Yep, it's official, folks... After 22 years as Mayor of Chicago The Honourable RICHARD J. DALEY (As opposed to his Dad & predecessor, The Much Regretted RICHARD M. DALEY) is stepping down from his Mayoral Post. Guess when it's time, it's time.. Besides, he doesn't look forward to having HIS tenure ended abruptly like his Dad did (He had a fatal heart attack).. Coincidentally, contrary to what SOME people assume...this is NOT why *I* have got plans to make my way back to The States.. Not at ALL! Yes, it IS business-related, but.... London has been my home since 2000...and is gonna be my home until the day I *die*.. I *do* have a suggestion.. How 'bout chicity throwing HER hat into the ring? Ennyroad... Retire In Peace, O'Esteemed Fellow Chicagoan. Farewell, God Bless, and Good Luck. 'Nuff Said!!!! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
No offense Bookworm but your city has had a bad image for a long time and this guy remained in the seat. This change is very much needed. You may get someone who can actually change the image.
Oh I'm happy he's not coming back. He's HORRIBLE for the city. But, I'm more shocked because I figured he was a lifer. I thought they'd be dragging his dead body out of the mayor's office. It surprised me to read he isn't seeking re-election. Hopefully, the city will start to improve under new leadership.
Well, if not chicity, then how 'bout *you* throwin' yer hat into th' ring, Luv? Not far fetched at all.. After all...ya had RONALD REAGAN, JESSE ("The BODY") VENTURA, CLINT EASTWOOD, ARNOLD SCHWARZENNEGGER, and even one of MY idols AL (The ORIGINAL 1970'S "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE") FRANKEN in various HEAD OFFICE seats. They could always make WORSE choices, eh? OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
I'm not adverse to admitting what's rotten about Back Home myself.. I kinda sorta still chagrin when I tune in the WGN News with the question "All right....who died NOW?!?" Still and all, there's *still* good to be enjoyed in Chi-Town. Ya just hafta be VERY careful where ya hang your hat whilst there. And as for my Suburban birthplace of Maywood, Illinois.. Sadly, it's like THOMAS WOLFE said: "YOU CAN'T GO HOME AGAIN" 'Nuff Said!!!! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
i dont watch the news here but i know one year we had like 500 homicides or roughly 1.4 killings per day every time you turned on the TV, you seen them talk about it...and sadly, MANY of them were black. Certain areas you just avoid, especially in the summer because they act da fool out here.
Yep, Compadre... Sad, but true..... Take my word, I'm VERY closely and diligently doing ALL the resaerch and investigation that I can, via the news websites serving U.S. cities I plan to visit... I will KNOW just WHERE to keep OUR asses the hell AWAY from when W are on OUR business trips there. ("We" as in me, Mellisa & mebbe a colleague or two from overseas, as well) Kinda sorta pretty much all but FUBAR to have to *do* a thing like that... But, hey, welcome to *modern times today!* OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
my city has good and the bad, but i just wish the brothas would tighten up their game and treat each other better...... how can you support them and their businesses, if you're scared to go into the hood, lol