"Rush Limbaugh said on his July 2 radio show that he believes Obama tanked the economy on purpose, both as "payback" for 230 years of racial oppression and because Obama simply doesn't like America. He railed: "Who is Obama? Why is he doing this? Why? Why is he doing it? Is he stupid? Is it an accident? Is he doing it on purpose or what have you? ... I think we face something we've never faced before in the country -- and that is, we're now governed by people who do not like the country, who do not have the same reverence for it that we do. Our greatest threat (and this is saying something) is internal."" More: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/07/rush-limbaugh-obama-creat_n_637716.html#comments And most of you black conservatives consider this man a hero . . . LOL.
Limbaugh is an "entertainer" catering to the scared, hysterical, and downright angry that a Black man is president. Nothing more, nothing less, he is an embarrassment to anyone who calls themselves conservative.
Hmmm... I must have missed something cause I thought President Obama inherited the whole shitty mess when he took office? I believe Mr. Limbaugh needs to go bitch at former President Bush on this one. Now I can believe that Bush intentionally screwed the country up six ways from Sunday just so President Obama would have a bigger mess to deal with, and would therefore appear to be less effective. That I'll buy.
No, you got that wrong. Obama caused the recession. On the other hand, Bush did his very best after inheriting the 9/11 attacks and a terrible economy. [YOUTUBE]xR93iKtFlcQ[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]yoPxqmtl0ts[/YOUTUBE] :smt101
Well then they're those Bible thumping conservatives that have never actually read one, cause I'm pretty sure Rush has violated several of the Big 10. Seriously if people want to claim to be Christians and use religion to back up their opinions, it ought to be mandatory that they read the owner's manual.
Who created the mess in the first place? Rush must have gotten hit in the head with something. He suddenly forgot about the Bush administration.
I was thinking the same thing.. Since when did the ressession start WITH Obama in the seat???????? Sheesh.
It's all a horse shit distraction. Keep the poor and disenfranchised arguing amongst themselves while they get fucked royally. I guarantee he doesn't even believe in what he's saying. He's as big of corporate puppet as Obama is.
Stock Market Crash Sept 2008 + Bush was the president for 7 yrs prior= President Obama causing the election. Is my math off? Maybe I should grab a calculator for this equation.
Limbaugh, Beck, hannity & Co have been working hard to make Obama look like an idiot and a one term prez. Sure BO has made mistakes but he is not the worst prez we ever had. Obama better pick up the pace and make the best of this last 2 years, if not those guys might get their wish & BO might go down as the 1st one term democratic prez since Jimmy Carter. And it will be another 100 years before u see a blk guy gets to go to the white house.
Million dollar question is who would run against Barack in 2012? All thoughts of one-term go away when you think about it. I can't see anybody from their side standing up to him in a legit debate. All they've got is cartoon characters like Sarah Palin, Joe the Plumber and this guy from Mass who is essentially a male Palin. Mitt Romney couldn't even make it past the primary last time. Guys like Gingrich are just plain old. Reagan came back in '80 after losing to Jimmy Carter in '76 but Barack is no Jimmy Carter and Romney is sure the hell no Reagan. All this teabaggery is just noise, their numbers are low in real life and won't effect anything.
I agree but I think they are going to try and push Romney. But I would love to see an Obama and Palin faceoff. But the thing that would scare me if somehow she actually won.
Even if he did a great job I doubt we are ever going to have another black president. Its asking too much of a nation who can't get over their petty childish nonsense. Immaturity reigns supreme in this country. The bullshit grief people have given him is evidence of that.
Don't sleep they will definitely come up with some good looking young conservative asshole especially if this economy isn't doing better by then.