I am all for freedom rights but building a mosque in that vicinity is provocative, and highly insensitive to the sentiments of the people who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks. It is not like the 9/11 terriosit were just regular muslims, but those guys were religious fanatic jihadist, who killed thousands of Americans in the name of their religion and Allah. I think Obama should have continue to be on the sideline on this issue than getting involved, let the mayor of NYC and the governor handle it. Wow, repukes going to have field day on this. Plus Gibbs slamming "the professional left", the Obama's taking expensive vacation in Spain, not a good week for him...in fact, not a good year for BO. Well, day by day BO looks like, will prolly be a single term Prez.
You got to support the first amendment. They are perfectly in their rights to build it. They didn't cause the 9/11 event. That being said, it was a dumb idea to build that thing there. Had they built it a bit further, They would not have gotten that much coverage. They brought all these problems onto themselves. I agree with you about obama keeping his mouth shut. This is a New York issue. Let the new Yorkers handle it.
The third world war that will come in this century will be the ultimate clash of civilizations between Christianity vs. Islam. Total war is the only way to bring an enemy into submission. It was done with totalitarianism and Nazism, AND IT WILL HAVE TO BE DONE WITH RADICAL ISLAM WHICH WANT THE WORLD TO BE THEIR CALIPHATE AND TO ENSLAVE THE WORLD'S WOMEN TO SHARI LAW.
I think it will be between Israeli Jews vs. Arab Muslims. Each side will have allies that will fight with them.
I honestly thought that both of you were a lot smarter than this. There's absolutley nothing "provocative" about the construction of this mosque, and it's mind-boggling to me that anyone would think that it's inappropriate for the President to stand up for the first amendment. And don't even get me started on that BS "trip to Spain" story. I also don't want to hear anything about being an "Obama apologist." I think that there are plenty of valid reasons to criticize the administration, and I've shared my grievances with administration here in the past. Obama defending these people against this faux controversy isn't one of them.
Yeah, I totally agree that it was idiotic for Gibbs to attack the Democratic base in such a contemptuous manner going into to the midterm elections. If you noticed, that was the one part of your post that I didn't take issue with. However, the main point of your thread was about the "Ground Zero Mosque" and the statement that Obama made in support of it. That story and the one about Michelle Obama's trip to Spain are both bogus controversies started in the Right Wing echo chamber whose coverage epitomizes everything that's wrong with the mainstream press. We shouldn't even be discussing those topics much less citing them as examples of Obama's purported ineptitude.
Dude were you living in New York when 9/11 happened? Because putting a Mosque on the site where thousands were murdered in the name of Allah is the same as having Confederate flags hanging all over the place in the south. Its insensative and basically uncalled for.
Thousands were not massacred on 9/11 in the name of Allah. 9/11 victims were massacred as a way for powerless Middle Eastern to, in terrorists eyes, combat American imperialism. And most of the terrorists' grievances are legitimate: for example, Palestinians should have a homeland and Middle Eastern material wealth shouldn't primarily enriched the West. It's not a justification for what happened: it's just the reason why it happened. It had little to do with the teachings of Islams.
Can someone explain to me how it's supposedly wrong to build a mosque on Ground Zero but it's okay to name schools, monuments, banks, roads, freeways and other structures after segregationists and slavemasters? Until a single person gives me a level-headed, rational defense of such, these guys have a right to build whatever the hell they want where they want. I thought this was America?
A lot of that was done in the past and the mosque situation is happening right now. If we were to follow your logic then one could ask why isn't genocide or slavery happening anymore. Its happening in Africa. I thought this was America?
My point is that this act is said to be insulting to the victims of 9/11, who i do sympathize with. However, why on earth do we still have monuments in honor of questionable people, many of who were genocidal maniacs? You say a lot of that was done in the past, they certainly could change the names. If an evangelical guy went around blasting people in a Jewish neighborhood and some other evangelicals decide to build a church and a community center to foster "cultural understanding", there would be very few eyebrows raised.
would it be controversial for a christian church to be at or near the Oklahoma City federal building? Timothy McVey and his sympathizers aligned themselves with right-wing fundamentalist Christianity. Hmm...
I think it's a little insensitive TBH, that's how people are going to view it no matter how good an arguement you put across about peoples rights to buy land and place whatever they feel like on it. I understand the reasons about wanting to build on there in the 1st place keeping it a blank shrine keeps it in the public mindset and developement of it is a good idea, rebuilding means moving on, but I really can't think of anything more likely to acheive the opposite than whats planned now, I think it would have gone down better with people as a WalMart store (Hypothetically Speaking)
I agree on the basis that it would be unconstitutional to deny them the mosque. I also agree that it's a pretty tasteless idea for the Muslims to put one there, given city sentiment regarding the 9/11 terrorist attacks which were fueled by Islamic terrorists. That's like the old-age concept of adding insult to injury. Sure, what you are about to do is legal, but at the same time it's not going to garner you much respect, like running up the score in a football game you've already won.
Thank you someone gets it. I guess I'm more emotional than some because for those of us living here when it happened it was down right terrifying you had no clue what was going to happen. Military personel all over the place, schools handing out iodine pills incase of nuclear attacks(there's a reactor 90 minutes north of me) not to mention you would be hard pressed to find someone who didn't personally lose someone or have a close friend lose someone during the attacks. Out of my close friends three people lost someone so its just a sensative topic and I apologize if I've been rude about it.