It's been a widely known opinion (rumour or fact, we do not know) that *many* people that are in the field of sceince, astronomy, and such.....are of an agnostic/atheistic bent.. One of the most renowned luminaries is the latter field is, perhaps, lending credence to that assertion with his new forthcoming tome: In his words, Verify Thee Hence: I wonder....will the soon-to-be-released tome suffer the same threatened fate as the Q'oran is in Florida? And will this lower - or heighten - Hawking's overall standing amongst his aficianados? Who's to say? OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
I can't imagine this surprises anyone? Given his level of intelligence, his profession, and his illness, I'd be shocked if he did believe that God created the universe. He's entitled to his opinion and his opinion is just that, his, it doesn't change my belief at all that there is a God. I don't know why it would have any effect on his standing with anyone.
science has been clearing up the spiritual for centuries now.. as your intelligence level becomes more broad-spectrum, many things that were once considered 'black or white,' turn foggy and you look for your own explanations and challenge the old ones. that's why geniuses have been associated with being mentally unstable. that shit is hard to handle.
Stephen Hawking - what a joke! He and a bunch of misfits - oh, I'm sorry, Mathematical Physicists spec-out the world's largest machine (LHC); and it doesn't work. Now he gets to go on television and proclaim how smart he is - but he hasn't done anything. I can't bring myself to laugh at that joke.
I disagree with his logic especially since more notable physicist like Newton and Einstein believed there is God. Robert Dawkins just wrote another book supporting Hawkins views on the subject but to be honest has a clue yet, we're still in the dawn of our evolution and barely have thimbles worth of information of the Universe so like everything else we will wait and see. And here's something to keep in mind. Science isn't perfect as are all belief systems, religion included. We once believed the earth was flat and that people having seizures were possessed so I'll listen to anything but believe what I can apply to my own life until it no longer serves me.
He's one of the biggest figures in the study of quantum mechanics. He helped develop string theory. Stop watching cartoons they're not accurate.
the earth is flat relative to your current position, and provided you are not talking about the 'entire' earth so in a way, people that said the earth was flat were right....they were just misunderstood
Really? He did? Why didn't my professors tell me. You'd think that during the course of learning Quantum Mechanics, Low-Temperature Physics and Superconductivity, Elementary and Secondary Differential Equations, and Differential Geometry I would have come across the guy's name at least once...
"A Brief History Of Our Universe" is his most popular & widely-read tome. OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
Don't talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking The aliens are out there and earth had better watch out, at least according to Stephen Hawking. He has suggested that extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist - but that instead of seeking them out, humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact. The suggestions come in a new documentary series in which Hawking, one of the world's leading scientists, will set out his latest thinking on some of the universe's greatest mysteries. Alien life, he will suggest, is almost certain to exist in many other parts of the universe: not just in planets, but perhaps in the center of stars or even floating in interplanetary space. Read more: Times Online Is there any proof that aliens exist?
science has uncovered stranger things than aliens think about dinosaurs and all of the weird-ass looking fish that still exist
No worries, mate. Let's just say that Stephen Hawking's theories are so incomplete and unsubstantiated by direct experimentation, that's it's difficult to take his "rock star" status seriously. I'll bet he has nightmares about Gravitation...
Yeah but aliens represent something outside of earth and religious zealots don't want that. As long as people focus on just earth they're easier to control. The concept of aliens would challenge all other belief systems
yeah it would considering 'MAN' is at the epicenter of religion I remember an episode of 'Babylon 5,' where God appears, but is presented in various forms, representing the image all of the different religions and planets believed in. So to one species, god was some creepy alien, but to humans, god was more archetypal. pretty deep for a TV show
Exactly! Winner winner chicken dinner. That's why I believe aliens definitely exist and its being covered up.
anything that challenges religion is covered up...I bet The Divinci Code wasn't too far off religion serves as a structure for a lot of things...that's one house of cards i dont want to see crumble
I think we're getting to point where it can because for the most part its ridiculous bullshit meant to keep the poor silent and waiting for a better life in heaven. It has more holes than swiss cheese.