Worst president ever? come on seriousily? He was also being compared to Carter since before he was president so that's not new. What polls are comparing him to them? I need evidence. That's what they said about having A black president! You are right though. It would be to his advantage to let the republicans win in 2010 so he has someone to blame in 2012.
It took 230+ years because of slavery, racism, jim crow laws,and etc. It just doesn't start all over again. The second black president will get there in much lesser time. It may not be the next election but I know it will be in my generation's time.
Ridiculous. In the first hours of the incident, the rig was still on fire. The spill didn't actually start until the Deepwater Horizon sank and broke the well open. Can you tell me exactly when the US military got in the business of drilling and maintaining deep sea oil wells? As repugnant as they are, the only real experts with pratical experience in these situations are the oil companies. And despite what's been repeated ad nauseum, the administration did assemble a group of civilian and military engineers and scientists to help BP brainstorm for solutions to this crisis. Look, I agree to varying extents with the rest of your criticisms of Obama, but the media meme about him screwing up the response in the Gulf is nothing but a bunch of contrived nonsense manufactured by pundits who need something to rail against on television on a daily basis.
Fair enough. I'm going to look into those articles and re acess my arguement. I always appreciate and look forward to your insight sir.
The united states merchant marines actually do train for oil spills but I do see your point and as I said to Loki I'm going to be fair and research more.
uhh yes that is what Universal health care is. Did someone not tell you that everyone gets health care? I will agree that the fine is absurd but people will not get it if there is no penalty. We go straight back to what we were. What would you have done? This was suppose to happen. The government's job is to regulate and not to make a business. It would hurt us in the long run to have a government run insurance company. Look at medicare. Look at USPS. People need to understand that he has to compromise. yet, people continue to blame him for these things that he had to compromise otherwise he would not have gotten anything done. What can you do about unemployment? There are simply not enough jobs for people and they are not coming back. Not Obama's fault. I keep telling people that some of these blue collar jobs are terrible. That's Why men got hit so hard in this recession. How did he fail? We have had this argument before. You know the USA government did not have the technology to deal with this and yet you are giving a suggestion for the government to take over after it has already said(thad allen in charged of it all) they do not have the technology to deal with it. It would have taken even longer to seal it which would be even more disastoruous because then obama would be in direct blame for not stopping it. Even Bill O'reily has said the same thing. BILL O'REILY. Come on man The one war we are doing good in is the one you criticize. We are leaving afghan(the one we are doing bad at) and he is getting hit hard for saying that. It is hard to fight the system because the American people are made up of more inattentive people than attentive. The fight doesn't start with the president. It starts with the legislative branch. I could win the fight in Florida but there are still 49 other states that can vote to help big business.
i remember during the reagan years supposedly that racism had started reared its ugly head.... i lived at that time where reagan created an atmosphere in america of making racism okay....... he did this by targeting welfare programs that created this subculture of "young bucks" and "welfare queens" who took advantage of the system...they were basically "stealing" money away from the white working class taxpayers...... also the reagan agenda believed america was worse off due to the 1960s liberal idealism....... he mentions those failed welfare programs were caused by those liberals, especially among left leaning democrats, who felt social problems could've been solved by throwing tax money at the problem.. i remember reading articles around the mid 1980s about the increasing skinhead movement among white males, who felt they were marginalized by the government... those white skinheads were envious of blacks who received "preferential treatment" in terms college aid, affirmative action programs....... there were no social programs for these "disadvantaged" white males...so its answer was to create the nazi skinhead movement get back at those blacks who thought they got it made.....
The funny thing about the welfare programs is they help white people more than black people or hurt them whichever way you want to look at it.
Sorry, but it's a good bet that Obama is the first and LAST Black POTUS any of us will ever see in out lives!! Real talk, if the man didn't have a WHITE mother, most voters who did would not have voted for him. I can't tell you how many times I've heard the statement, 'at least he's half white!lol'. The only 'mistake(s)' Obama has made thus far in his administration was not including a public option in his health care reform bill and not being tougher on Wall Street in his financial reform bill. The only folks who should be making coin from healthcare are doctors, nurses, medical supply companies and hospitals. NOT HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANIES. You take out the HMOs from healthcare and the exorbitant prices we'll all forced to pay for healthcare would dramatically drop. It's the same thing the Obama administration did to federal student loans and began to pay them out directly to students instead of forcing them to go through private lenders who were taking a cut out of the loan repayments. Yall need to hug that nicca and give him some big love cause you won't see another. If hardhearted white folk thought there was even the remote chance McCain would lose to that colored boy, the rednecks who usually never vote and currently form the membership of the tea baggers who have voted at a 95% clip. For a Black man to win the presidency again, he's gonna have to be Jesus with an afro!!:smt038 Oh, if the GOP takes over the House, be prepared for Obama's administration to be bogged down by an endless stream of 'investigations' and Congressional hearings - i.e., witchhunts - to find something they can impeach BO over. Honestly, the best thing, in a twisted way that could happen to BO would be to have the Democratic majority in the Senate fall by about 5 seats and to lose control of the House, then watch those jokers vote NO for two more years.
You got to be kidding me. Most of the white voters I know never mentioned about his mother. It was always his speeches. I bet we have a black president in my generation. The other comment is true. He has a better shot at a second term if more republicans get in and say no. He'll have something to run against. NO PUBLIC OPTION. The government's job is to regulate. They should simply cap the cost of health insurance and tell each insurance company to provide a minimum for a minimum price just like cars.
That was the plan all along. Jews would NEVER want one of theirs in the white house because they understand how the BACKLASH would effect them on the street level. We...on the other hand...just want to make history...like this is a game or some shit.
:smt038:smt038:smt038 That's all Black folk care about. I agree with FH for the most part. Obama will do as much as what Wall Street tells him.
Problem with what he said is that their have been jews that ran for president. The other thing is Obama has helped HBCUS while his wife designed a health system to help little black girls with their health. I mean would you like to have bush or reagan back in office.