BM/WW Celebrity Families with children

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by xoxo, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    I cut and pasted a comment below from the link you posted. Very interesting
    . Posted yesterday

    Now don't call me a troll cause I'm finna tell you the truth now...and I'mma break it down so it will forever be broke so putcha 3D glasses on cause here it comes....

    There are many factors to why this ir explosion is happening but one of the major ones is the disharmony between sexes of both WW/WM AND BW/BM.

    WM for decades now have marginalized their WW. This is why the feminist movement gained momentum. They had to fight to vote.. just like Black people. Their place was in the kitchen and were treated like children to be seen but not heard.

    Now enter in the BM , who too has been marginalized by BW for many years now...

    You ain't got no money...

    you ain't got no job = you ain't shyt!!

    why you can't be more like the WM etc.... (a mantra unfortunately for many BW).

    There are striking simularities between how both the WW and BM have been treated by their opposite counterparts.

    Going back to slavery, BW and WM were allies. After the WM would make the BW submit to sex with him in the big house, he'd send her back to the outhouse to tell the BM what chores the WM wanted him to perform the next day. The WM needed the BW to help keep the BM in line.

    And to this day, this still goes on. Many WM in power will still pass over a qualified BM for a job and give it to the BW cause he can kill three birds with one stone. Have a woman and a Black in the workplace at the same time and put power in the hands of the BW over the BM in their own household. Knowing at the end of the day she will have little respect for him.

    Meanwhile, we all know how through the years a BM could be killed for even looking at a WW.

    In turn, WW were ostracized from their own White communities for even considering being with a BM. You know the saying, "you want what you can't have". Well this statement was probably invented to describe the taboo nature of a WW/BM relationship.

    Now, let's get back to the WW/WM....

    WM's financial situation for the most part through history was not the problem for WW...They were well taken care of financially (a situation opposite of the BW), many just lacked one thing from WM...LOVE.

    This is the part BW don't seem to understand. Most WW don't care about a BM's financial status...something BW hold so dear. He can be that "bummy corner thug black man" cause she knows she's gonna get the love she lacks from the WM.

    As BM are known for their physical attributes, we can give "love" to a woman like no other man on earth.

    Not just the dyck either...

    I'm a BM and I'm comfortable enough in my manhood to say BM are the coolest people I've ever met. We got game, rhythm, swagger and definitely the "it" factor many non Blacks males are intimidated by. And these are the things BW have taken for's always been there for her unabated...till now.

    Just as the WW has gotten fed up with the WM's mistreatment of her. Many BM are just as fed up with how the BW has been mistreating him.

    Not all mind you..but many...and judging by the number of threads like must be growing.

    You wonder why you can see a nice looking BM with a fat outta shape WW and be as happy as all outdoors? It's the treatment factor.The same BM a BW would consider broke as a joke, busted and disgusted...a WW sees an entirely different thing. Yeah many are on that "mandingo" tip and just want to fulfill a fantasy. However, many see a man that's gonna treat her way different than a WM.

    On top of that, BW want to be catered to by a BM...while WW want to cater to the BM and put him on a pedestal (something BW seem to have a problem doing) and something ironically WW were trained to do by the WM

    ...Now there's also the factor of rebellion. Many WW are rebelling against the WM for his mistreatment of her...and what would piss him off more than to see her with a BM....not much (I knew a WW who only dated BM cause her parents were in the kkk)..

    So in a sense, the roles have reversed now and many WW/BM are allies against the same oppressive nature of their own counterparts.

    A solution IMO would be for BW to be able to adopt traits that would suit the BM more (especially if you value him enough to write all these threads on the subject).

    Work with a brotha, lose the ego and attitude (if possible) able to be checked sometimes if the intentions are right. see a BM that has aspirations and goals in life, help him out...wipe the boogaz out his nose...don't be so judgmental...your gender does outnumber his 20 to 1 in some states..act like it..these WW are...A GOOD BM will appreciate it and return the favor many folds.

    Cause the specific answer to your question may scare YOU...BM are meeting WW EVERYWHERE!!!

  2. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Wow. That's an impressive post.
  3. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Too bad it fell on deaf ears.
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    You knocked that one into Mccovey cove..

    I keep telling people that BW and WW are not counterparts.
  5. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    with both parents

  6. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    more Tennis

    Tennis Star Jo-Wilfried Tsonga

    his parents

  7. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Malik True again.:smt023
  8. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Not an IR photo book, but there are cool photos of model Grace Kelsey and her husband Kenyan in the Selby House Book/Blog. Though they are not officially part of this thread because they don't have kids, just another example of a regular type BM pulling good looking WW and plus the pics are cool. more photos

  9. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Heidi and Co.

  10. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

  11. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    with his sons

  12. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member


  13. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Lewis Hamilton with his father

  14. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Grady Sizemore

    This guy makes Derek Jeters female fan base seem small in comparison, his females fans even have a site for him

    anyway, here he is with his parents in what seems to be a parade
  15. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    more athletes


    Jason Williams in better times....his mom below

  16. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    more athletes

    Rick Fox

    Rick's mom

    Rick got his ups from his mom who was a high jump athlete who was in the 64 Olympics.
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    that baby is so cute

    he looks just like Kendra in the face

  18. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Samantha Mumba


    shopping with her mother

  19. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

  20. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Intellectual Lani Guiner Jamaican/Jew

    her scholar dad below

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