Has race realtion gotten Bad since Obama?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by z, Jul 18, 2010.

  1. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Is Obama the worst thing for race relations to come along in America in a long time?
    All type of racist coming out of the wood work since he has taken the stage: KKK, La raza, blk panther, racist tea baggers, etc....
    All sort of folks who were not interested in poltics now are: Business men, teachers, doctors, fire fighters, lawyers, pastors, grocery clerks, nurses, police men, mail men. What an interesting time we live in, it is a shame it's come to this. I hope the full dream of Dr. King will be realized one day in this bloody land!
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2010
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I don't know only a few Whites are showing their depth of hatred and Republicans are showing they are the White Man's Party.
  3. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    I view it as an overall positive step in the right direction. There are many who do not want to see progress for BM, and Obama is a constant/daily reminder of how intelligent, capable, and amazing we really are. The world is changing and many do not like it and will act out against it, see Bill O'Reilly's comments below.

    Societal change is always loud, difficult, acrimonious, and more often than not, violent.

  4. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    In my opinion, it's a double-edged sword type of thing. For him being Black and president and even throw in biracial (for us IR peeps) while you're at it, is one of the best things that could happen to America and he's history in the making. All great attributes -

    On the flip side, it seems that since he's become president, like what you've mentioned, people seem to all step on some sort of platform and express themselves openly. They spew hatred, disdain and everyone has an opinion on everything having to do with race. The way I was raised (in very diverse cities and the 2 largest in America) and having mostly Black friends, I've always been fully aware and extremely observant of racial harmony, unity, injustices, prejudice and the like, but never have I noticed so much shit having to do with race until recently. I think Obama is the culprit for both the good and the bad...lol

    I'm going to appreciate the good and thank the racist fuckers for showing their true colors. It's better to know your enemy and their motives, then to walk around in ignorance.
  5. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I doubt if lots of white folks see BO as capable. They prolly see him as a chicago politician who dupped them with hope and change but unable to deliver. PPL are seeing him as the worst prez ever, he is getting compared to Carter everyday. The polls placing him below Huckabee and Romney. The liberal media as well as the conservative wacos hammering him down about his Photo Op with Buffet and Clinton the other day, stating the emperor has no cloth and he is trying to get legitimacy by association.
    Obama better hope the repubs win by in large in November, that will assure him a def win in2012.
    He also needs to surround himself with better advisors, especially when it comes to Economy, Israel, and international affair issues. If not he might go down as a one term prez since Carter and hell has to freeze b4 we see another blk person in that leadership position.
  6. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  7. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Pretty bleak and one sided view. It may be true for some but certainly not all. Obama knew and stated that with the historical challenges facing him when he assumed the presidency, he would have to make tough choices, especially when it comes to the economy, that would result in a steep decline in his popularity short term.

    I would argue that passing the health care bill (for the first time in history), the pending financial overhaul bill, reversing numerous executive orders of Bush, and passing the second round of the stimulus package, Obama has in fact delivered on his promise of change and it will all be for the good given enough time. People are quick to forget that he has only been President for 18 months, what he has been able to accomplish is nothing short of extraordinary given the intricate machine that is Washington.

    B.O.'s poll numbers will increase when the unemployment rate drops, estimates are anywhere from 18-24 months, the economy stabilizes and is growing again. The very difficult work he is doing now is laying the groundwork for all of this to come to fruition, it should happen before the end of his first term and will bode very well for his election.

    What I think Obama needs to do better is understand that the presidency is "theater", he has stated that he does not believe this should be the case, but in my opinion it is. This administration does not trumpet their victories, current hard work, vision and plans to address the concerns of Americans nearly enough. Because of this, "Fox Noise" and other know nothing blow-hards like Limbaugh, step in to fill the information vacuum with their special brand of dis-information, specious stats, and downright bigotry against Obama and a large and increasing number of Americans are starting to buy it, hence the poll numbers.
  8. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    These Tea Baggers hope that if they keep up the Carter/one term meme it'll come true.

    When Obama gets his 2nd term he will clean house just as Reagan and Clinton did, it's normal.

    During the 2008 primaries, people thought Huckabee was too much of a religious nut, now he's trending ahead of Obama? And Palin is in a dead heat. Who exactly are they polling? Tea Baggers? Surely not people who live in big cities. Who went to school and read books. Who don't thump bibles, listen to country music, or smoke meth. LOL.

    The opposition party always wins back the House and Senate in the 1st midterm after the Presidential election, this has been happening since the dawn of time but you'd think it was brand-new since Obama has been in, and all these old folks like McLaughlin and Buchanan know it. But the Obama/faliure meme is more sensationalistic.

    Re: Israel, Obama is doing what Bush/Cheney did: not talking to his enemies. And let's be clear, Israel isn't our friend right now.

