In my recent vision quest, I spent some time researching signs from the universe. I've had too many "coincidences" in my life to believe that they're all just coincidences. For instance: I kind of got back together a little bit, LOL, with the fireman/paramedic. Well, I've been struggling with the whole thing, so a couple of weeks ago, I told myself whilst I was driving home one day that I was going to put the fireman out of my mind completely. I was going to forget him, etc. Then not 5 minutes later, a car got in front of me that had firefighter license plates and then that car moved and the car in front of THAT car had firefighter license plates, and then less than 10 minutes later, I see an ambulance: all reminders of him. So, I decided to do a little research on signs. And I came upon a couple of websites about them and one website said that you can ask for a sign in a set time frame and the typical signs you ask for are pennies or feathers. So, I did an experiment this morning. I decided to ask this question: In 24 hours, please give me a sign if I am not supposed to give up on the fireman. I figured a feather wouldn't be as common as a penny, so I picked a feather. I went about my day, and went to pick up my daughter from her father's house. She comes out to the car with me, and turns around and says, look a feather! I look at his lawn and there's not one feather, not two feathers but THREE feathers in his yard. And they're big feathers, like from a hawk or some other rather large bird. question to you is: do you believe in signs such as those? Do you get signs when something is troubling you and everywhere you look something seems to be pointing you in the right direction? Or do you believe it's all just coincidence and there aren't any signs and people read too much into everything?
I voted! I don't have time to read or respond to what you're saying right now because I have to get offline. Tomorrow I will.
I don't know. Pennies and feathers are plentiful and common. To me a sign would be somthing really uncommon that had some meaning just turning up and staring me in the face. Then I will take it as such and not coinkydink.
Nope I think.... when we set ourselves a goal to see a certain thing, we automatically keep our eyes open more than usual. Now, if a Feather was to appear indoors, where the possibility of a random feather was small, I would then be inclined to agree with you.
Absolutely Bookie....I have had experiences and I so believe! I guess one has to really believe that it can be possible before they are willing to accept it. To each their own on their beliefs. A very wise man once told me that without beliefs there would be no reality in your life. Believe what is in your heart. :smt045
Lmao! I love you Jaisee. :smt109 Anyhoo, whether you call them signs, omens, coincidences, synchronicity, etc etc. I "believe in" all of them and that they're everywhere if you are the type who can notice things like that. I've never asked for one though, but it's an occurence very common to me and in my life.
You know how you and I discussed how when we think about people, they contact us? So you're definitely not alone in your thinking. I don't see them as coincidences either. I also think they don't always mean something more than someone is just thinking about you at that time or things of that nature. I like when someone turns my thoughts into