whats up with the HBCU's

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    why is it a valid cause for concern or fear, help me to understand. I agree with you about liberalism and hypocrisy, as most liberal whites i know dont really hang out or even date and marry blacks.

    but i am very curious why IR relationships are a concern for you? what specifically?

    this is a good topic thanks btw
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    extreme liberalism and ethnic pride, I have yet to see that. Provide some proof.
    This is silly. It is love between a man and woman. Has been happening centuries. Nothing wrong here.
  3. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    It depends on which white man. Most don't care that I know of. You might live in a racial segregated area or in the deep south.

    This is all in your head. Most of this section is very outdated. You have to be really old or have grown in the deep south to believe in such nonsense. Most people don't care who you marry or won't bother to ask either.
  4. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    Well said.
  5. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    You already mentioned you went to a university. Also, if you are going to show how informed you are on diversity, putting in eliteness is not the way to go. George Bush also went to an elite school. I am pretty sure he has lived a silver spoon life while not knowing how hard it is for most americans. Elite schools tend to harbor some very sheltered people. You also went to Morehouse which again is a majority section. I was more pointing to your age since there are different outlooks from generation to generation.

    These have nothing to do with each other. In fact, more black men who are dating or marrying a black woman probably have the same unemployment rate. It is more of a racial issue than anything.

    How do they contribute any more so than dating a black woman? I'm sure if you look in your corner you will find as many or more so black men unemployed despite dating or marrying a black woman. That must contribute just as well.
  6. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Lol I simply pointed out all the things that are happening while dating a white woman can happen while dating a black woman. I know I am not the best at getting my point across and it seems I was unable to do it this time. any how good luck with the the white man will go crazy if you start dating white women thing. By the way, I am a scholar. I just am not a liberal one. lol More of a stats man and not a perception person like you.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2010
  7. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Archangel is a dude....

    Why are you insulting his intelligence? You don't know his scholarly background or again, his level of intelligence.

    I hate elitist people.
  8. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    again, I didn't miss your point. I was pointing to the fact that it had so little to do with some of the other points you mentioned. I can't believe how my point is being missed for the second time. :smt043
  9. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    You were insulting him telling him he's obviously not the scholarly one around here. That was uncalled for.

    Secondly, with the aforementioned, it sounded you were being elitist by what you said to him and lastly, by listing your academic background and areas of your residences.
  10. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Where did I call your views "silly" and "nonsense"?
  11. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    For the record, "nonsense" is one word...lol

    In short, we don't understand your position here....:smt017:smt102
  12. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    lol...all this silly bickering...!!! :smt101
  13. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    If you want to add the dash, then so be it. No need to check anything. I've never seen someone spell it like that. There's a first for everything. I just found it odd given your educational background.

    C'est la vie...

    My question still stands, why are you here if you're not either dating interracially or curious?
  14. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    And to think I'm fairly articulate at that....;)
  15. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    "This is silly. It is love between a man and woman. Has been happening centuries"[/QUOTE]

    That seems about right.
    I mean you did say
    Statistically speaking, there are more black men with black women. This would not give a cause for fear since there is such overwhelming stats of black people sticking to black people. Since I was aware of the stats and have seen so many people act on what they see in front of them. I thought a stats man wouldn't be fearful. right?

    Your other quote
    This comment is what I said it is. It makes you seem like you are scared of the white man. Almost as if you will get punished if you date a white woman in your world. I just don't understand why such huge fears from dating a white woman from this comment. It seemed like nonsense.

    on a note: You should not let a stereotype control you. I can not fully explain how doing the opposite to appease a person does not work. It will not work and will only server to harm you in the end. If your concern is what will the white man do if I do this, then I simply don't know what to say man.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2010
  16. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Yes, and some elitists have their noses so stuck up in the air that they can smell Gods farts. :p

    Toodles! :D
  17. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :cool:I dig this Goodlove, I dig this a lot.
  18. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :cool:...and thank you for that Arch!

    I'm open-minded about peoples' positions, but I have to be honest that it's insulting to hear someone say, "fleeing our communities". Where are we going?

    Anyone that chooses to date/marry outside of their race remains whatever respective race that they are, and thus still subjected to whatever consequences the pereceptions of said race results in. Communities aren't defined by race only and certainly black people is not and should not be defined by their 'blackness'. If that was the case, many of us would not be here today as our predecessors were white or 'non-black' as it were.

    Whomever I marry, be her black, white, or anything else, I take great pride in being a black man and triumphing over all the stigmas and consequences of being a black man. I also take pride in helping other men like myself rise above what society expects of black men.

    However, according to many of our own folks, if you're involved with someone non-black (particularly white), all of those efforts are invalid apparently, despite historical heroes proving otherwise.

    Black folks still have to mature intellectually and socially.
  19. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I love your perspective on things....
  20. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Splendid, just splendind response.....
    Love it!!!

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