whats up with the HBCU's

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    It's sad to see a black man with out faith and making presumptuous and uneducated assumptions. Do not use you secular thinking to try and denigrate others for having faith. Your words are without worth or credibility.

    I'm truly not the guy to come sideways at my friend. Your silly assertions and stereotypes are reminiscent of the very race you seem disenchanted with.

    Would you say the same immature thing about my love for black women?

    Of course you wouldn't. You're too interested in degrading a group of people(s) you know nothing about, particularly myself.

    I suggest you fall back and we'll part ways.
  2. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :D....why, thank you ladies.
  3. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    You're welcome!

    I hate to use such an overused slogan, but you definitely keep it real!
  4. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Who appointed you the speaker of the whole black community??
    You are so amazing that you know what every person in the black community thinks.
    Im in absolute awe of your abilities!

    Didnt you say a few hours back that you were leaving?
    Or not done preaching yet?
  5. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Well, actually I would like to add that part of the reason Black people in Britain have higher rates of unemployment are due to the low educational attainments. The mere fact that you connect dating a white women to job attainment is ludicrous. When going to interview you never tell the interviewer about your personal life(dating habits), so why would they take that into consideration when offering you a job?
  6. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Man, This society has drawn such harsh lines between humans that people can't even see one human's actions for another. It is to a point that blame is given for a mass of people over the individuals. :smt011
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2010
  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    correct sir!
  8. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    So what kind of a welcome did you expect when you come to a board that celebrates ww/bm relatiohsip and start condemning it?
    If you are half as smart as you claim to be, you knew where that would lead you.
  9. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    You sould like and infomercial for bitter and regressive black and white folks.

    Individuals like yourself is the reason 'black people' have not socially progressed as much as we should have.

    Let me educate you on what black men should be rather than you regurgitating some script you read out of some scorned black scholar's book.

    OUR responsibility as black men is to uphold faith in the home first (for those that are believers) to provide moral structure.

    Educate ourselves so that we may ascend the social-economic ladder, thus providing positive and progressive role models for our eventual successors as well as creating generational wealth and entrepreneurship.

    Influence political agenda in a manner that will benefit EVERY citizen and provide a positive perception of black men in the political arena - Yet, we should not be looked as just 'black', ideally.

    And you, being of no faith, must yet STILL acknowledge that (since we're focusing on 'black') the black family structure was strongest when faith was central in 'our communities'. The more secular we have become, the looser our morals have become, hence the lack of nucleur families over recent decades.

    Society tells us it's ok to be a single parent - as long as your responsible.

    Music tells us it's ok and expected to live a playas lifestyle (I'm very guilty of this) and not commit, marry, and perpetuate healthy family structures.

    Society tells its not ok to raise your kids properly and chastise them as needed, lest we separate that family and use tax-payer funds to to do so.

    Oh, but the Bible which clearly discourages the above (whether you believe in it or not) provides a blueprint to live a fruitful life. Your words are contradictory to the realities.

    But you're a smart guy, I'm sure you've contemplated that already.

    The self-destruction is focusing on issues that are irrelevent and not focusing on issues of impact as displayed by your baffling contributions to this site.
  10. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    What is a REAL Black man?

    Are you insinuating that the men here are fake cause they like WW?
  11. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    This argument dont work.
    The majority of the black population have non-black blood in them...

    so the majority of the black population in the US looks nothing like their own lineage???
  12. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    We get it! They suffer from self-hate, right? Here we go....

    Well, in my opinion, I think when BM produce babies with White women, those babies are Black. They're certainly not White. They might not be chocolate complected, but they're Black nonetheless.
  13. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Aug 12, 2010
  14. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    I'm struggling not to laugh at this character. You're straight out of a comic book.


    Frederick Douglass wasn't a REAL black man!

    Jack Johnson wasn't a REAL black man!

    James Earl Jones isn't a REAL black man!

    Richard Pryor isn't a REAL black man!

    It's amazing we don't look at these 'race traitors' as real black men...especially considering we were on EVERY FRIGGIN CORNER in LA cheering when OJ Simpson was acquited.

    We sure love-to-love Tiger Woods.

    Boy, this guy should star in his own DC Comics issue!
  15. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    I understand there is a Black man stereotype. And I can see the bigger picture. Are you suggesting we shouldnt date white women because it is reinforcing some negative sterotype? If you are fuck you! Its a preference we have, get over it.
  16. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :cool:I gotta go family, this has been entertaining. I'll holla at y'all tomorrow...everyone have a good evening.

    ...even you, Real'Funny'blackdude.
  17. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Nite Mochaworld Prez!
  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    so its either great, great great grandmother or momma white - nothing in between.
    Lots of black men and women that have a white parent - you wouldnt be able to tell that they were half white half black. What about them?

    Your world is so nice and simple.

    You need to educate yourself on the matter, but that would of course ruin your outdated millitant view that is not helping anybody - especially black people.
    People like you just want to go backwards, not forwards.. If you want equality, you need to include dating equality, you cant pick and choose.
  19. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    IR aren't the cause of the breakdown of the Black family. Like it's been said, IR dating is just another excuse to complain about. 90% of Black men are with Black women.

    Who's respect are you/we seeking? People don't like/approve of our union and that's why we're on this site.
  20. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Are you going home or at home? Do you have a Black wife and Black children?

    I think these BM are at home. Some men here are fathers and play an active role in their childrens' lives. Some are men who are men of honor and are currently serving or have served our country (the US ones). Some are husbands and have been married for 10 yrs or more and despite the odds of the rise in divorces, and being in an IR marriage, they're very admirable individuals. Some of these men are college educated and the younger ones are career oriented and driven and will go far. These men are full of class and despite your distaste for their choice in women, they're who I consider the REAL Black men.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2010

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