Men-Women Roles....what's your take?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Intriguedone, Aug 8, 2010.

  1. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Would you be open to the idea of her being a stay-home mom? Cause that is a
  2. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :smt102I know y'all going to throw tomatoes at me, but I feel what Raul is saying {ducking}....
  3. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    Maybe at first to take care of the kids(i Don't want more than 2- Non negotiable lol) , but after the second graduates High school. She should go back to work. Also being a housewife, wont she be bored cause I would be. Also to be a housewife, means I'm pulling in a lot of Money and If I get sick then what. Say i am a pulling in a high Six figure salary and I lose my job and this wife of mine has no work skills. We're screwed.
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    women complain about men losing the hot romance but get mad when we want to hit the skins on a daily. come on now ! work with us. sex is natural like eating. I dont like missing days of eating and eating . LOL
  5. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I'm just seeing where your head is at. I guess you don't mind your kids being raised in daycare then, right? You're talking like she will be some lazy ass and being a REAL full-time mother is a REAL job. I wasn't saying it like she won't work, but like I keep saying, being a mother is work.
  6. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :cool:Actually, IB brings up a good point.

    I think society takes the role of 'working-mother' for granted. IMHO, being a working-mother is the hardest job in the world.

    Let's just be honest, it's expected that when wife/mother gets home that she will manage the home and cater to the family as well. By a woman's very nature (most cases), women are nurturing creatures.

    Men - We don't have the same inclination. We have our own domestic responsibilities, but I don't believe they're as all-encompassing as a woman's.

    With that said, my preference (God-willing I could afford it) would be for my wife to stay home with the children and focus on managing the home. I'll handle outside, she'll handle inside, and I believe that would provide balance and less stress for her as a 'working-mother'. I just don't believe two-working parents are 50/50, I believe it's more like 57/43, with the woman bearing the brunt. That's my opinion.

    When I get home, I don't want her stressed out because of work and the needs of the home. I want her ready to take care of her man. This might sound silly, but I'm serious. If she wanted to work, so be it, but I'd express my desire and hope we'd come to a mutual understanding.

    Today's society doesn't easily afford a woman the ability to stay home (society is f*cked up). However, to raise a healthy family, this is my preferred scenario.
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    so in playing these roles what role has the man in the home ?

    I talked about this on another thread but it was a flaming topic because people got hot under the collar (not to hijack the thread).

    Now my question should have a more of a back drop in that fundamentally what positions do a man and a woman have in the home ?
  8. robina

    robina New Member

    hunni, check with my other half, he struggles to keep up with me, i like it several times a day but when your in a marriage where your treated like dirt oddly enough your sex drive takes a nose dive along with your self esteem
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    no doubt. I heard women on TV state I dont want to do it everyday. They will actually say 2x a week is enough. then on the joy behar show women who mistress' stated that men cheat because of the lack of sex
  10. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    I also agree that the stay-at-home mom is the most underappreciated job there is. My mom did it with four kids, and she's a harder worker than most people that I know. The house was always clean, and a hot meal was on the table when my dad walked in the door. My mom also maintained the yard. My dad didn't have to do much when he got home except rest.

    Intrigued, my question for you is whether or not you would be a stay-at-home dad if your wife could provide financially for the family?
  11. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    Also lets look at how many Women actually want to be a stay-home wife/mom. It seems to be Women these days are Career driven and wouldn't mind a Man being a stay-home husband/dad.

    Like you said. This society doesn't allow for the ability to be a stay-home person.You need to two paychecks to survive generally.
  12. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Too bad I repped you already, cause you deserve 10 reps for this....

    You're a man after my own heart....

    There are women who do take the stay-at-home thing for granted and are some lazy asses, but like Raul, a lot men think that they have to bear the brunt of the finances and see this as a bad thing. A lot of people can't afford to have one person at home, but then if you can, why not work something out that's beneficial to both parties and in the best interest of the children? Why wouldn't you want the mother of your kids mothering/raising them?

    My sister was a stay-at-home mother for several years and WOMEN would look down on her. Like what's wrong with you? She didn't care what they said. Either they were on that feminist BS or jealous.
  13. robina

    robina New Member

    you think i can use that excuse for cheating?

    nope didnt think so, oh well thats what the toy cupboards for ;)
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Excellent PT. I have stated this before....and people slammed me for it. If you deal with someone you will neeed to make sure they are money wise. if a woman is going to be responsible for the money then she needs to prove to me that she can handle it. A partnership---is a business relationship. what do we tell people about their relationship....dude you need to go handle business.

    So before you get married how are you to know if you guys are on the same page before you get married so that she and you can handle business correctly
  15. robina

    robina New Member

    i would have been a stay at home wife when i was married but i had to work more hours than him to make sure the morgage and bills were paid

    im a stay at home mum now thou, my daughters 5 and NEEDS me home but ive been called every name under the sun by other people who presume im just too lazy to go to work
  16. Redeemed One Jr

    Redeemed One Jr Active Member

    I'll admit, I like the thought of being the major bread winner once I get married and have a family and such. However, I know with today's job market it is possible that my wife may be at a point of making more than I someday. If or when that ever happens, I hope and pray I will be just fine with it. I know I'd want to be able to support my wife in any endeavors she may have and its possible those endeavors may make her the main bread winner, I don't know. I know the woman I am dating now, has the same traditional sense of family that I do, so I don't think we will have too much problem with the roles in which we are looking to fill. Should we marry, knowing her I'm positive she will look to me to be the leader of the family. Now, in the general view of things, looking at how things are in regards to families as a whole, I can totally understand when a woman may end up picking up the reigns as head of household, it seems as though many present day men are absent and are afraid to step up to bat and take the lead. Though I will say, I have also seen families in which the woman is the head of the family and the man takes the backseat, that is fine too if that works for them, just as long as that male figure does what a male figure ought to do in a family when it is necessary like: provide if his wife cannot, discipline when a strong hand is required and protect when those around him are in danger.
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    but lets be honest....I never cheated on my ex-wife but if you are married and he or she wants it every day and the other only once a week or month then what
  18. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    My kids raised in daycare. Why not. Unless theres something wrong with that. We have to look at the society we're in and not society we'd like it to be. In a perfect world Both visions of Intrigue and I would be acceptable.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  19. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Well, now you're talking about something totally different. I can handle the finances if he wants me to, but if he wants to take it on too, then that's also fine with me. Now if you're talking about me being a stay-at-home mom with an allowance, then that's a whole different ballgame. I agree, I think EVERYTHING needs to be discussed period before saying "I do".
  20. robina

    robina New Member

    the toy cupboard, lol.

    i dont go for cheating, im a one man woman. my other hafs sex drive isnt as high as mine so sometimes i just have to go for the D.I.Y option

    that or come downstairs naked and jump on him, lol

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