Would love to read comments from anybody who watched this doc: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-424859622073138055
I saw it. I'll take the word of the people at ground zero who see glaciers melt and their way of life change...over corporated-sponsored "scientists"
OK, but in the doc, they also talk about data from, as you say, "ground zero"... also, some of those you call "corporated-sponsored scientists" are still quoted in the reports saying the opposite... how do you argue that?
I go by what my eyes tell me and my memory recalls.. It's never been like this...the elderly I talk say the same thing.
Well, I try to listen to those who know, as I'm a complete ignorant. I have to admit this doc made me think a lot and reconsider mass media info.
I'm talking abou mass media in general, not just tv. Anyway, I don't seem to grasp your side. I mean, the doc kind of dismantles the current world opinion (multiplied by mass media) which states that climate change is due to "man-made" C02 emissions... so I'm puzzled about your answers as they seem to be contradictory. I'm sure is my poor understanding, though...
well...going from my life and memories....summers here are a lot hotter, we've had a drought for nearly 10 years or so...life has changed and i do believe it's down to global warming. i fear for the future my children and their children have. i have such warm memories of slip & slides and running under the sprinkler, yet we can't even shower for more than 4 minutes...!!! yes the world evolves, changes etc., but we cannot for a second ignore our carbon footprint...!!! look at the history of this planet and the extintion of plant and animal life...we need to get smarter and think of the bigger picture
Thanks Tarsh, have you seen the doc? If not, I urge you to do so... (I know, is long, but worth every second, IMHO).
You all should read Michael Crichton's book: State of Fear. Whilst the book is just okay in my opinion, I enjoyed reading the appendices more. LOL. Here's what the book is about: From Publishers Weekly If Crichton is right–if the scientific evidence for global warming is thin; if the environmental movement, ignoring science, has gone off track; if we live in what he in his Author’s Message calls a "State of Fear," a "near-hysterical preoccupation with safety that’s at best a waste of resources and a crimp on the human spirit, and at worst an invitation to totalitarianism"–then his extraordinary new thriller may in time be viewed as a landmark publication, both cautionary and prophetic. If he is wrong, then the novel will be remembered simply as another smart and robust, albeit preachy, addition to an astonishing writing career that has produced, among other works, Jurassic Park, Rising Sun, Disclosure and The Andromeda Strain. Crichton dramatizes his message by way of a frantic chase to prevent environmental terrorists from wreaking widespread destruction aimed at galvanizing the world against global warming. A team lead by MIT scientist/federal agent John Kenner crosses the globe to prevent the terrorists from calving a giant Antarctic iceberg; inducing terrible storms and flash floods in the US; and, using giant cavitators, causing a Pacific tidal wave. Behind the terrorists lurks the fantatical, fund-seeking chief of a mainstream environmental group; on Kenner’s team, most notably, is young attorney Peter Evans, aka everyman, whose typically liberal views on global warming chill as Kenner instructs him in the truth about the so-called crisis. The novel is dense with cliffhangers and chases and derring-do, while stuffed between these, mostly via Kenner’s dialogue, is a talky yet highly provocative survey of how Crichton thinks environmentalism has derailed. There are plenty of ready-to-film minor characters as well, from a karate-kicking beauty to a dimwitted, pro-environmentalist TV star who meets one of the nastiest fates in recent fiction. There’s a lot of message here, but fortunately Crichton knows how to write a thriller of cyclonic speed and intensity. Certainly one of the more unusual novels of the year for its high-level mix of education and entertainment, with a decidedly daring contrarian take, this take-no-prisoners consideration of environmentalism wrapped in extravagantly enjoyable pages is one of the most memorable novels of the year and is bound to be a #1 bestseller. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. I'm not so sure that global warming is in fact "real". The Earth has gone through ice ages and warming trends for millions of years. We could be just on the warming trend of it. However, like I told my friends after I read the book, whether or not global warming exists, it doesn't change the fact that recycling and finding better, cleaner ways to manufacture things and make cars run are still great ideas. :smt023
I don't think anybody on one side or the other of the issue would disagree with you. That's not the point of the doc, though. Have you seen it?
I didn't think anyone would disagree with me. I didn't watch the doc. Maybe I will later when I have time.
Read it...most intriguing read. Crichton was a BIG fave o'mine for DECADES, & he's STILL sorely missed by us all. By the way, noting all the freaky atmospheric conditions that are occurring in locales that ordinarily NEVER got 'em before.....I think it's mostly (if not exclusively) attributed to this Daemon Global Warming... OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
I realize I may sound pathetically insistant but... have you seen the doc I originally posed on this thread? I would LOVE to hear yours and everybody else's comments! :smt055
I clicked on the link and was trying to watch it, but it never loaded for me and the whole page was in another language. Is it subtitled? I'll try again.