1. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    When I look at her I think well, she is with a man who can't be faithful and she is dumb enough to take that chance. She'll proabably get hers. For me the other aspects that came out about him are even more troublesome than his cheating. The assoication with white supremicists per his lover is more than enough to rule him out in my mind. Total loser and now she is too by association. :(
  2. Espy

    Espy New Member


    That diagnosis never sits well with them though Francie. But good for you for telling her the truth.

    I have to agree Jordan. I try not to make judgements about people I don't personally know, but I've caught a few minutes of her show a couple times and I'm always thinking 'somewhere there's a village missing it's idiot'.
  3. verbalkint

    verbalkint New Member

    I believe a more accuate analogy of this situation would be, someone steals at a job, gets fired, and then new employers rush to the thief flooding him with more lucrative job offers. While the person who does not steal is on the unemployment line. There is very little incentive for the thief to stop stealing.

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2010
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    .....so...when more info about Jesse James being a racist comes out, Kat Von D can't play stupid and say 'well I didn't know I was getting romantically involved with a neo-nazi'
  5. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Eh, you clearly didnt read what I was saying. I meant that even a cheater might deserve a chance - by somebody. You cant keep being punished by all women if you cheated on a woman. That is not right.

    In the exqample of James - serial cheater who is in the limelight and everybody knows that he is.. well, these women that go with him now - get what they deserve. They are fully informed, can blame anyone but themselves. I was talking about in the real world.

    I hear what you are saying.. but that is not how it works.
    As I said, most of the time - a woman in the real world, does not know she is getting with a cheater - cheaters dont share that - do they.

    When a woman gets with someone she knows has cheated, he has not cheated on HER ... (yet) - so for many women, they think they will be good enough that he wont cheat or maybe he has not been in love before or any excuse thatll do. THese women do suffer from the Platinum Vagina Syndrome that Francie talked about (LOL) or just plain dont have any self esteem or are just wearing rose colored glasses. Women can be naieve sometimes when it comes to this.

    But for the most part, women just dont know they are getting w a cheaters as they dont come with labels.

    As far as your analgy about men that dont cheat "being in the unemployment line" - as if - if you dont cheat no woman wants to be with you???
    Then your smoking crack. Thats rubbish.

    But for the most part, humans in general have a tendency to not punish people that have not committed a crime towards them.n Its different once you personally have been violated vs someone you dont even know. Thats just how we work.

    Out of curiosity - How old are you? I dont ask to be condecending, I ask because its acctually relevant to what views we have
  6. verbalkint

    verbalkint New Member

    A couple of points here:

    1. You are correct in that people who have cheated shouldn't be punished forever for their misdeed, however, the only gauge of how someone will act is their past actions. It's not a fool proof gauge, but it is still the best one. So anyone who gets with a cheater should be weary.

    2. If someone doesn't know the person they were/are with is a cheater, it is somewhat irrelevant to this particualr post.

    3. As for the whole unemployment line portion of my previous post. Let me clarify. Two men. Cheater1 and Straight Laced1.

    Cheater1: Sex with wife & sex with mistress = Usually more sex than other guys.

    Straight Laced1: Sex with wife = usually equal to or less sex than Cheater1.

    Lets say that Cheater1 and Straight laced1 break up with wives. Cheater is outed for his infideltiy, Straight laced's wife falls for another man.

    Cheater1: May still have sex with mistress + gets bad boy rep and more women will flock to him due to platinum vagina syndrome = sexual success.

    Straight laced1: Viewed as a loser, can't keep a woman, and being women don't often want men who other women don't want, gets no play = sexual failure.

    While this isn't always the case, it seems to work out this way often and it shows that cheating's "behavior" is often rewarded.

    As for age I am 2.5 years old. :wink:
  7. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I agree on 1. and its a tough balance and on one side I really dont want to punish people for past discretions - but I dont want to be with one either, unless something miraculous would happen.

    On 2. I think its very relevant to the original post, directly so. But we can talk about women who knowingly go with cheaters, Im fine w that.

    On your example there - I cant even remotely agree or relate relate to that.
    I dont know a single woman that would fit that description.

    And honestly I think that reflects more on you than women in general. If I end up with crappy men all the time - I should be wise enough to realize that its probably my behavior in what men I select, rather than that being a reflection of all men.

