The Media has the blame for pumping up that preacher. The Phelps family known for "Thank God for IEDs" etc are upset because they burned a Koran and no one came. I bet the Muslims ignored them because that family protested against US Troops.
stop it with the Ben Sisko palms on a side would expect this amount of drama from a big name like Creflo Dollar or Billy Graham, back in his day. If one of those guys started burning Qurans in their mass, I would think it would have more of an effect.
you know, I forget 9/11 was upon us. First thing I seen on yahoo was some stuff that's looking to drum up those raw emotions we first had, when those planes crashed. Makes sense now tho..this whole thing with the pastor and the about perfect timing this is going to be an interesting week for anyone living in NYC most def'
Talk about a great publicity stunt, that fruit cake backward hillbilly preacher had Defense minister Gates call him on the phone and Obama ask him twice on national media not to do it. On the other hand, I think the New york Imam is determined to build it, well...I am sure some angry nut job will burn it to the ground before its 1st anniversary.
that's the whole thing about it tho man...some guy with a 50-man congregation, gets the attention of Obama, Gates, AND Petraeus... lol...that's almost as good as 15minutes fame + oprah interview, from making some shitty video on youtube;...lYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcmllcwRzbGsDZmxhY2h1cmNod29u here we go again...this time in Kansas.....whether or not it will get more attention is anyone's guess
if any good comes out of all this bullshit it will be muslim extremist and conservative whack job bible thumbers injuring themselves while protesting like a pack of rabid dogs. Fuckin assholes, i wish all these nut job cukcoos, extremists, terriosits, racists of all religion and race burn down to the fucken ground.
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I love how blown out of proportion this whole fiaco was. Some nutjob in Florida was planning on burning some Qurans...and the media came out in droves to report on it. Camping out, round the clock coverage etc. Even having the military AND the President chiming in
Extremist Stupidity No mosque at ground zero - period! It's amazing that anybody even thinks this is something to debate. Thousands of Americans were murdered near that site. And the muslim extremists can't figure out why the American People are justifiably ticked off !? Let's put it in perspective for you. You people claim not to eat pork, or have anything to do with that particular animal. So, if an American bomber flew over one of you "major" cities and dropped diseased hogs on you. And the tainted blood and guts spilled all over your streets, buildings, and persons, would you not then be incensed:smt010 about an American Meat manufacturer wanting to arrogantly come to your land set up a hog processing plant? Duh!
If they decide to move the says alot about the people of this country and how far we've come...
Bigotry, racism, that's whats fueling these protests. The problem is not with Islam, it is with extremists who pervert the word of Allah.
I think a bigger part of this is the unwillingness to show tolerence of the Muslim side. If you are truly an American and consider this country home why is it so difficult to show compassion. If building causes so much pain to your countrymen publically then why wouldn't you show empathy?
As I sat back and observed these events of the past week I notice the media is playing a big role in stoking the fire of hate and mistrust on both sides. If any of our servicemembers are killed as a result of this hysteria over religious differences i blame the media who "want the story" to make money as the culprit. This media has become a danger to this country in their lies, distortions, playing one against the other, and plain dishonesty. What happen to the days when they did their job to report facts and not just offer opinions. Maybe it's time for some action against the media (fourth government) and stop their manipulative hold on power of thought in this country.