The Gripe Corner; All Join In!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by AnMDBCartoon, Jun 16, 2010.

  1. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I drive up to Panda express, because I was told that they were hiring, and the help wanted sgn says they're looking for managers.......damn.
  2. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Yeah, the lack of one's being specific is a *real* drag, m8....

    As we used ta say in the Radio Room..

    Be Pacific.

    An' if ya CAN'T be Pacific..

    Well, Be ATLANTIC!

    (Sound of crickets chirping)

    I didn't get out much in those was all about the job, y'know...

  3. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Five Why's

    1. Why are we sending two billion dollars to Brazil to develop their own deep sea drilling for oil off their coast yet we want to shut ours down.

    2. Why past legislation for alternative energy yet to tax us heavily for it.

    3. Why we want to pay illegal immigrants a fair wage with legal immigrants and native born americans.

    4. Why shut down the space shuttle yet we are going to depend on the Russians to get our payloads into space.

    5. Why are we fighting hard to give terrorists rights who want to kill us and who are bragging they will do all in their power to destroy us.
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  5. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Here goes a really GREAT PET HATE of mine...

    Tonight sponsored by:



    Unlike ads in Europe and other places for The World Outside Of The United States....the adverts onscreen prior to the Coming Attractions Trailers & such have NO *REAL* creativity or interesting moments...


    Damn few (if any) commercials are made exclusivley for cinema...the few diamonds in a production littered with cheap rhinestones.

    One burr under my blanket 'bout it all is.....I was naiively assuming that - because advertisers pay BIG MOOLAH to have their material screened - this would defray the cost of the average admission ticket.

    If anything, it's INCREASED preice-wise.

    In NYC it's up to 20 bucks for a 3D and/or IMAX flick now?

    Last edited: Jun 23, 2010
  6. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    no, you're just a celebrity. you need to twitter your fans to fill them in that you are a little too busy to be smiling at each and every one of them. :wink:
  7. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Here's one that, albeit NOT affecting one *personally*.....the observance of this is enough for many to be cheesed off about it..THIS is even MORE the most innocent & defenceless of them all are *directly* involved..


    Tonight's gripe is sponsored by:



    The subtitle says it ALL!

    And I've seen it in at least 2 U.S. States I've lived &/or worked in. (Ohio & Colorado to be exact)...

    I'm talking about adults (parents, most likely) that do NOT see fit to make it to a traffic light at the intersection....too much of a 'chore' fer 'em, I reckon.....but, instead, walk RIGHT OUT INTO THE MIDDLE OF A MAIN THOUROUGHFARE WHILE TRAFFIC WHEELS TOWARDS 'EM!

    In the more than one or two examples I've seen, it's been on roads that have at least 4-5 lanes in both directions...and gals with said rugrats in tow---no older than toddler age or so....some of them being wheeled in buggies/prams......

    And in *every* case .. they are *all* scrambling to get across trying to beat the oncoming traffic...

    Not only is it obviously puerile and dangerous...but it sets one HELL of an example for the young 'uns to follow.....:mad:

    Sadly, I observed the Ohio offences some time *after* I had handed in my Notice Of Resignation to the Police Department in Autumn 1997..

    Ya *wanna* do something as STUPID as that?

    Okay, fine.....fine........

    If you SERIOUSLY wanna qualify for a DARWIN AWARD, fine....

    But DON'T have the gall to take anybody else down with you...


    Be on your OWN....WITHOUT defenceless, innocent kids in tow!

    'Nuff Said!!!!

    Last edited: Jun 23, 2010
  8. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    I text people in the same room with me...yes. But I'm okay with that. :D
  9. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    i do the same thing. and i am fine with that also. lol :smt048
  10. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    we should sit in a room together and text each other, lol. i'm down wit it. :mrgreen:
  11. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    I do too. It can be fun, and a little naughty at times. :smt077

    Here's my gripe for the day. Yesterday, I was in the small waiting room at my optometrist's office. I was the only one in there, and there were 7 empty seats. Two people came in and sat in the chairs right beside me. Why?? I've never understood that. Why would you want to be right next to a stranger when there are other seats available?? I'll never understand. :rolleyes:
  12. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    it can be very naughty - i love 'naughty' text messages...that's something me and the hubs do all the time. :smt047

    I hate that! It's as bad as when you're in a movie theater, and it's practically empty, but someone will sit in the same row as you or sit right smack in front of you - so annoying!! :smt095
  13. Espy

    Espy New Member

    You got me, but now that you mention it, that happens all the time. I had to go to a divorce hearing a couple weeks ago, and a man came in and insisted I scoot down so he could sit right next to me on the bench. There were literally around 20 empty chairs right in front of us, so I don't know if he just wanted to be close to the door or what. I've never asked someone to move so I could take a seat when there are other seats open. He did tell me I smelled nice, so maybe that's it... GG were you wearing perfume?
  14. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    It's not *their* fault that they find your feminine attractiveness and charms so magnetic.....LOL!

