Black tea party members speak against the NAACP. Read article
I never understood the sell out. I'm going to address two things. Some of the tea party is not racist just like some of the democrat party is not racist. So they are correct in what they say. I think for the most part some of the people are legitimately worried about the debt that is building in the tea party. I am too. What I can not understand is why this tea party does not want to become a new party. The other issues is that they seem to always appoint republicans. I have never seen them appoint a democrat. It is fair to say they vote republican. The last thing is they play this game where they might have 99 of people of the same color and 1 of a different color and call it diverse. Of, course I am exaggerating about the numbers but you know what I mean. I just don't trust these people who appoint only simply republicans. I bet if you make a comment about appointing a democrat that you would get booed off the stage. That is not the way to go.:smt011 You need more options and not less. Having a third party would help out tremendously. Proof that it is still a republican party that just simply calls itself by another name.
Not a sell out at all. Lets face it, there a lot of ignorant uneducated representives in the black community that try to guilt trip and bully others into believing that some others are sell outs or uncle toms or other BS. If a black guy is well spoken and highly educated like the Gumble brothers, they get clowned on for "trying to act white" or sellouts. :smt120
Also, as far as the Teabaggers go. I think they are relatively harmless. The one thing is that a lot of them are pretty clueless as to what kind of things they want. If anyone watches Bill Maher's show on HBO, he hits the nail on the head a lot of the time regarding his criticism of the tea party and their hypocricy. I need to find a video clip of one of his rants.
I have no problem with black people in the Tea Party, but if they have a deaf ear or a blind eye with the racism in the group . . . that is the problem. As for Black Tea Party being a "Sell out", well . . . [YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE] and
The Tea Party's membership is due in part to a BLACK MAN being in the White House. Their slogan 'take our country back', is code to many bigots who feel that the Oval Office has been hijacked by an uppity Negro. I know that Bill Clinton was constantly attacked by the RIght while in office, in an effort to expose his marital infidelities. George W. Bush also was under repeated assault while in office, primarily because of his decision to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, signing a massive tax cut for the top 2% of America's wealthiest, Attorney General Gonzales who along with Karl Rove turned the DOJ into a political wing of the GOP, his unwillingness to send aid to the residents of New Orleans until 4 DAYS after Katrina hit, the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame for political reasons, etc. But President Obama was attacked barely weeks after his inauguration, simply for the fact he was a newly elected Democratic President. The rage and passion directed against Obama from the beginning of his administration is really unprecedented. For some reason, millions of Americans were pre-programmed to hate the guy, before he had done ANYTHING worth criticizing him about. That's where the race element comes into play. The intensity and the heat of groups like the Tea Party to demagogue the POTUS, (anyone who literally compares Obama to Hitler AND Stalin AND Chairman Mao is seriously mentally disturbed and absolutely ignorant of world history; those aforementioned tyrants would have 'eliminated' the Tea Party and ALL GOP Senators and congressmen shortly after entering office:smt047), is, IMO, racially motivated. Sorry, but when a predominately White, right-wing group like the Tea Party demonizes a Black President daily, with protestors comparing him to a monkey and an African witch doctor, that's full blown racism. Sometimes I wish Obama had let this country and the entire world slide into a global Depression for the next 15 years, with 30+% unemployment nationwide, all the major investment banks now bankrupt, and much of Europe in financial ruin because of the junk derivative securities sold to them by the U.S. banking firms. Just so we could shut up all these anti-bailout, small government, pro big business assholes once and for all. FYI, U.S. businesses are sitting on over a $ trillion dollars in cash, yet they are REFUSING to hire new workers. U.S. banks also are withholding billions of federal dollars that could be given as loans to credit worthy investors and grow the economy. Why?? To tank the Obama presidency and keep the unemployment numbers high. They think if they can hold out until 2012, they'll get a business friendly conservative president in office, so in the meantime, the American worker can go to hell. Conservatives suck.:evil:
I dont mind that they are in the group I just cant stand the fact they are accepting the racist rhetoric and photos
i am sure the black community calls us sell outs for dating WW, they used to a sell out to them is anyone who doesnt follow the party line, doesnt drink the kool aide and thinks for themself thats sad that people do that to one another, instead of minding their own business and dealing with their own crap but you have to be yourself, if you think a certain way fine, if you have a dating preference fine follow Ochocinco and do what makes you feel good for you!
thanks and as a black member of the tea party(not really a party) just a movement of concerned citizens like the ones who did the boston tea party for independence, i know lots of other blacks in the group as well as asians, hispanics and arabs and jews, and none of them are racist and most of the whites are not. sure there are always the minority, there are on the other side for sure, but most are just like you and me
People are not calling the whole entity racists but they have racist elements in there that is messing it up
If the Tea PArty was legit, they would side with the NAACP and call out those racist elements congregating in their movement, instead of taking the typical right-wing defensive posture of never conceding ANY point, even when it's the right thing to do. But no, the tea baggers deploy the Farce News defense tactic of declaring that the NAACP is really the racist organiszation:smt017, not them. Let's get real, the tea bag movement was started by former House republican Dick Armey. It's an attempt to re-invent the GOP as a grass roots, populist movement, but it's still an affiliate of the RNC. If the teabaggers were for real, they would pursue creating their own 3rd party, instead of seeking to take over the GOP.
I've heard Martin King's niece is on Crazy Beck's show today. She is almost as worse like his friend Ralph David Abernathy.