    Cheney said "Deficits don't matter" now Republicans are penny-pinchers.

    Bush/Cheney governed in defiance of polls and ran on record-low numbers and it was a show of strength. Obama does pretty much the same and gets stamped a failure. Hmmm.

    I'm not one to play the race card but there's a clear double standard at work and it's not just because Obama's a Democrat.

    Obama promises kept:

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2010
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    cosign. the barack presidency only exposed the real racism for what it is. it is on another level.

    think on this...I saw churches put up (rite after he was elected) on their marquee " pray for our new president"

    these signs were never put up before after an election. they are basically saying "OH LAWD a ni$$r is in charge . we are in some sh&& now"

    also they arE SCREAM WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK. WTF does that mean like someone stole it from em like they took it from the indians.
  10. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I'll tell you what I told Andrae it took 230+ years to get just ONE black president, what makes you think there'll be another one right away?

    Let's do what we can to support the one we have now during our lifetimes. You know, the one that NOBODY THOUGHT WOULD WIN
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yep ... its like the black capt taking over the titantic and all the black crew members are saying " as long as he dont hit the ice berg we can drive the ship too"
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn Gl real talk fam.
  13. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    PS: How can Obama be a divider when he spent almost half of his 18 month presidency so far trying to reach ACROSS THE AISLE. All he gets is slapped in the face by those people, now he's the "divider." These are the same people who called folks who criticized Bush "traitors" back in 2003. Remember the cover below? I sure do (and not just because they're pretty, naked white women). They said you can't criticize a wartime president. Isn't Obama a wartime president? Fuck those hypocrites. I like this new tough partisan talk that Obama is spouting of late.

  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    the audacity of HOPE..... I HOPE the GOP goes away
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I have to agree with GZ fam. Obama most likely will be a one term president not only for the race thing but by the way he's decieving the American people. Universal health sounded great to me until I found out that it REQUIRES all citizens to have insurance or pay a fine. Meaning we are being forced to give insurance companies money now. The same companies who are running American healthcare into the ground. The only good part of that bill is that you can't be denied because of a pre existing condition anymore. And I think he's failing American businesses by not requiring the banks that got bail outs to ease up on credit for business owners who drive our economy. Unemployment is still unbelievably high especially for bm. He failed miserably with the oil spill. The government has no problem claiming eminent domain when they want to build a highway but they acted scared when it was a foreign oil company drilling in our waters. The navy and private engineers should have taken over in the first hours not allow the idiots who fucked up in the first place to take care of it. I understand he was left will an unbelievable burden as far as two wars and a failing economy but he could end the Iraqi war today according to a lot high ranking generals yet we are still there. He has a tough job and I honestly respect that but the allocation of the bailout money and how they handled it definitely opened my eyes to the fact that the US Govt cares more about big business than the people.
    But to be fair the government is broken and corrupt so I think anyone would have sucked balls. I can't support him simply because he's black, that's the same bs racism I try to fight against.
  16. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    We can debate the other points but leave BHO alone about the oil spill already. How quickly peeps forget how the Right and the Faux News zombies were crying like bitches when the government intervened with the bank bailouts, the auto industry bailouts, cash for clunkers, etc. Socialism, they cried. Getting in the way of free markets and private industry!

    Now a private company blew up a well off the shoreline. Let private industry solve its own problem with NO GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE. Plus BP gave rosy status reports initially like it was under control. I don't blame Obama for stepping back. Especially since the areas hit were RED STATES crying that anti-big government rhetoric. They got what they asked for, no government help. I say good.

    PS: I agree with you about the Health Care Bill by the way.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Good we can agree on something fam lol.
    Do I believe Obama is justified yes but is he right? Absolutely not. The job of a leader is to make the right choices for the group even when they're too dumb to realize it. He's employed and intrusted to do right by the people of the United States of America not just do right by Democratic states, btw he won Florida, he can't pick and choose when those moments are. The contamination of the gulf dwarfs the whole bailout bullshit, its going to affect the enivornment and people for generations to come. Just because its not immediately visible doesn't mean its not gonna be a problem.
  18. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    Better to have it all in the open as oppose to hidden and everyone believing we are in a golden age where race isn't a factor
  19. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    Obama's race has made some people uneasy, but this acrimonious hyperpartisan political atmosphere has existed since the mid 90s, and it's only getting worse. Most if it is due to the dissemination of propaganda in the media, and the fact that the American middle class has been robbed blind for a generation is looking for some to blame.
  20. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    I am not sure what more this administration could do on this issue, people screamed at the top of their lungs when this administration forced billions out of BP to stop and clean up the spill, and is continuing to hold them accountable. There are people out there that want you to believe President Obama has not responded at all or responded slowly to the BP oil spill but here is the actual researched timeline showing Obama and his department leaders response to the spill


    What more could he have done?

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