I could not have said it any better. I think Lebron and Dwight are front running superstars. When everything is good they have all the confidence in the world but when face with adversary they fold like a Walmart lawn chair. This is something that you either have or don't. It is not something that you can practice or work on. Even from day one when Kobe was shooting those airballs in Utah if you ask anybody on that team they would tell you that as a rookie Kobe was the only one that wanted to take those shots. Or put it like this if Kobe had Lebron's or Jordan's natural physical gifts he would better than both of them. He is driven almost to a fault and you have to respect that. Lebron and Dwight are the type of people that play basketball because they were tall, athletic, and you can make a lot of money doing it but they don't love and respect the game like Jordan, Kobe, or Bird. That is why they Lebron with all his physical gifts will never become the winner that Kobe or Jordan are/was.
Team Trinity as some have already proclaimed would not work for several reasons. That team is the type of team where you dominate with on NBA Live but not in the real world. For one Lebron and Wade play too similar where they both dominate the ball. One of those two would have to play off the ball more and they neither player has an off the ball type game. Not only that both want to be the man. Lebron would not want to play with Wade because Wade already has a championship and if they were to win a championship together it would look like Lebron needed Wade to win. We all know Lebron is very image conscious, or at least I do. There were reports that Lebron didn't like the fact Kobe got a bigger reception and more attention during the 2008 Olympics than him. Lebron likes attention. He is far from humble and selfless like the media tries to portray him as. This doesn't even include throwing Bosh into the mix who would also want the ball and want to be the man. But even if they could all coexist the team would have no money left over to have a bench to win. If they really wanted to make it work they would all have to accept contracts in the 10 million per year range and so they could bring in role players. But we all know that would not happen. The better combo would be Lebron or Wade paired with Bosh. See Kobe and Shaq/Gasol for results. Perfect compliment to each other. That perfect balance of inside out would make the game so much more easy for both players.
Blake is okay. He doesn't really do anything all that great, which wouldn't be much of a downgrade nor upgrade. There's another guy, Mike Miller, that they've been considering for some time now. He's a SG, 215lbs and plays on Memphis Grizzlies.
The Blake deal is better than signing Miller. Miller plays SG/SF and is good shooter. But on the Lakers he would be our 4th scoring option behind Kobe, Gasol, and Bynum. He is bigger name than Blake so the Lakers would be paying more for his name than his skills. Why sign him for the full mid-level exception if he is only going to be a bench player and 4th option. Signing Blake allows the Lakers to kill two birds with one stone by signing a point guard and a shooter. Especially when the Lakers maybe losing there starting PG to free agency. Since the Lakers didn't have to use the full MLE on Blake it allows them to use what is left over to sign another veternan player like Raja Bell or T-Mac. Raja Bell+Blake is better than Mike Miller.
mike miller plays with the hometeam, washington wizards. used to be a great shooter. played college at florida. and he's a forward, not shooting guard.
steve blake has solid handles and can push the ball well. not a good shooter tho. he also played for washington wizards. then was in portland, and then denver. he took maryland to national championship with juan dixon. (who also played for the wizards. lol)