Mens´wish of having Baby

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by christine dubois, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    How many times does it have to be said our Health Care System is broken and that recent reforms largely keeps the Status Que intact?

    Even with C-sections they are rushing women out of the hospital as soon as possible. This information is everywhere if your willing to find it.
  2. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Its not quite Magic, if you had to cover say 100 Million people with health care would you focus more on prevention (laughable here) and the most effective and cost effective methods?

    My guess would be yes.

    Our system is fee based, its based on what you can afford. If your lucky to have insurance that covers most of the cost and don't have any serious health issues, then you don't see how bad the system can get. That's why we can't get serious health care reform here, because the pain of loosing a loved one or going bankrupt because of medical cost is only felt by a small portion of population.

    Rich People don't see this and they are invested in these insurance companies and hospitals via the stock market, so they have a vested interest in keeping the status que.

    As I have been saying here and all around the internet where I can voice my opinion. America is GREAT if you have access and money. This is likely why women want men with great jobs and secure futures, to protect themselves from the "unknown". If your working, you shouldn't be poor. Not so poor that you can't afford decent housing, transportation, communication services and entertainment. Also Conservatives should not be worried about the 2-5% of the population that has no interest in working at all, which includes Rich and Poor people. As long as there basic needs are met (and they grow as our culture and economy become more technology based) then we shouldn't be talking about so called "lazy people" and "free-loaders", that's the wrong side of the debate.

    That's why I find it funny why so many Americans, including several here are so steadfastly supportive of a country that REALLY couldn't give too shits about you long term. All they are really concerned with is that your working so you can pay income tax for the Federal Government and Property Taxes for State and Local Governments.

    Paying taxes is fine, everybody pays them, don't be foolish and buy into that Conservative talking point. Some States don't have sales tax and I guess you can make that argument fly a bit higher in those places, but here, we pay sales tax. So anytime you purchase something that's not fresh food, you pay taxes.

    But you largely have no say over how your taxes are spent. This is because people aren't paying attention. They rather debate my ass on how my opinions suck. When you combine the hours wasted watching Glee or How I Met Your Mother and chasing your children around the house to make sure they eat and go to bed at a reasonable hour (not always the case in Single Parent households) you don't have time to do anything else.

    If you turn on Fox News, god forbid, then your a lost cause. Or should I say, you may think the Government is tyrannical and out to get you.

    This disconnect is why we may be the Richest Country in the World and that makes use the ultimate land of convenience, but not for much else. We work more hours than any other industrialized nation, we have less paid vacation time, we go broke paying for higher education (don't miss any payments on your student loans...) then if you work near the bottom you don't get shit and most of the people working for the uber rich are working 45-50 hours a week to keep them Rich.

    We have negative savings rate, that might have changed a bit with the downturn, but private debt (the car loans, credit cards and house payments you make every month) is MORE than the National Debt! When "Dr Doom" says we're broke he's basically not kidding, we print money to keep the ball rolling. Then you get the Inflation Freaks and Austerity Nut that want to cut social programs and not the bloated Military budget, Stop Corporate Gauging of the Government and pay their fair share of taxes.

    I could go on, but the tax code is a farce, 17-20% real unemployment..........

    You get the idea - RANT OFF
  3. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I'm 42. I just cannot imagine scheduling a C-section for any reason other than health risk to mother or child. Not only because of the pain, though I'm allergic to pain meds so I can't take them, but either way it is more painful than a vaginal delivery. Nor because of the scar, you'd have to look hard to even see mine. Mostly it's the idea that all surgery carries increased risk for mother and child, and why take something that typically occurs naturally and interfere? As mentioned previously, some people simply cannot have a vaginal delivery, those people need a C-section. But I think you should at least try it naturally first. I was under anesthesia with my daughter because it was critical to get it done as quickly as possible, and it was really an odd feeling to go to sleep pregnant and wake up not pregnant and with no baby (she was in ICU). I'm usually really logical and organized with my thoughts, but that was a real disconnect for me that just felt really odd and it took me a while to get past that feeling in my mind. I was awake with my son, so that wasn't an issue, but he was pre-scheduled so we had the luxury of time. Nevertheless, had I been able to have either of them vaginally, I would have absolutely opted for that. I think C-sections save a lot of lives, but they shouldn't be performed for the sake of convenience.
  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    according from an ex of mines, They just slip out. like that
  5. Espy

    Espy New Member

    That's another thing I think is asinine, a C-section is major surgery and going home the next day seems ridiculous to me. They keep some people longer than that after a breast reduction. Not to mention sending a baby home the next day seems equally ridiculous to me. I was in for a week after my daughter was born, primarily due to massive blood loss. I was in for 3 days after my son was born, primarily because I had an allergic reaction to the epidural during the C-section. Had I not had issues outside of a normal delivery, the standard was a 2 day stay. I think that's reasonable.
  6. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Yes I've heard that's how it's supposed to work too. Most of the women I know had no trouble with vaginal deliveries at all. My mother had a 10 pound baby vaginally, my grandmother had a 13 pound baby vaginally, I couldn't manage a 7 pound baby. Some women just aren't made for vaginal deliveries, but in theory childbirth is something the body was made for and it will occur whether you participate or not.
  7. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    But they are, like I said not to be cynical but its happening....

    But they do it, do you think the Health Care System is not broken?

    Breast Surgery adding or subtracting is an elective affair. Its not a required surgery, its not covered by your insurance usually, its all paid for in other ways, haven't you heard the ads they run on radio?

    I'm telling you watch that movie and also watch

    Have a child in America and all its related cost and questions about our educations system at your own peril -
  8. Arwen

    Arwen New Member


    Sorry, that sounded like you needed a hug, lmao.

    I actually KNOW that's not magic, since I work into welfare services.
    I can't really understand your position on private healthcare. I just think the European model is way better, IF THEY SPEND THE MONEY HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE SPENDED, obviouly, not like here in Italy :)
    The "you aren't working so you don't have the right to be cured" thing is bullshit for me, so I'm glad for being able not to pay my ashtma medicines everyday (since it's certified I'm ashmatic, I don't have to pay them).
  9. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    If your talking directly to me, I don't support our broken system and the so-called health care reform that was past recently keeps the status que in place. Most of the people here have not have to deal with the ills of the system because they don't have any serious health problems or don't work near the bottom where they don't offer health care coverage at all.

    California is on the verge of having an all-in, nobody-out Single Payer Health Care System. There are some legal issues that might prevent its implementation at first, but I doubt they'll be able to stop it.

    I am hoping California does what it needs to do, work with Oregon and Washington on laws we can agree with and with foreign countries like Germany, China, Spain and France that all want to do business here.

    America is immature, we're still haggling over who should be responsible for the welfare of its citizens, abortion and who should be running the country (Corporations or Government).

    In much of Western Europe that has already been solved and they are moving on to more pressing issues like climate change and poverty.

    Thanks for the hug, I'm not really that upset, its just hard trying to figure out what I should do next.

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