The level of ignorance that people like flaming-hetro display begs otherwise. He has absolutely no idea of anything on the African continent. Im pretty sure he calls himself an "African American" without even knowing where the word African comes from, who the word comes from their language and who the word originally refered to. I doubt he has any idea of the level of genetic diversity that exists on the so-called "black African" The media is also partly to blame as to why a lot of westerners seem to think of Africa as a country and equate Africa with "black", both of which are very false ideas
and your proof is in????????????????????????????????????? Their genetic haplotype is the same as the rest of Africans (E) There is actually barely any such thing as a "black African" to start with. Your world view is colored by the idea of "race" way too much and a shocking level of ignorance with regards to the African continent The idea that people all over the continent are your people or your "brothers" is an idea you would do well to get rid off because you are in for a very rude awakening when you come face to face with reality
Another arrogant African who looks down on his American counterpart, what a shock, I'm speechless. :roll:
There you go again. Correcting falsehood does not equal looking down on. Where did you decipher this "looking down" thing from? And whats with this counter-part thing? A Namibian is a Namibian and an American is an American. I dont get the counterpart thingy. And once again Africa is simply a continent not a people or "race"
Fuck am I supposed to know you're Namibian? LOL. Teach me O great Namibian, I am American and therefore ignorant. Give me a break.
He's making a distinction between the Black "race", the peoples of Africa, and the African American/Black ethnic group.
The genetic diversity and phenotypes among the peoples of Africa are apparent, thus why Iykeg questions what constitutes a "Black" African. Irrespective of the Berbers, where do you think the so called White people or phenotype came to shape, in Europe or Africa?
You didnt go through my posts did you? I was correcting a misconception and mis-information some people have and highlighting a few facts. 1. Berbers are Africans just like any other group of Africans. They are indigenous to the continent. They were the original Africans. The word "Africa" comes from their language and they were the ones who were refered to as Africans for centuries before the darker skinned people were called such. (The word comes from the ancient city of Carthage) 2. Africa is simply a continental landmass and an African refers to a citizen of one of the 54 countries of the continent. It has nothing to do with skin color, "race" or a people. 3. Africa does not equal black. There are INDIGENOUS people of all colors on the continent. Even among the so-called "black" people they are just as different from each other as they are from others outside the continent. In some cases they could even have more in common with a non-African or a Berber than with another Black African in a distant land. 4. The concept of "blackness" that most westerners have does not exist on many parts of the African continent. Ethnicity, Language, Culture, Religion etc form the basis of a peoples sense of identity. Race is close to meaningless. The social climates in each country is different from the other and very very different from that of the US 5. The genetic diversity on the continent is the worlds greatest and a great level of linguistic and cultural diversity. Most African societies have never crossed paths and are very different from each other
I am not a Namibian. I was giving you an example. Ignorance is bliss. This kind of attitude is the very reason some people perceive Africans as disliking Black Americans when i dont think it is actually so. When a person has absolutely no idea what they are talking about and keep up their level of ignorance it produces incompactibility with people whose mindset have been formed in a totally different social setting. when the two fail to get along people now boil it down to "looking down on" or hatred. the real reason however is that both social mindsets are very different from each other
dude, chill. I dont get why you always have to attack people and be beyond rude. State your opinion without being so assholey.
Not if he is not a citizen of one of the 54 countries. Most African countries have laws whereby a child would become a citizen if his or her parents are one.
A lot of Americans grow up with a misconception that Africa has something to do with color. It is just the name of a continent inhabited by varied people. Some Americans grow up even believing a bigger misconception. That they are some sort of Africans based on skin colour Both of the above are completely wrong misconceptions.