Shit the Right is going crazy now, if Michelle was white BHO couldn't have got within 500 miles of the White House.
if you expect me to dig up a 2 year old thread that no one posts in, ur nuttier than a box of Krackerjack
your comments from 2008 were excellent & still totally relevant. I wonder when americans, as a whole, will stop seeing them first & foremost as black & see them just as our president & first lady? is mainstream america even ready to go there?:smt052
my questions were mostly retorical. I knew the answer & agree with you totally. I'm still hopeful ...
also why cant they also know he is half white. they will never get there unless they really adhere to the so-called christian principles they love to call upon every election period or social issue like gay rights or abortion. The problem is that they will not do that because then they lose some ralling cry for their political, social and economical power they are trying to gain. look at this they were screaming affirmative action were taking their jobs . here is a question .... who stated that that was your job ? did they promised you that job when you were born ? isnt networking(good old boy system) a form of affirmative action ?