Ladies, do you care if his best friend is a woman?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by DenzBenz, Jul 14, 2010.


Do You Care If His Best Friend Is A Woman?

  1. Yes. I don't trust him.

    1 vote(s)
  2. No. I trust him.

    6 vote(s)
  3. Maybe. I am kinda bothered by it.

    2 vote(s)
  1. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Well, to be fair, I don't think Espy's question necessarily has anything to do with romance. Are you saying you never even imagined what it would be like to have sex with any of your gorgeous friends? If you are saying that, I think you are definitely out of the norm for men.
  2. babybro

    babybro New Member

    Partially similar ways yes, but fully enough to stereotype and state it's guarantee to happen? Definitely not. But we aren't talking about two extremely specific categories. We're talking among one of the broadest "categories" out there, gender. To state "all women" or "all men" are like something, your ignoring so many different factors. Your ignoring personality, environment, genetics, upbringing (being raised by all men vs all women) and many many other extremely important factors. And your essentially wrong with your all male comment, why? Because I'm not like that. So therefore, it can't be all males. That's why I don't like with individuals state any "all males" do anything. Because than your involving me within this topic as well, seeing as I'm a male. Now I may fit the bill, I may not, but the last thing I want is people to talk for me when they don't even know me. In this occasion, however, I definitely don't, so you guys can saddle up to that harness if you want, but leave me out of it.
  3. Espy

    Espy New Member

    You are correct, I wasn't talking about romantic interest, if I had been I wouldn't have used the term 'nail her'.
  4. babybro

    babybro New Member

    Yes I am, and I disagree upon the nature. The problem we have is that we attempt to express our own views and assume that other individuals fall within the same guidelines. But I put that more towards our more individualistic culture over anything else. The thing we have to remember is that we make up a pea inside a gigantic pot. What might considered normal for you, or your environment, or your job, could be completely different and abnormal from someone in a different environment, a different country, a different culture. Thus, there is very few standard norms. From Americans highlighting violence at an early age, while Europe and Japan displays more freedom with sex. From Canada believing in the ideal of Monogamy to Saudi Arabia believing in the ideal of Polygamy, people are different.
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Im with you. Hell I have female friends and sometimes it runs thru my mind about shagging them or having a relationship. does it mean I will do but it has ran across my mind.

    will the best relationship come out of friendships that is another question .
  6. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Yes I believe it would. Too many people don't establish a good friendship with people they date or marry, and then when things get rough they don't have that connection to sustain them. I think if you start out with friendship, you just have a better basis for any relationship.
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    could you have a romantic friendship ? you know friends with benefits ( I hate that phrase. I like romantic friends or friendly lover or noncommitted lover.)
  8. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I honestly don't know goodlove. When I was younger, absolutely not. Now, I think I could with the right man. But that would have to work both ways, and in my experience people tend to develop feelings. Also a romantic friendship is an oxymoron IMO. If there is romantic feelings on either side, then it's not friends with benefits. I think the point of friends with benefits is the lack of a romantic inclination, sex only. Basically that would work for me with a man I loved, but not one I was in love with.
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I agree with what you are saying but that is the best title to come up with. Bed buddies sound so ghetto. But it is what it is. Right ? Im not downing it or anything because sex is natural but people put casual sex as a negative thang but I would rather have casual sex with someone I care for.
  10. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    It depends if I like her or not and if I feel threatened by her or not.
  11. Blueyes75

    Blueyes75 New Member

    I don't like it, but if she was there before me there's not much I can do about it. However, why would my man go around making friends with other women that he just meets? Not having it. I have no male friends unless they are married and I expect the same from my mate. There is so much that could go on between male/female friendship anyways... if she doesn't like you, then she could be talking against you and become a hater. If there is a vulnerable moment ( a fight or argument) she could use that to her advantage and .. who knows.. maybe she has a crush on your man, in hopes that he would come around to liking her. I don't trust females period. I would hope that I would be the one to become his best friend anyway. Not another female. That's just me.
  12. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    A lot of lying in the polls. :smt045

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