    Clearly, there are damaged goods women out there that think like that about men. But its simply not the majority, not even close.
    And also some women whodont care, or just want to play - as men do.
    And why not? Goose, gander, bla bla.

    I think women in general have a dream of being happily married with a faithful husband that adores them. We are inundated with that sort of stuff w white weddings etc since were little girls. Happily ever after dream. In general (disclaimer, LOL).

    But, I feel like groundhog day when it comes to this discussion. Its a dead horse.

  8. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Let me be the first to share my thoughts based on my experience dating girls.

    I cannot recall any girl asking me if I had a girlfriend within the first five minutes we are getting better acquainted. I’ve had a few pose the question while we were dining however, the majority don’t ask until their emotions start getting the best of them.

    A lot of girls prefer being the mistress for there is no strings attached and, they have the opportunity of being entertained during the process. It is only when they start falling for the guy, they find it a problem being the mistress.

    There are a lot of girls who use “harmless flirting” as a means to get better acquainted with a guy, despite, having a boyfriend or in wedlock. Many girls do make the first move before the guy takes notice.

    The majority of girls don’t care if the guy has a girlfriend (or wife) and, are just as promiscuous as guys providing the bloke tickles their fancy. As long, as you are not trampling on their heart and, give them lots of attention, they could care less how you treat your girlfriend.

  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Your post goes for both women and men alike, but you know that.

    On the bolded, its certainly not the majority that behaves like that - make no misstake.
    Just because that is the women you come across, doesnt mean that is a true reflection of reality.

    We all have experiences and a frame of reference, but like I said in the above post - it doesnt make it the average norm - its a mere reflection of me and my realm.
    I dont understand why people have such trouble with owning that and blaming the other sex for their shortcomings. Both men and women.

    I own my misstakes, I have chosen a lot of crappy men when I was less old and less wise LOL.
    I am wise enought to KNOW its not a reflection of men in general. Most men are good, just as most women are good - its a mere reflection of the choices I have made.

    I find it so sad when I see these bitter generalizations by men (and women) on here.

    ok, Im off my soapbox, its like peeing into the wind - I know:-D
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  11. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    U crack me up and you cant bait me. but u can bite me.

  12. Complex

    Complex New Member

    It appears you and I have different meanings of the word reality.

    Real world experience is based on reality. This is why I stated based on my experience.

    I've dated too many girls from around the world to see the motive behind certain signs.

    My comments reflect my experience meeting girls on a daily basis stemming from grade school to graduate school.

    I would imagine there are certain things that may come into play, why my experience may differ from some. I don’t believe explaining what those things are, is appropriate. Delving in such things may come across as gloating.

    Nevertheless, what I stated in my previous thread is my reality.

  13. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    You hit the nail right square on the head with "your reality". Be aware of that it doesnt nessesarily reflect on the cross section of ALL women. That sthe point - we are biased on our own experiences and we all have little micro cosmoses of reality. We all contribute to our own experiences and seldom is it a fair reflection of what is going on in general. Things arent simply that black and white.
    We all have to take responsibility of our own action and stop blaming the other sex. ALL of us.

    Its not like we are going to change eachothers mind anytime soon.

    So with that.... Cheers to you:)
  14. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

  15. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Man, it's like that. I am glad I stopped watching her show. sucked to begin with.
    It is always hard to prove things like that unless you have proof of her writing it like a video. Just a terrible person.
  16. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  17. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I started looking at her differently when I heard about this. It is hard, but the mere fact that anything racial/anti-semetic floating around you makes you question things.


    That's why I posted the article, albeit true or not, it's still suspect.
  18. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Please re-read what I said in my previous post. At no point did I state "all girls." I said "a lot of girls."

    I am not certain where you seen me cast blame on the opposite sex. If you are having difficulty understanding what I wrote, please tell me which paragraph is confusing, and I will interpret it for you.

  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    lets be honest here. women are very competitive and they are like kittens.

    1) competitive --- they dont mind competing for a dude to proof to themselves and other women that they can take another woman's man.

    2) like kittens--- they have to be entertained. you can toy with a kitten for hours on end with a ball of yarn, but if you let it go and the kitten is not being toyed with it then it becomes boring and they will leave it alone.
  20. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    This little analogy is gonna go down like a ton of bricks mate:???:

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