's one that lots of ya have HAD to contend with sometime or other.....

    Tonight's gripe is sponsored by:


    Happens every summer in *more* than a few major (U.S.) municipalities....

    You know, the individual that matter how corpulent (that's as in being polite about saying 'obese') they might be....they STILL think that they ca go parading around in public attired in Speedos, Spandex, or what-not like they're centrefold material.

    And cannot help but.....totally unware of dong so.....offend 99 44/100% of onlookers sensibilities...

    Case in point..

    Some time back whilst aboard Public Transportation, I happened to feast my peepers on a female who saw fit to be attired in a tight hot pink tube top, bare midriff, & *tight* hot pink hot pants....

    ....all 350 lbs.* of 'em! (* - estimated guess)


    And ya gotta ask yerself one question:


    'Nuff Said!!!!

    Last edited: Jun 29, 2010
  15. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I have a gripe...

    I really hate it when everything you've been worked towards is disregarded because some people have a power trip now that they've been promoted. After several years of working really hard to have a training program respected, a select few are being allowed to spit on all of the hard work I've been doing...not to mention sitting in meetings with me and flat out saying things like 'Do we really NEED someone to do a training?' and 'Why do we need evaluation metrics? Can't we just say they did something and be done with it so we can get on with the REAL work at hand?'

    Um, really? People are paid BIG BUCKS to go into companies like mine and work with the staff to increase performance, morale, and general evaluation standards. Suddenly what I do isn't *real*? This degree I'm THISCLOSE to getting is totally useless to some people because it's not what THEY'RE doing, or they simply don't want to bother to understand it, or now they just got a mini promotion so they're in charge of oh, themselves and the one or two people they might be involved with hiring?

    These people think it's OK to insult me and this laughable degree I'm getting, apparently.

  16. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I find the majority of the time when people pick on you, make little digs, or outright offensive comments like what you've described Dreaming, that they are simply jealous. Being green with envy often makes people bitter, and the only way they can think of to make themselves feel better is to belittle you, or try to discredit you. Those types will always find something to pick at, it's just who they are. I know it's irritating to you, as it should be, you've worked hard and that should be appreciated. If they can't be appreciative the least they could do is be silent. People like that are pitiful, but the best thing you can do is blow them off as much as possible. You know you work hard, you know you do a good job, f**k anyone who says or thinks differently.
  17. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Espy!

    Deep down, I know that. It's just been an uphill battle the last couple of years, and suddenly my boss and supervisor are throwing their weight behind me, but there are still a few people who are trying to drag me down- publicly. Whether the boss actually realizes it or what, I don't know, and if she is and is choosing to ignore it, I don't know, either. It's just completely frustrating, and it changes from day to day.

    And ya know, it always helps to have somewhere to vent from time to time! :)
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Vent anytime you like, this is 'The Gripe Corner' after all.

    I worked in a private medical practice for 8 years, and holy cow there was constant politics and drama afoot. Every damn day you had to deal with some form of foolishness. Jealousy, bitterness, too sensitive, not sensitive enough... it was endless. That is actually probably the best perk to working for myself is doing away with all that, and being able to sit around in my PJs all day if I want to. I feel for you, it's difficult to put up with people trying to run you down all the time to make themselves feel better. As long as your boss and supervisor are behind you, I say just ignore the haters. Ignoring them actually tends to irritate people like that, being nice to them has the same effect and confuses them. Now wouldn't you rather irritate them than let them know they're gettin' to you?
  19. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Quoted for truth.
  20. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    That happened to me a few weeks ago. I took my mum to the dentist and I was waiting for her. The waiting room is very big because there are several dentists that work in that place, so there were probably 20 free chairs. This lady came out of the dentist and sit close to me. I think I gave her a very bad look, lol. I was reading my fantasy book and she came there to sit close to me with other 20 free chairs? She stayed there like 2 minutes, the got up and went out. Maybe she didn't feel well, I don't know. but still, why close to me? lol

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