"non-interracial" White women

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Intriguedone, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Theres nothing wrong if most ww prefer wm, but if a ww wishes to date a bm, she should be able to. If I can help them do this thats good.
  2. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    Geographical differences

    I think you are right. Demographics play a part in this too though. Simple math will dictate that most ww will not date bm. If even 1 in 5 white women in the U.S. decided to date a black man, there wouldn't be enough due to population differences. :( Face it guys, your in limited supply!

    We all live in different geographic regions. My city is rather diverse. Although still somewhat segregated into separate neighborhoods, there is a good mix of white and black. Some regions of the U.S. though, like the New England states and most of the rural West and Midwest have very small black population if any. But in the big cities and throughout the South, blacks are in higher numbers. People will date who they are around. That is true anywhere. In the more diverse parts of the country, expect to see a lot of IR in the future. The mostly white areas will just contiinue to do what they've always done.
  3. RedFox

    RedFox New Member

  4. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :cool:I wanted to bump this so that we may get some more input from our newer family members. I'm interested in your thoughts.
  5. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    You should have posted it in the women's section.
  6. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    To my knowledge, I have only had one friend who didn't at least date one brutha. She's always accepted me for me and whoever I date. We're friends period and we have other interests that we have in common besides BM. It does make it easier when your friends date similarly.
  7. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :cool:Valid point AA...however, I'd like the input from both genders and since this thread is already a few years old...I just let it be.
  8. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    I dont have a problem with them. Like I've said on here before, we all have our preferences.

    A lot of white women like the Abercrombie/all american look (blue or green eyed white guys). If thats their preference then more power to them.

    As long as they dont look at bm in a negative/racist way then its all good.
  9. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i think it's nearly a half and half situation. when i think interracially i think not just bm but chinese, japanese, maori etc., because we have far more of those men here than bm.
  10. LadyBlaze306

    LadyBlaze306 Active Member

    I have my friends who are dating black men as well & we get along..but I do talk to other women who are dating men of their same ethnicity or otherwise too. It doesn't seem to make a difference other than I can discuss some of the similarities culture wise with them...man wise, that's just for everyone though! LOL men seem to have a baseline similarity often :)

    as for me dating black men & other women who don't....I tend to get the opposite reaction, not so much the 'omg you're datin outside your race' so much as the "OMG YOU'RE SO COOL FOR DATING A BLACK MAN I ALWAYS WANTED TO DATE ONE, WHAT'S IT LIKE, WHAT IS HE LIKE IN BED, IS IT TRUE BLACK MEN HAVE BIGGER ____" etc....& that's when I tend to tell them if they want to find out, why don't they give it a try & date a black man(if they're single LOL). It's like it's some sort of fad to WW who haven't dated interracially here @ least & it bugs me. It's ignorance in a way, just not as obvious. Most of my friends however do accept but they have also told me I don't come off as the type who would just date black men only - I have a preference but if a man of some other ethnicity would come along & he was just as great, I'd consider him too. I like that though b/cuz they tell me I don't come off as some of the missile seeking other WW that only date BM which is prolly why I don't have too many WW friends in inter racial relationships as stated above.

    as for friendships with black women...I've dealt with every side on that issue. Everywhere from your "YAY we're both dating black men!" kind of idea, to the "YOU ARE STEALING THE BLACK MAN FROM US" idea too :(.
    I base my friendships on who the person is, more than who they date.

    that was longwinded....
  11. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Not even remotely an issue. I have friends who have gone out with black guys and friends who haven't but I have never heard anyone ever say that they wouldn't... And I definitely have not been even remotely judged for my choices. It's not even discussed. But I suppose being Australian has a lot to do with that :rolleyes:
  12. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    yea Australia has less problems with interracial than usa.
  13. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Yet according to some, we're a bunch of racist assholes :smt068

  14. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Put those guns away. :smt049

  15. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I'll gladly stick a flower in the barrel. It's all about free and plentiful love over here, baby!:heart:
  16. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  17. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    well said lovely...!!!! :smt023
  18. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Being friends with women (or men for that matter) who have never been in interracial relationships has never been an issue for me at all. Why should it be? A few of my friends haven't been in interracial relationships due to circumstance in some cases, or due to preferances in other. They only date people of the same race and this doesn't bother me.
    A few of my friends date interracially, and this doesn't bother me either. One of my friends only dates Asian guys, she's a bit of a Wap. Another only date black girls. Then I have a friend who REFUSES to go out with blondes. Weird, but he just isn't attracted to them.
    To be honest, it doesn't even bother me if a friend says 'I wouldn't go out with a person of x race, because I'm not attracted to them' because it's all down to personal preferences. If, on the other hand they said 'I wouldn't go out with asians because I hate asians, or I wouldn't go out with a black person because I hate blacks,' then THAT would be an issue because that would be crossing the line into racism, and I don't want anything to do with racists.

    My friends are my friends because I like them for their personalities, not for their partners, and vice versa. And like whikle said, it's not even discussed here. When my friends have met my boyfriends in the past, ethnicity wasn't even mentioned.
  19. quato102

    quato102 New Member

    Maybe you should go the Aboriginal route...
  20. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Are you trying to be a smart ass?

    If you're saying I should date Aboriginal men, I have and I would again... And when I did, I most certainly was not judged by any of my peers.

    If you're saying Australians are racist towards Aboriginal people, you're talking to the wrong person here buddy. I live and work in an Aboriginal community. I'm not some ignorant white person living in the city judging people and situations they don't know anything about.

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