Question? Why do ww women like black men when they get older

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Rocket, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Why be here is you don't want to be a contributing, respectful member?
  2. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    I haven't disrespected any women yet. When I do everyone here will take notice.
  3. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    Ms geek you're completely out of touch with reality once again. You are the one who attacked me out of the clear blue for no reason. You've been rude to me since I came and I have no idea why. Whats wrong with you girl? Do you have a problem with me being ghetto? Do you have a problem with me speaking the truth? Why are you so upset?
  4. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    I do want to contribute to the forum. But you have people who don't like what type person I am and completely ignore the valid points that I've presented. If you go back and look at how every single argument I've had here it's always been somebody coming at me out of the clear blue. I have never started an argument here.
  5. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Yes you have. Just because a post was removed, doesn't mean people didn't read it. You are incredibly disrespectful to pretty much every male you've interacted with, and you're not doing so great with the women either. I personally make no distinction between being disrespectful to women or men, one is no better or worse than the other. The point is there is no reason for that type of approach, it's sure not gonna win you points or make people think you're a bad ass, and will likely lead to you being banned. Were I you I would speak my mind, but do so in a manner better suited to a discussion. You can't have any type of meaningful discussion with someone if people no longer wish to interact with you because you're unpleasant or inappropriate, and if you think you're just here to blind us with brilliance or teach us something, you can save yourself the trouble cause if I feel a need to seek out knowledge I sure am not gonna turn to you.

    Oh and lastly in anticipation of another ill advised, scathing reply from you, just let me preemptively add that this is an online forum, if you post in a thread, anyone that likes may reply. You do not control who is, or is not allowed to address one of your posts. If you are not prepared for a discussion, don't post, because people will likely reply to counter your complete horseshit or your disrespectful attitude.

    I'd urge you to go back and read what you've posted. Calling someone a hateful name is in fact likely to incite an argument. That combined with whining that everyone is in fact picking on you, and that you haven't done anything just really doesn't lead to respectful conversation. I have more respect for the grass in my backyard at the moment than I have for your attitude.
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I did in fact see the post that was removed. That was pretty ugly - its not like he made any friends so far. He has instigated everything on here and now he is playing the victim. Pretty entertaining.
  7. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I have not attacked you, nor have I been rude to you - In fact, I have been way nicer to you than you deserve give what you write directly to me snd to smooth about me.
    Why are you playing the victim now?
  8. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    55 pages in, are there any stats to back up this notion?
  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Not one.
  10. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    lets ask rocket lol

    This thread is two years old. It should have faded away. lol
  11. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    Espy, I'm not feeling you right now. You've been biased against me since I first came here. It's perfectly find for anyone to insult me but I when I give them the same treatment then I'm the one who's wrong, right? That's a bunch of fucking bullshit. You're a poor excuse for a Mod. I have never so much onesided bullshit in my life. Why don't act like a real Mod and see how all of this shit started. You'll see that I was the one who was insulted. I was the one who was called ghetto trash. As soon as I defended myself and dish an insulted of my own here you can rest of these people come. Don't try to put that shit on me shawty. I'll take full accountablity for any and everything that I've said here. The problem is you'll hold me accountable for everything I say and won't hold anyone else accountable for anything they say.
  12. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  13. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    lmao is that her body guard? I don't think so. lol
  14. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I can read, as can everyone else, which is precisely why you have received the reception that you have. You almost immediately started in with verbally abusive posts directed at the men, before anyone mentioned 'ghetto trash', and even then no one called you that, they said your post sounded that way. Basically you are responsible for the reception you've received. If you are out of line and insulting to another member, you shouldn't be shocked if people don't extend a warm welcome to you. Those who post on a fairly regular basis are familiar with each other, we consider each other friends, and I'm sure you know that most people won't sit idly by and watch a friend be insulted. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, I see now that in your case that's no longer warranted. If you have an issue with me as a Mod, take it up with the Webmaster.

    You know we get a lot of people here with suspect or alternate agendas, and I've noted that they often share some similarities.

    1. They come off rude and insulting
    2. They insist they've been nothing but nice
    3. They whine that everyone is picking on them
    4. They bring up what awful people the moderators are

    Hmm... so far you are 4 for 4, and I'm not the only one who can see that.
  15. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    It's the internet it's suppose to be entertaining.

    You did attack for my reason whatsoever. You joined the lynch mob thinking that you were going to bait me into an blasting you so I could get banned. But as you can see I didn't bite. I see right thought you girl. You not talking to some dumb ass nigga that don't know shit. As far as my statements to smooth if you're as smart as I think you are you would have saw that it wasn't even about you. I was just trying to get up under his skin so he could give me material so I could report him. I want to give Espy some material so she can see people on here are guilty of the same thing she's excusing me of. And he pretty much did played right now my hands. Anyway, I don't want to argue with you anymore Geek. So I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart that I'm sorry for what I said to and about you. Do you accept my apology?
  16. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    ....If I ever get to the point when I start asking people not to take me seriously....please ban me!!!
  17. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  18. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    Why are you bringing up old shit? That happen that other day in a completely different thread which has absolutely nothing to do what's going on right now. Don't make excuses why you're not doing your job. I have no problem with you telling me about myself. You're right, I might be responsible for the reception I'm getting from these people. However, does that mean the rules no longer apply to them because you feel they're justified? You're being bias right now Espy. I'm man enough to will admit that I was wrong with how I came off. But are you woman enough to admit that you're being biased? You're a mod and it's your job to keep order around here. That's all I'm asking you for is fairness.

    Now I have told you that I'm here because I love white women. That's all I wish to talk about with you all. I don't want to feud with the ladies here. To be honest I don't want to beef with the brothers here. So lets just forget about the negative things I said and lets start all over. I promise I'll be nice.
  19. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    wow! Underhanded, but still an appology. deal.

    I didnt attack you, I questioned your statement about "getto men" I made a pretty neutral statement. You came at me, and after that - its pretty much free season as far as I am concerned.

    and if you payed attention, you used real offensive put-downs and swearwords, I never did.

    I didnt bait you, I dont work like that - Did you really expect me to take your shit laying down??? Of course I will respond, that is not baiting, that is called - not being your bitch.

    Anywhoo - that was big of you to appologize although I didnt need one, thank you and yes - peace.
  20. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


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