1. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    dumbass clowns that hate cause they can't relate and involve themselves with real women. ain't it saaaadd?! wtf. those fools should just kill their socks.
  2. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    Remember the Asian thread? It continued in the "Lust" thread...

  3. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    i was cryin laffin (inside) one nite listenin to these city y'ungins dissin these grown ass fools to their face talkin bout "but this bamma sooo wack. come on mane, 'kill my socks, y'ung!!'" crazy hilarious. and the loser in question had no idea, had zero clue, they were bein dried out like beef jerky.
  4. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Or socks on the line (corny me) LOL!
  5. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    lol. cute cornatiousness there tho.
    but yea, that was jiffy pop

    (ps: no burn, thunn...)
  6. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    LOL! I gotcha Dunny

    That looks good right about now....:p
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    then you were not in a relationship. then itys not cheating
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    then again no one here can point out their mistakes or admit or laugh at themselves because they have the G-d complex
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    how many have you made ? You are complaining but no action.

    just have fun damn.

    u guys are the kind of fools will complain about everything.

    damn he gave me $200 why could not he gave me $300
  10. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I've probably made 4 or 5 topics. And what action do you expect me to take. It's not like you're posting offensive shit. It's the fact that you're posting weird shit, worth of a "WTF moment". And how will I complain about anything? This is one complaint.

    What's the money thing about? Don't get it.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I dig what you are saying. it just fun stuff I believe people are missing and plus we get the same ole same ole. every once in a while we get some real good stuff. so I just like to put up the fun stuff that make you go HMMMMM.

    the money thang. it just saying people will complain about anything.
    you can buy i person who has a minimum wage job a new bentley and they will say i dont like the color take it back.
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    some folks are a little slow
  13. earlysummer84

    earlysummer84 New Member

    Well, i've never done but i'll try. i wonder about my husband's reaction.
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    you planning on cheating ? why ?
  15. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I'm tired of reading three different threads (One in the Fellas Room, one in the ladies, and some in the No Name), I think we can come together now.
  16. Espy

    Espy New Member

    So the women are allowed to play with the men in your thread... such an open-minded and equal-opportunity man. ;)
  17. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

  18. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I could never exclude the ladies, I enjoy you all to much, especially you darlin;)
  19. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Well aren't you sweet... I mean fresh. :smt058
  20. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    You are a very smart man, Fresh, we all know it already, but I think it's not wrong to mention it once again.

    Andraes comments were, at least for me, something that pissed me on. It is not insulting- but the kind of subtle remark I know from some men, about women..a kind of try to make a womans opinion or way of thinking ridiculous.
    But anyway that's not the topic.

    If it comes to cheating there are not big differences in gender, just in type of characters. Women can react sensible, but men either. And if two strong men are jealous, fight for the same woman, it can become extremely dangerous.

    As many ladies and men mentioned before, it is a question of agreement and if children are involved, a question of responsibility. Honesty can solve many problems, lies cause many problems.

    If a man wants a closed relationship, I expect from him the same. Is he not willing to keep his word, as he expects from me, I don't want him any more. I lose my respect, he is not attractive anymore.

    But I also know the advantages of an open relationship, they are honestly not to underestimate.

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