Oooo... Diagnositic Face Reading

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Brittney, Dec 27, 2008.

  1. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Thought it was interesting. Thought I would post it because - well, why does anyone post anything? That's why. Heh. That sucks about the face piercing guy. I know a lot of people in here have piercings in/on their faces. Including myself (nose and ears). Hmmmmmmmmmmm.........................:smt105
  2. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    WTF, no one responded to my beautiful, interesting thread??? Well, I'm giving you one more chance. Choose wisely....
  3. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Well I'm good on everything except ear piercings, and a pronounced philtrum (bow in the upper lip). But I don't have any of the other facial lines, wrinkles, bumps, bags, dark circles, etc. The lip thing is supposed to indicate a heart problem, I think it said 25% chance, and my heart's in great shape though I do have a benign arrhythmia, so that's actually accurate.

    Oddly most of the info on the face reading matches what I know of chiromancy (palm reading). My mother was big into that and had mine done as a kid, the woman told me that she'd never seen hands with some many past lives, which is essentially a way of saying you're a stubborn idiot because in theory if you'd got it right at some point, you wouldn't keep getting reincarnated. Anyway, the woman told me I'd have some type of mild heart issue, a head injury, migraine headaches, and difficulty in child birth... she was right on all points.
  4. This is interesting. Don't know how credible it is, some of the grammar is pretty bad. But interesting nonetheless.
  5. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    What I bolded made me laugh out loud, heh. I have a palmistry fetish too. I have a few books on it. I took a course before titled "Astrology/Parapsychology" and studied all of that. Astrology, palmistry, numerology, I Ching, scrying, dowsing, etc, etc, etc, and other stuff. That's my sh*t!! :mrgreen:
    I have my nose pierced but I'm not taking it out. Tough! And my ears. And I'm not taking those out either. I like hearing stories about when this sort of stuff proves to be right/accurate. Thank you for sharing! :)

    Grammar shrammar, hehe. I don't really know how credible that one is either. I was surprised to find it at that site while I was doing something else there and I just wanted to share and let people come to their own conclusions. Because I thought it was interesting. And if anyone else thought it was interesting then maybe try to find out more about it from other sources. :cool:
  6. Espy

    Espy New Member

    It may just be total coincidence Britty, who knows.

    But if you have a palmistry fetish, you'd love my hands, they are literally covered with lines... hundreds of them. I don't just have the major lines, like life and heart, I have all the minor lines and then some.
  7. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Oooooo!! :smt112
    I wish I could get my palm read. One of the things I learned is that it's not always good to read your own because you're not going to see anything you don't want to see in yourself. There's a palm reader that lives down the street from me. She's got a big sign out in front. I wonder if she's hiring. LoL :cool:
  8. robina

    robina New Member

    oh great so according to that i have, heart, ling, circulation, adrenal, kidney and reproductive problems. hmmmm seems im falling apart, lol
  9. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Well, it never hurts to go to a doctor and be sure. :)
    Just incase.
  10. robina

    robina New Member

    acctually i have a couple of disorders that were diagnosed when i was 18, so the adrenal and one other i know are linked into those

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