Guess he is offically over Cheryl Co... I mean Cheryl Tweedy. He was in LA on a "lad's holiday". Looks like he's having fun. Two of the girls going back to his hotel room... nice. Haha.
Ashley Cole is the GUY in the photos, yung buc you want him to bend it like beckam for you? seriously, he's English or something like that...I know it's a common name for a girl and all
lol Liquid Swords is some broad from Britain, so you have to really pay attention to her posts.... she tried to set you up on some gaylord steez
Turns out the two girls are British and they went over there with Ashley together, haha. He's really gettin' it in.
yep she is jordan, shes been in the intensive care unit of the tropical diseases hospital in london for 3 days now