Brian White Marries Non-Black Woman; Goes Off On Haters Via Twitter

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by raocha, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I don't disagree with you, Babybro. You'll notice I said "much easier" instead of "easy" and "very rarely" instead of never. You can't deny that women cop it FAR MORE than men. Not saying it doesn't exist for men too.

    What you experience is on the other end of the spectrum, and by no means any less significant or important an issue.
  2. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I know this is a bit of a backhanded comment at people like me who jump to those people's defense, but... seriously. Don't. What's the point? There's plenty of people in this world that I think are heinously ugly for a variety of reasons. What advantage is it to me to be sprouting off about it and making that person feel bad? None.
  3. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Like I said, it makes no difference how much I weigh or anyone else who feels passionately about this. I wish we could separate the two so you could understand that. For example. FlyingGeek gets in on these discussions about weight passionately too and she's got the fit, slender physique that is desired by the media. It's not about fat people complaining that there aren't enough fat people in the media. It's about changing the perception of the ultimate beauty standards so that people (men and women alike) everywhere aren't forming extremely unhealthy self esteem issues and eating disorders etc. If the media were to present these people positively, people who represent a wide spectrum of body types, without making weight a negative thing, those problems would cease to exist. (And, for example, people like Babybro wouldn't have the need to form these insecurities about his own weight and the pressure from society to be something that's not natural for him)
  4. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    It's sacrosanct to say that all women are beautiful.

    but most of us have scales and standards like you do.

    What's the standard then for beauty if everyone is considered beautiful? That wouldn't be a standard at all?
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Its pointless to argue this shit with most women. Its like the money issue with men.
  6. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Please remind me, what is the money issue for men babe?

    As for the weight/beauty topic. Personally I think everyone has different standards so I guess I think everyone is already covered because everyone will appeal to someone somewhere. Frankly why would you waste time worrying about or discussing the people who don't find you appealing, let them go get with whomever they please and you do the same.

    I know I'm obtuse, but I seriously don't get the whole thing about the media driving what people consider beautiful. I do understand that they flood the world with what they apparently think people want to see, but that doesn't impact my self-esteem, or self-image in the least, regardless of what type they are pushing. Honestly when I see the androgynous, stick thin models that are apparently in vogue at the moment, I'm just really thankful I don't look like that. I think if you have a strong sense of self, and you are content with yourself, you don't give a damn what the media portrays. If your primary motivation is to be comfortable and happy with yourself, then what anyone else thinks doesn't matter in the least. Self-esteem should not be something that the media or anyone else can take away from you. Too many people don't have a strong sense of self, and don't believe in themselves, that's why they have low self-esteem. Basically I believe that the low self-esteem came first, and therefore the media and other people's opinions of them have the ability to have more of a negative impact. If you've got healthy self-esteem, even if someone tells you that you suck every day, you know better than to buy that crap. I think the problem you run into is that too many parents don't raise secure children in the first place, and it's difficult to overcome that later in life. If you raise them to believe in themselves, nothing and no one can take that from them.
  7. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Race is a business. Racist and race baitors would not allow this to happen. The first thing that we see in a person is COLOR at least in Amerikka.
  8. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I so swore I was done arguing weight issues on this board. How did I get sucked into it again? :rolleyes:

    Bottom line, someone who has a body shape bigger/different to the "norm" being portrayed in the media positively is a GOOD THING. But people continue to bash them for no reason. Or for false reasons. Like I've said before, like other people have said, if you can't stop hating on other people for superficial reasons it's only a reflection on your own self-worth. Let it go. Let people be who they are. Celebrate people's successes.

    Gabby was in a successful movie and portrayed her role convincingly. Why can't we just celebrate that and leave it. And if you don't think she did, well.. that's your prerogative, but making derogatory comments about her weight is uncalled for.

    And I'm done. Again.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Men are judged by their status and how much money they have just as harshly as women are about their weight. I just think weight is far easier to control then weight accumulation.
  10. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Fixed. Thank you for the explanation, I was lost...again LOL! I suspect for some people it's actually easier to lose weight than it is to increase their income substantially, so I don't think we're comparing like to like here. I also don't subscribe to that particular mentality. I don't judge anyone by what they look like or what they have, I look at who they are, because honestly that's really all that actually matters. People can gain or lose weight, and they can make or lose money, but it doesn't change who they are. They may think it does, and yes it may change their level of happiness with themselves or their lives, but again that doesn't change who they actually are.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That's really sweet that you think that way but we live in a sight only culture. Seeing is believing and it only matters if its material.
  12. Espy

    Espy New Member

    To you perhaps, but not to me. I know that stuff is just stuff, and how much or how little stuff I have really makes no difference babe. If I'm not happy with me, a sports car or a mansion in a specific zip code isn't going to change that. If more people invested time and energy into becoming who they wanted to be, instead of trying to buy their way to contentment, we'd have a lot more happy people in the world.
  13. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Exactly. Sometimes people are a little slower to learn it but it comes eventually.
  14. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    that goes with their looks. if a person is happy with themselves then wieght overall shouldnt be an issue. It is important for health reasons but just to fit in and be accepted in a terrible reason. look at the models...they are seriously unhealthy and there has been movements to change the look for models because their underweight and it is killing them.
  16. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Agreed, if you weigh 400 pounds and are happy with yourself, then I'm happy for you and I'm sure not gonna give you crap for it. It's your body, you're the one who has to deal with any unhealthy ramifications of being overweight, so really it's no one's business to tell you what they think you should weigh. I find it irritating though when someone isn't happy with something about themselves and just refuses to do anything to remedy that, preferring instead to whine and bitch about. My personal philosophy is make some attempt to change what you don't like, or just be quiet. If you try and fail to achieve your goal, at least you tried.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I disagree. People treat people with money a lot better than those who don't have it and that's going to shape how one sees the world.
  18. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member


  19. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Agree to disagree on this babe. I know there are people like that, but I just don't see that with the people I know personally.
  20. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    A good try is worth a lot of respect. Even if the try doesn't work, it shows what your intentions are. I hate when people become complacent about things but then have the gall to complain about it. Some people have difficulties achieving certain things in life due to difficulties that may be beyond their control, but if these difficulties are present just be positive about them if you are not able to change them. Love yourself is the mantra. If you are broke and can't do anything about it then thank God for your life and don't complain to me about being broke. Complaining takes away precious time for you to strategize about how you can get money. The same concept applies to personal self esteem and weight issues. If you have a problem with losing weigh be positive about living because somebody didn't wake up this morning. Strategize on the little things that you can do to stay as healthy as possible.

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