and then blacked out. It's been about a year since that last happened.
I've been wasted a couple times. I'm proud to say that I've never thrown up though, I hold my liquor pretty good. The most drunk though was a year and a half a go. How I got home that time, is still a mystery ...
Probably back when I was in high school and my first year out of high school. I was in that experimental stage. I really dont know Ive had my nights back in the day. I dont get messed up as much as I used to ( I probably get tipsy/drunk once a month now, usually I drink a 6 pack and just chill but there are those times where I say F it and get SHITFACED). When I do get messed up its on alcohol (no more other shit). Last night I drank a 12 pack of coors in 2 hours and some change.
During my senior year at Northwestern, I got so obliterated that I woke up with yellow paint in my hair; sand all over my feet; next to a woman that I didn't even know. To this day - it's still a mystery...
It's not easy for me to get drunk, after a while I just give up. I only puked once. I drank a lot of vodka and orange juice, I think it was the orange juice that made me puke. I think that might have been the drunkest I've ever been. I was 16. Last time I was drunk was over a couple years ago. That was a pretty good drunk, but I'm going to stick with the time I puked. I'm very picky drunk. I can't drink beer (I gag and can't swallow it), I don't like wine, I don't like champagne, as for as wine coolers go, I may as well drink koolaide. Anything besides those are good.
Yeah - that would take like what, 4000 O'Douls??? I dont understand how U measure drunk though - is there a normalized scale? :smt003 [/url][/IMG] I have not reached this ^ level yet.
Yep, pretty much. Youll dillute all your electrolytes and your heart will just decide to stop among other things. Lets not try that.
The mere thought that I ud loose ma stealth when am drunk freaks the 'cooldom' out of moi ... know, I may loose it and never find it!