Only 47% of Black Males graduate high school

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Iggy, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Do you mind if I ask what schools you attended and when you graduated?
  2. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I don't mind you asking, but I'm not gonna tell ya, LOL. :) We're not entirely unknown in the city, either of us, so to tell you that would be basically one step away from just posting our full names here.

    I prefer the anonymity I currently have here, and I think Nikon does too.
  3. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Whikle, I appreciate your thoughts on teaching.

    There are two things to remember here: While movies and tv would suggest that one of the problems facing African American education in the United States is related to discipline, all studies done comparing the behavior patterns of races in this country indicate that Black students do not present a different or greater amount of misbehavior than other students. So if we are focusing on the educational disparities between races in the US, misbehavior doesn't factor in. We do disproportionately discipline African American students, and do place them in inordinately large classrooms, however.

    The second thing to remember is that in urban schools in the United States we are increasingly using unqualified teachers. This is not an attack on teachers, remotely at all. In Chicago I know a number of highly qualified teachers that have been laid off, that could be helping to balance these inequalities in education right now. However, in many major cities throughout the US, instead of hiring qualified teachers we are hiring undereducated, uncertified teachers. Teaching is a hard job, a powerful job, one that we should respect enough to keep it exclusive to those qualified to hold it -- like yourself.
  4. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    Tell him to put his personal information on this website first.
  5. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    This is so true, you may think that I'm crazy, but I see this as at least 80% of the reason why African American boys/men--and people in general are struggling, especially in school. That sense of 'community' is dead, mad dead. I don't need a fucking statistic to tell me that either.

    My grandparent and parents generation (my parents we born in the 50's) came through the civil rights movement, got 'us' a little bit further, and we (it seems 70's on up) have now dropped the ball. Fuck the stats, I know a lot of fucking people, and most the African Americans from my parents generation are professionals, in my generation and the ones following, I can't cite nearly as many.

    What I find funny is that the older generation found success even in the eyes of extreme injustice (civil rights movement on), albeit racism obliviously still is strong, my generation can't get it together and we don't have to be worried about being lynched on our way to and from school. We don't have to walk fifteen, twenty plus miles to school; a lot of us have computers and libraries, wtf?

    I will have to plead guilty though...sometimes I get so frustrated with this topic and others that plague African Americans, and I say fuck it, I'ma just do me, and as long as I'm taken care of and those I care about, whatever...but this is the same mentality that leads to lack of 'community'.

    People, especially African Americans IMO can't/won't are scared--whatever you want to stick in there, to count on their counterparts in this society. It's like that trust building exercise where you fall back into your partners arms...well, s lot of 'us' are not willing to fall back for whatever reason. On top of all this, there are a lot more people now, our population has grown and that means a lot more opinions. It was relatively simpler when all an African American person wanted was a chance, a chance to live and thrive like white people. Not only has population obviously risen, we as a people are already behind in the game, we have yet to make it on equal footings with whites, Asians surpassed us, or had already started higher than us in society, Hispanics are going to pass us up, all the meanwhile we aren't just competing with our own society now, things are globalized and becoming more and more so every day, every year. I believe the fix can come from the 'community' solely, I think if we as a 'people' can repair our 'community', then we can make leaps and bounds...tell me if you think I'm crazy, a sambo, fool or whatever for my thought process...maybe I been stuck in my office for to long lol

    Wasn't there a school in Chicago (I could be mistaken about the location) recently that only consisted of black males that graduted the entire class, and a high number of them were accepted to colleges, etc.

    I'm definitly feeling y ou in this thread, I was talking to a girl that works for the Oprah show the other day about this.

    I see what folks are saying when we are victimized, it's true--end of discussion, but I also see the pov from some people that we do share a responsibility. Let's say we as a 'people' were able to solve the problem by next week. However or whatever 'we' would have done, would be the solution. Would that not be 'us' pulling ourselves up by the boot straps, taking on a responsibility and tackling it?
  6. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    If you want my name, number, email and address, all you have to do is ask. I have nothing and no one to hide from.:smt039
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Great points Fresh unfortunately too many people on here would rather place blame then move forward. Still waiting on some ideas for a solution.
  8. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    That's not enough. You'd have to give me your name, social security number, and driver's license number. That way, the dozen or so white men from the U.K. who are pretending to be either black men or white women - can be exposed.
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    like I said before, everyone on here is an engineer

    no one ever says they wipe asses in a daycare

  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That's a good point lol
    But I do notice people who exclusively date interracially are of the educated class.
  11. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    What is your Rate and Rank?
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    im just saying...with so many 'professionals' (although some dont act like one) around, who's flipping my burgers at the mickey d's

  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i have no rate nor rank, swabbo

    shall we let the e-penis contest begin

  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well I'm unemployed right now so I guess I can lol
  15. Madiba

    Madiba New Member true!
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    well i will never insult the unemployed...i know how it first-hand, being on your own selling stuff just to get money to eat. it sort of teaches you a lesson, that you need to find a job and do what you need to keep it lol.
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    sometimes I dont get the point. you can basically cook up any job title you want, and post it here because no one is really in a position to dispute your credentials, living standards, etc. And if they do dispute, you have the option of simply not responding back to them.

    not that I have anything against engineers


    they werent exactly popular in school (very popular at Drexel tho), but it does pay off
  18. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    engineers aren't known for their social skills :smt012 sad but true.

    On the plus side, we have so few people in engineer classes(especially when you get to the core) that we don't have to be the best person with social skills. Now whether that enables our lack of social skills is a good question. Engineering not being popular as a major is a good thing as well. Less kids in your class. The funny thing is the starting salary is very nice particularly for my major.

    The computer one is mines! 4th highest starting salary and is always mentioned as a nice job.I can't believe bio is so low though. You would think people would care on who makes those machines that could kill you.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2010
  19. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    You are a Petty Officer in the Navy - but you have no rank???!
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I quit. I'm back in school and truthfully I hated what I was doing. My parents wanted me to do it but constantly being money hungry kills your soul. I didn't like who I was becoming.

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