The Gripe Corner; All Join In!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by AnMDBCartoon, Jun 16, 2010.

  1. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    and can i say that i'm sooooo proud to see me XXXX beer ad repeating itself :D
  2. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    But that's like me going to Australia and expecting to find soul food.
  3. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    exactly. except that soul food is exceptional for being what it is.
    (oops...) lol
  4. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    You lost me.
  5. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    well you can find plenty of European beers in US, why not Australian? We know our beer!

  6. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Because there's no demand for it. [​IMG]
  7. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    We have a winner.
  8. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Tsk tsk, like I said, Americans just don't know what they're missing :p
  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    As much as I would agree with this in some cases, in reference to beers, I would politely disagree on that. :)
  10. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    And I politely respect your right to disagree lol

    it's ok, I'm just being patriotic.
  11. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    my bad :cool:
  12. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Thing I hate about church, aside from just being there, is too many people try to talk to you. As if my mean mug and failure to make an attempt at eye contact weren't enough. Then there's this one old dude I call "cool brotha", because every time I walk in the door, he raises his hand for some high-five bullshit, thinkin' it's cool. Put your hand down, man. Ain't nobody ask you for 5.

    Another thing I hate about church, too much damn encouragement of touching and talking. "Lean over to your neighbor and pat them. Hold your neighbor's hand. Turn to the person on your right and ask them, 'ARE YOU HERE TO WORSHIP?!?! And" I don't want your mufuggin' hands on my hands, my knee, or anywhere else. "No, I am not here to worship", but I can't exactly say that when I'm there with family. "How are you doin' today, brotha?" Fine, when you stop talking to me. I just wanna hear the music, then tune out for the hour of talking after it.

    And then there's always the person, or 2, or 3 with "that laugh". You know when the pastor says something funny(debatable) and that person has that laugh you can identify under water.

    And finally, I hate when people in church alwyas have to give a auidble confirmation that they are "feeling it", whenever they tesitfy and agree with what the pastor is saying.

    Rant over.
  13. justrying

    justrying New Member

    Do Not Call Me!!! If you need to borrow some money for your foster children when you have a $200 weave (with $150 to have it put in ), $50 acrylic nails, and $150 colored contacts. Please sell those things and then if you still need money feel free to call me back. Side Note, I can't stand fake things.
  14. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Those people are some of the worst kind, to me.
  15. justrying

    justrying New Member

  16. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Hahahahaha! BA I can appreciate this, except I actually enjoy church, usually... not today however. There is one woman who is always playing with her teenage daughter and son's hair, and I mean in a fondling sort of way. I've had men who didn't get that into playing with my hair. It's disgusting and really creepy to me.

    I also am not big on group participation, I don't want to read aloud, or ask the people in front of, or behind me what they're thankful for. I go to worship God, He doesn't require audience participation.

    I also think if you happen to be somewhat tone deaf, you shouldn't volunteer to sing a solo, though kudos to you for being that brave, but damn it's hard not to scrunch up your face when confronted with the equivalent of fingers on a chalk board, and it's rude to make faces in church. And where are these people's family members when they volunteer? If my daughter couldn't carry a damn tune in a bucket, I'd tell her as politely as possible to sit her ass down when she tried to volunteer. No sense in letting her embarrass herself and torture everyone else.

    But my biggest gripe about church is when they show a televised sermon instead of having a live sermon... hello I go to church to listen the preacher, not watch one on TV. If that's what I wanted I could have stayed home in my jammies and watched one of the many available on my TV, at least I would have been comfortable and barefoot. I was seriously so irritated when they did that today that I almost left, the only reason I didn't was because it would require hunting down my son in his bible study group and making him leave as well. But seriously the next time they show some televised sermon, I'm outta there, I already warned my son to take his cell and watch for a text telling him to meet us at the car. Yes, I know I'm an uptight, inflexible bitch today, but that shit just really ruined my morning. :smt011
  17. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Playing with their hair? That is creepy. I couldn't sit there and let my mom "play" with my hair. Not that she would, but if she did, I'd tell her stop stop in a quick minute. And DURING church, too? Luckily, in my church, the only people who sing solos are people in the choir, and luckily, the people in the audience who do sing can sing fairly well. But I hate the attention grabbers. I ain't trying to hear some Funkadelic knock-off in the audience hittin' high notes. I might have to tell my mom to sit her ass down if she ever decides to sing, too. :smt036

    And showing a televised sermon is just wrong. I hope they didn't pass the collection basket around, pulling that kind of mess. I'd spit right in that basket.
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

    It's church, they always pass the collection plate around! But yeah, what I don't get is the preacher was there, and they still showed a recorded sermon. WTH, no pun intended.
  19. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I don’t go to church anymore; believe it or not I used to go all the time. I know I sin just like any other man but I was never at church talkin down about other people and I didn’t act all "holier than thou" with people that didn’t go to church like I did. I got my personal relationship with God so that’s all that really matters.

    Some people go to church for the right reasons and some don’t. Going to church doesn’t get you an automatic entry to heaven but if that’s what floats your boat then so be it. I basically stopped going to church because I lost interest and it got boring. Not to mention being mislead by certain jack-legged preachers [hustlers].

    I don’t feel a need however to make my religious affiliation public and I’m not one to walk up to random people and start witnessing to them either. I worship a question mark which represents “the gospel of I don’t know”.

    Like I said before, my relationship with God is personal. So any issues that I have are just that, personal. Between him and I and that’s that.
  20. justrying

    justrying New Member

    When I am told that Black is just a color, when it is a Race and a Culture. I really hate it when people pretend like we don't have a culture. Meanwhile, if I travel to any other country people recognize that there is a Black Culture. SMH@ Being considered a culture in every other country but the one we live in.

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