Point being with all the hoopla not only is there a Mosque in the general vicinity of the World Trade but as you highlighted there's a place of worship inside the pentagon. So lower that wild ass eyebrow, lol...
The Conservatives are running so much game on the Democrats, they can't keep up!! rayer:Let's all pray to Allah!!rayer:
A lot of Muslim men marry children over in the Middle Eastern countries. Hell the guy they all look up to (Muhammad) was a pedophile as well. Disgusting but thats just how it is. I guess we should just "tolerate" it:roll:
I look at it differently. If people are gonna be upset about the Ground Zero mosque, they should be just as upset about the mosque that's up and running at the Pentagon. Maybe more because it's even CLOSER to the actual scene of the crime than the proposed mosque in NYC... Who gave the ok for the mosque at the Pentagon?? Where's the public outcry? Where are the eloquent 500 word posts about how WRONG it is to build a mosque there and all the ^5's and co-signs that went along with them? Maybe since I'm not a "senior member" of this board *I missed that thread? Lol Anyway, I don't see a difference between the 2 locations. But what I DO see is yet another opportunity for people to try discredit the President, and use this cluster-f*ck of a BS *"controversy" to try make him look bad. And people falling for it hook, line, and sinker. I guess the moral of the story is Obama should've kept his mouth shut. Because if he did we'd have more mosques around the country than mcdonalds and liquor stores and people would be none the wiser.
This arguement seems to keep coming up often. "Why isn't there public out cry over the other mosque" truthfully I was aware of it so there was no way to be mad about it. This particular mosque is getting more attention so that's why I'm upset about it. Another reason why I'm not fond of the mosque idea is because even the moderate muslims don't speak out against the extremists enough and that creates a sense of mistrust that makes it hrd for me not to look at a mosque and not think negative things. I'm sure I'm not the only person who thinks like this and before anyone comes at me sideways. I'm not a bigot.
[YOUTUBE]6dXFo0UUACM[/YOUTUBE] :smt023:smt038:smt038:smt038:smt038 When olbermann comes, he comes at you hard.
This has nothing to do with the right of freedom of religion. You either have the right or not. There is no discussion there. Go speak to your local muslim to see if they think the terrorist are right. I'm certain they will say no. Just because they aren't on tv to say against it does not mean they aren't doing it. Heck, we have muslim in our military defending the country against the terrorist. Are these muslims in the military defending the country the same ones that are giving you mistrust and making it hard for you to look at the mosque and not think of negative things? Should they or any one else that chooses to build a mosque there not have the rights that they fought for? The rights that muslims died for? They are often over looked. Lets wait for fox news to bring on some of the muslims fighting for our country as speakers. I bet you won't see them there.
please!! spare me this B.S. In Israel, there is a man being charged for rape because he said he was a jew and turns out he is not. In the u.s.a, we got the government charging a 16 year old for having sex with a 15 year and has placed several other 16 17 year olds on the pedophile list for doing the same. We got the white house built from a so called jedo chrisitan nation through slaves. Several U.S. Christian presidents owned slaves. You can find something bad in every religion.
This is absolutely true. People will pervert anything and make it work to their advantage, including religion, or perhaps more appropriately, especially religion. I remember reading a quote once that pretty much sums stuff like this up. "In any given group of people you will have a few who lead, some who follow, and some who just don't care." In this case you have one idiot leading, and a whole bunch of idiots following him. 9/11 wasn't the result of religious conviction or worship, it was a group of idiots perverting religion to make what they did seem justified to themselves. Anyone who is willing to kill a whole bunch of folks they don't even know, and who have never done anything to them personally, is nuts, just plain and simple fucked in the head. That's not something that's unique to Muslim extremists, you find those folks all over the place. I'm not sure what religious affiliation Iggy is, or perhaps he's not at all, but I'm a Christian and I believe more people have been killed under the auspices of spreading and defending the Christian religion that by any other religion. Does that make me a murderer, no clearly it does not. So the concept of holding an entire religion responsible for the actions of one faction is completely ludicrous. I wouldn't want anyone to do that to me, I'm sure not gonna do that to someone else. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is actually good advice.
too true again so damn true. I wish I could rep you but I have to spread the love what do you mean? Im still sleep.LOL
here are the logic the right wing has (COMEDICALLY SPEAKING) http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/thu-august-19-2010-jennifer-aniston
I'm interested in the fact that people talk about their right to build a mosque where evr they want but a good friend brought up an amazing point. We as Americans are allowed to have businesses pretty much anywhere we want. If you want to sell guns you can open a gun shop, if you want to sell wine you open a liquor store, if you want to sell dildos you can open a sex shop but even those places aren't allowed anywhere you want. If any of these places were set up near a place of worship or a school people would have a shit fit. These are all pretty harmless businesses but it would be in poor taste to put them near schools and churches. We can all agre on that so why build a Mosque near ground zero, it makes no sense. Its basic decorum.
Actually it's illegal in Oklahoma to have a business selling any of those things within a specified distance from a school. I'm not 100% sure what the distance requirements are, but I believe I heard it's something like a 2 mile radius. It's not because it's in poor taste though, it's because they think it encourages children to drink, have sex, and shoot each other. I would suspect other states have similar laws.
yeah but good taste and sensitivity did not stop the NRA from having their convention near columbine rite after the shooting. they even sighted the constistution for the rite to free speech after everyone asked them not to come. but charleston heston gave that constitution speech and they had it anyway. now they want to talk about sensitivity....the rightwingers sound like a bunch of hypocrites. if you click on the link (post 172) foxnews interviewed the people last year putting up the mosque and had no problem with it.
That's because when Moses speaks, people listen. Seriously way too many people associate him with playin Moses in the Ten Commandments, why do you think the NRA chose him as a spokesperson? People look at him and think wholesome and religious... they should be thinkin 'holy shit now even Moses is packin, we are f**ked'.
My word is bad since I have never gotten drunk. let alone gotten drunk and had sex or shot someone. lol
Ah, well theoretically speaking I think you are likely correct. Alcohol does cause people to do things that would normally be against their better judgment, I reckon shootin' someone would likely be against most folks better judgment... hopefully. You know someone is gonna show up shortly and get onto us for derailing this thread. So someone please take it back to topic, as I have nothing more to add at the moment.