"Smack that chinese nigga":roll: http://mediatakeout.com/43425/thats...nese_food_man_in_the_face____in_new_york.html Its POS hoodrats like these that give us good law abiding brothas a bad name.:smt076 Look at these ignorant little fools. Laughing like idiots and filming it. That little bitch ran away(being the coward he is) Wasnt anything remotely funny about that at all. No respect for their elders, threatening an innocent man like that at his own restaurant for Christ sakes. SMDH
that's yo peoples, son asian people per capita in the US, are probably some of the most kind citizens we have. all karate flicks aside, i haven't met one that wanted to fight me, or do something stupid to anyone out in the street seriously
You're being too charitable, m8... NOT the "dumbest" thing you've ever seen... But the most FUBAR thing you've ever seen! Well, one of 'em, anyway.... When I *do* come Stateside on SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT...and *I'M* in proximity (i.e. witnessing distance [outside looking in]) of seeing ANYTHING like that...and I get a good look at the bastard who did it...and he strolls outta the door of said establishment.... Lord, let me be the first man he meets.. OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
God damn shame. Black folks must loved youtube and other media streaming sites, because I mostly hear black folks saying "put that shit on youtube, mayne". Nigga gonna smack dude and run away. All these other mufuckas sittin' around and laughing like they're tough shit. And there's always some dumbass cameraman talking his annoying ass shit. No matter who you are, you sound annoying from behind the camera. Ghetto heathens are on a whole new level. And of course, black buffoonery wouldn't be complete with other little heathens sitting there, eating fried chicken, having a nigga good time. Proof that worldstarhiphop.com is full of niggas, the kid that says "put this on worldstar". Reminds me of the little niglets that would harass the Middle Eastern man at the corner market after school. Most of them were black. They would talk shit, get racial and act tough like they were really going to do something. I don't know how dude went all those years without hopping over the counter and beating some ass. Helll, I was probably the only black student that showed him some respect. I ain't even bullshittin'. Ol' nigga at the end, "If you wanna see some more funny videos". It ain't funny, 'tarded ass nigga. Rnat over.
They kill black people in china..fuck em'. If that was a white boy...he'd beg for another slap...and ya'll would be laughin at that shit.
They also kill baby girls in China. I saw a picture once that haunts me to this day, a little baby girl dead in the gutter with people walking on by, somewhere in Shanghai (I think). But this wasn't filmed in China, it was filmed in America. That guy was just trying to run his business, not hurt anyone. Doesn't matter what a bunch of people who look like him do in another country. He didn't do anything to deserve to be slapped like that. If someone uses "They're killing black people in China" as an excuse to harass someone that's called RACISM. That man might be from fucking Taiwan for all we know! And even if he's from China, how is that man responsible for anything going on there?! He's just trying to sell ppl some damn food. And, you know, I've not met a single Asian person that knows any fucking martial arts. All those comments on the video are retarded. "Why didnt he go kung fu on his ass?!" BECAUSE HE PROBABLY DOESN'T KNOW KUNG FU! This is all kinds of fucked up. From the numbnuts in the video to the comments, it just annoys me thoroughly.
dude really. lies are spread to stir up trouble and give evil people power. that is how racism came to existence. This has been noted in the bible (torah). read number 12: 1-12 the Rabbi's in the commentary pointed out in the torah (bible).
This kind of shit used to piss me off, because I thought it made Black folks look bad. But I realize that those people don't represent me or the large amount of decent Black folks.
That proves that that site is full of niggas. If Fubu hadn't already used "For Us By Us", those ignant mufuckas would be saying "worldstarhiphop: For Us By Us".
Sigh Leave it up to flamingh to make the dumbest comment once again.:roll: They kill black people in China??? Really? Wow, guess what, black people kill black people HERE in the United States. Hmmm. And that asian man was minding his own business, doing his job in peace and got smacked FOR NO REASON.
Oh no doubt BUT it does look really bad that all of these young brothas were just laughing about an innocent man getting smacked for no reason. There were little kids in there that thought it was funny and there was a different set of older kids in there (in their 20s) that were filming it and eggin him on. Disgraceful all around. I am just waiting for chicity and Nikon to come in this thread and blame all of this on U.S. public schools.
Asians kill asians too cocksucker..in asian....hmmm Those African students MURDERED in china were minding their own business too cocksucker.
Damn I didnt see it that way. Really good points flamer. That asian guy definitely deserved to get smacked now that I think about it.
Russians kill blacks and Arabs are still enslaving Africans in Africa and Mexicans are killing blacks in LA. Using your logic I guess we should assault every racial group of people that have assaulted us and by the way this Chinese guy didn't kill any African students. Your know different than those white racist that justify racial attacks against blacks because of black crime rate. That man was doing his job minding his business there are still business that refuse to serve black customers and yet this guy do and look how he is rewarded by being assaulted. Flaminghetero you are a first class idiot you probably thought it was cool like the other retards in this video has well.