ladies: what would give you the biggest ego booster ?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Aug 20, 2010.


what will give you the biggest ego booster

  1. your man cumming from a blow job .

    0 vote(s)
  2. making his eyes roll from regular intercourse .

    1 vote(s)
  3. hear him bragging about how great the sex is with you .

    0 vote(s)
  4. hear him brag how great of an ass you have.

    0 vote(s)
  5. making him scream from a Blow job.

    0 vote(s)
  6. making him scream from regular sex.

    0 vote(s)
  7. making him scream damn when you walk in and out of the room

    0 vote(s)
  8. hear men talk about how fine your ass is.

    0 vote(s)
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  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    your man cumming from a blow job .

    making his eyes roll from regular intercourse .

    hear him bragging about how great the sex is with you.

    hear him brag how great of an ass you have.
  2. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Maybe I'm just too tired to appreciate the question at the moment goodlove, but I don't go into any part of a relationship with the expectation of getting an ego boost. I don't really do ego much though, in my mind that's tied to arrogance and I don't like arrogant people. I would derive satisfaction from ensuring my man was fully satisfied, but not because my ego needs a boost, simply because I want to see him happy. I also don't need him to tell me or brag to anyone, if he's not enjoying himself I suspect I would know, therefore if he's pleased I would also be aware of that, which is all that matters to me.
  3. Paella

    Paella New Member

  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    (In a soft and sarcastic tone ) espy.....espy.... I want to start off by saying this. I often agree with you because you are a very mature and kind hearted and it seems a deeply spiritual and self awared person. Extremely articulate and write with much clarity. Thus when you post about 90% of the time I agree with you. when the 10% I disagree we maturely disagree and your responses of disagreement are very well thought through and thus hard to counter. BUT, TODAY MY DEAR FRIEND. YOU STEPPED ON A LAND MINE.

    You cant tell me that when your man tells you " ESPY you are the finest woman I have ever met" that will boost that head up a bit ( make you feel good) .

    (whispering) ESPY come on now. you know it makes you feel good when your man goes " OOOOOHHH WHEEE" when he gets that hieght of ecstasy during sex and jump up run to the kitchen and cook you breakfast on a sunday morning.
  5. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Okay 1, I have never had a man cook me breakfast, or anything else for that matter. 2, it wouldn't be an ego boost for me, I like makin' people happy, in fact I probably enjoy that more than anything else, but that's because I'm a giver it's just my nature to be that way. So as I said, knowing he was pleased would please me immensely, but my ego would remain unaffected. Ego just doesn't come into play with me.

    Oh and 3. If anyone told me I was the finest woman they'd ever met, I'd likely tell them they needed to get out more. I'm very realistic with myself, as such I really don't do well with open compliments, they really do make me uncomfortable most of the time. There are people here who can attest to that, I'm just not accustomed to glowing praise of any sort and so I tend to be surprised by it. In general I figure if I'm doing something he doesn't like, he'll tell me, otherwise I really don't need to hear about it every time I do something right.

    So we can agree to disagree on this one goodlove. Ego is just a concept that confuses me in general anyway.
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    too bad because I have done it. Not just once. (they usually tell me not to cook again because I suck in the kitchen. LOL) the problem to many people are takers and not givers. If everyone gave then there would be no need for taking because you would be receiving and the relationship is growing.

    yes. we have to disagree. In a relationship its a give-give receive-receive thang. if you are not giving and receiving then it cant grow. Just like the farmer and the crops. he plant seeds and water the ground . the earth then gives him food to eat so he can live and the process starts all over again.

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