Black parents..white baby.

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Madiba, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Well if I understand this statement, it conflicts with the last quote that I quoted you on.
  2. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    It does not. Il give you an example

    if your parents for example are from Nigeria and you are born in Sweden, you are eligible for Nigerian citizenship by virtue of your parents being Nigerian citizens
  3. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    and people please try to be civil. It keeps discussions a lot more informative than cursing and shouting.

    there is a lot we might not previously know that we could learn.
  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    ah ok.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    North Africa was a lot Blacker before the arrival of Islam.

    Even you can admit that.
  6. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Stop cherrypicking.

    You plucked what I said out of all of his bullshit.
  7. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    Islam and Arabs arrived in the 7th century. 1,300 years ago. Berbers are indigenous people of Africa and have always resided on the continent throughout known human history. That the continent is even called Africa today is thanks to them and their language.
  8. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  9. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted


    earlier in the thread you mentioned that Africans look down on Black Americans

    Its issues like this that cause that perception. Somebody that calls himself an "African-American" does not even realize that the word he is using as as a way to identify himself comes from the same people he thinks are not Africans!!!!! When a person insists on such ignorance because of some color/race based fantasy it might make him socially incompactible with say somebody from the African continent who has a very different mindset hence the issue of "looking down upon".

    Most Africans actually dont know much if anything at all about Black Americans while residing on the continent

    Its one thing to be ignorant but its a whole different thing to insist on ignorance and reject reality.
  10. reggie2k8

    reggie2k8 New Member

    This is very true. Most people look at Africa as a country not a continent. There were rumors that Sarah Palin didn't know Africa was a continent. This is really not surprising for the average American but for a person that would be 2nd in command of the most powerful country in the world is shocking. But I tend to break down Africa by region(West, East, North, South). The regions are more similar in appearance, culture, language, etc. So of course Mauritania will be very different from South Africa. One is a North African nation and the other is an South African nation separated by thousands of miles.

    This is because the idea of black and white people is a relatively new way of grouping people. Europeans didn't really look at each other as white brother and sisters 500-600 yrs ago nor did Africans. They look at themselves as individual states, tribes, countries, or ethnic groups. People only started to look at each other as black and white when Europeans and Africans started to interact around 500 yrs ago.
  11. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted


    Dont understand the smiley
  12. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  13. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I'm laughing.
  14. reggie2k8

    reggie2k8 New Member

    I'm somewhat rusty on this subject but I believe the phenotype started in Africa first then spread to the Middle East and then European. So when someone says that African has European features it is actually backwards. But I maybe wrong.
  15. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    I do agree with you to an extent. The black people from Mauritania or parts of west Africa are actually more similar to the "white Berbers" of the North than they are to say black South Africans.

    Also with regards to the regional thing it is true to an extent but not completely

    In East Africa, Somalians are very different from Kenyans. In west Africa, Fulanis are very different from tropical communities like Igbos. Tuaregs are also very different from a lot of the riverine communities
  16. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    I have no problem with a person not knowing much on an issue or having a misconception.

    but i can stand a person who insists on ignorance with relation to a subject he or she knows absolutely nothing about totally.
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    no cherry picking hun, - I mean your behavior in general in the thread.
    He never attacked you personally, you attacked him personally.

    You have an opinion, he has an opinion - doesnt mean you are automatically right. You may think his opinions are bullshit, but that doesnt give you the right to attack the dude.
    Im noone to preach cumbaya, but dude, sometimes you go way to far.
  18. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    I agree with this 100 percent. race is actually a very modern concept. most people dont realize this.

    It also explains why people in the west have a hard time understanding the slave trade. They think people sold their brothers and sisters which is not true at all.

    Foreigners sold foreigners to other foreigners. Their skin color ment absolutely nothing
  19. reggie2k8

    reggie2k8 New Member

    I know it is not true in all cases but Kenyans are more similar to Somalians than they are to a Nigerian. The same way the people, culture, and language of Portugal are more similar to Spain than it is to the Germanic countries.
  20. reggie2k8

    reggie2k8 New Member

    "A man curses because he doesn't have the words to say what is on his mind."
    -Baines from the Malcolm X movie-

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