Dark Skinned Bruhs! Let's Make a Comeback..

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by standupguy27, Feb 7, 2009.

  1. wow..no need to ask who ate all the pies..huh..lol:eek:
  2. cinque2008

    cinque2008 New Member

    I think you're wrong!

    it would not be an issue if she was a big fat black female..you are right. for one, if she was black and looked liked that woman no brotha would be with her .... that is the point and the comedy of the pic in the first place.

    it implies that we would just settle for anything no matter what she looks like (fat, ugly, trailer trash, etc.) as long as she's white..and that's not cool. I hate that sterotype! it drives me crazy
  3. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I just saw this little add on, ok right uhmm, no you can like whomever you choose, but i in particular take umbridge with people who share views with someone who dislikes mixed race kids, but you would not understand that issue as your kids are not bi racial, so what does not affect you i suppose, is ok is it?:(

    Whatever, admire the twisted little troll if you like, but understand that we are often judged by the company we keep, sometimes quite rightly so.
  4. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member


    You don't speak for all black men, just as I don't speak for all white women. Many men date and marry obese women, no matter what ethnicity. Why do you care anyway?

    But since you brought up that a black man would never date an obese black female there is the case of Jennifer Hudson's sister, Julia... she's huge and she dated a skinny black guy. So yeah, you're wrong. [Source:http://www.scandalist.com/files/gal...mily-murder/william-balfour-julia-hudson.jpg]

    Perhaps, and this is a long shot, but the black men who date below your standards see past looks and see a person, a quality you're obviously incapable of.
  5. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    You don't have to have mixed kids, some people are just incapable of empathy.

    I don't have a mixed child yet I certainly could not like someone who hates mixed children. Sounds like some racist site type beliefs to me.
  6. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Everybody does it,either consciously or subconsciously.Im not "judging" her at all.I posted the pic as a joke.I always rant on this forum about how i get annoyed seeing brothers with overweight chicks,so i posted the pic as a joke.

    That would be racist.

    Nope,im good.

    YOU obviously are obsessed with me or something.

    You stay following me around the boards trying to get your little lame shots in whenever the opportunity presents itself.

    Whats wrong,why are you so angry?

    If you dont like what i have to say,then simply ignore me.

    My "fantasy" world consist of slim,white women.If you call that a fantasy,then so be it lol
  7. malikom

    malikom Banned

    So true lol

    they dont understand
  8. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    If I were in that place in life where I'd consider having more kids, they'de most likely end up being bi-racial, and I certainly can not understand why anyone would dislike any "kid," regardless of race. Try not to judge me too harshly dear, I like to think that I am worthy enough to be found in the company of both saint, and sinner. :)
  9. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Clearly you haven't walked down a street full of black people. This is one of the reasons why IR will always be a bit of a novelty; brothas are more worried about what other people think about their women than what THEY think about their own women. Yeah the picture "implies" that BM will settle for anything but unfortunately it continues the stereotype we have of larger women...that a larger white woman is automatically trashy, ugly etc. Just listening to DH talk about West Virginia and showing me pics of people she knows...most of the trailer trash that people talk about are skinny women that most of y'all would be attracted to if all you saw was a picture. Instead of watching Jerry Springer and Maury Povich to develop a viewpoint about people...talk/meet folks and then decide. These pics are put up because certain elements (some WM not all and even some BW and BM) want to devalue the growth of IR love between WW and BM. Big WW have been getting married and having kids with WM for generations...as have big BW. By making light of this...they can act as if the love between an average sized brotha and a larger WW is merely a joke and that it should be ridiculed and laughed at...and when the BM dates a "hot" WW...then WM will say that it's either because he's rich or has a big dick or is "gangsta" and that Becky wants a bad boy...believe me..there is always a disqualifier that can help rationalize in the WM's mind why a WW would enter into a relationship with a brotha. Don't do the racist's work for them.

    This is why marriages nowadays don't last...people don't know how to work with their spouses to solve problems but most of all...people don't marry the right people...they focus more on marrying someone that everyone else (including society) approves of instead of taking their own feelings into account.

    If you don't have the cajones to ignore "society" and your homies when finding a mate...you are better off being single and saving some unfortunate woman a load of heartache.
  10. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Why the hell do you care who other people are with??? I hope you read carefully the post made before mine/this one by TheChosenOne. He speaks the truth.
  11. artbunker

    artbunker New Member

    Co sign. Again not complaining just curious. I will state it again.. Why dont you believe your getting love . In my part of the country most women love them some dark skin choclate borthers. I hear it fomr my female friends all the time. Im wondering when you guys "fell off" because I dont see it where Im at.:smt029
  12. tonytony

    tonytony New Member

    so true.
  13. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Many good points. :)
  14. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Well said and repped. Ive always tended to ignore society/peers when choosing the right woman for me as well.
  15. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Well medium skin tone here.

    First of all none of this "dark skin" or "light skin" went in or out of style -- only with ghetto, brainwashed and backwards folks. The type of people that you don't want in your life anyway even if it may be "friends" or family.

    Anytime I hear people start talking about "good" hair or nappy this and that or "I want light skinned babies" or some of the other senseless self- hating stuff I hear some blacks (and other races) talk about down that line I automatically look down my nose on them. Even some of my family members fall into this category.

    It doesn't matter if you are dark skinned or light skinned -- take care of yourself physically and be a confident man. and like I said if someone is stereotyping you or others just because of skin tone/facial features than those are people you need to cut out of your life. Even if it means cutting the majority of people that surround you out and finding a new crowd.
  16. bonyjoop

    bonyjoop Restricted

    LOL. where are you from ? That is funny. are you a conservative ?
  17. BBBabeNYC

    BBBabeNYC New Member

    LOVE dark-skinned men!

    I just think black men are so beautiful, especially dark-skinned men. I think my first movie star crush was when I saw To Sir With Love ... Sidney Poitier. Have had a sort of thing for dark men from the Caribbean ever since!
  18. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I've met some very attractive men of all shades of black. Can't really say I have a preference for either light,medium or dark skinned blk men. It depends more on his charisma,humor,self confidence and how I like his outlook(eyes,body,lips,etc).
  19. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    I know Im commenting late on this thread, but if thats you in the pic you aint even dark skinned man. Idk anyone who would call you dark skin. You medium brown if anything, thats fucked up how colorism is though.
  20. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    i thought Dark Skin guys are already in....but I hope its not too prevalent..cause where would it leave guys like me?? :(

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