BM and Fat WW!

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by karmacoma., Mar 17, 2010.

  1. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    Type her name in Google...

    I couldn't find "her" site.
  2. PinkMartini

    PinkMartini Guest

    Glad to be back. Damn I missed this place.

    But, life got complicated and I may have just caused it to get more complicated.
  3. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Well, I hope everything works out for you and becomes less complicated.
  4. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Cheers, Luv....Couldn'ta said it better myself...

    I *do* kinda sorta mebbe suspect that said pic has gotta be photoshopped.

    In any case, reprehensible..

    'Nuff Said!!!!

  5. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    When are you due?
  6. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    In my opinion some people just need to get their own life and their own woman and stop worrying so much about who other BM are with and how much the woman weighs and how they think it reflects on them. It's really rediculous and childish. In my opinion, someone who can't see past physical appearances or be respectful to someone regardless of their appearance, who is so consumed by what other people are doing, who try to say who other people should be with "to make them look good" or whatever, and who is an adult who belittles overweight people like they're still in elementary school, to me, are society's lowlifes who I am embarrassed for.
  7. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Rep added! :smt023
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    morbidly obese is the politically correct term
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    i understand what you are saying but that chick needs help. I mean for real dog. she is gonna catch a serious heart attack and damn
  10. robina

    robina New Member

    at that weight it would be super morbidly obese
  11. Espy

    Espy New Member

    What she said.
  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    ...Nobody cares about that woman's health. It's solely her appearance. That's why you don't see threads about BM with WW who smoke cigarettes or BM with WW with alcohol and drug addictions or BM with WW with other eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia etc. It's threads like this one that make me not want to post in this forum any more seeing how juvenile and sickening a lot of people here turn out to be. I take it personally, even though I shouldn't, because some of the dearest people to me are overweight. And I bet $100 that most of the BM here have a fat ass mother or grandmother and they wouldn't appreciate people making jokes about her or trying to make her defined by her weight as a disgusting worthless slob either. I don't care if someone doesn't want a romantic relationship with such a woman as a preference, it's just when the ridiculing and childish disrespectful unnecessary BS comes out that bothers me.
  13. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    ... you must spread some rep around before giving it to Britty25 again....
  14. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Britty, I actually do care about health. I don't think it's accurate to assume that anyone who makes a comment about someone who is so vastly overweight, is simply being nasty because she looks unattractive to them. Super morbidly obese people are not healthy, the human body was not meant to function in that state for any prolonged period of time. Pretending that there are no negative effects to being that overweight is simply not logical. But I can say that and it in no way is a commentary on her physical appearance, or whether she's a good person or not, and I'm not making fun of her, I'm just stating an obvious fact.

    If she looked like that and was 100% healthy, I wouldn't have anything to say about it. But there is no way you can be that obese and be healthy. And yes I know that not all thin people are healthy, and some people smoke, etc., but we're not talking about them right now. She's not only damaging herself, she's teaching her children really bad habits, and setting a deplorable example for them. But as I said, if she is willing to accept the risks, the diminished quality of life, and the shortened life span, then that's her prerogative.
  15. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    :smt038:smt038:smt038:smt038:smt038standing ovation!
  16. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    This ^

    Well said madam. We live in an appearance conscious (read: judgmental) society.
  17. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Espy again.
  18. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  19. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I don't see that in the vast majority of posts from the women here. I also don't see anything in Britty's post that indicates that's what she thinks. I don't happen to agree with her full assessment, however I don't see anything that smacks of WW entitlement or arrogance. It's merely apparent that it's a subject that she feels passionately about, and she's voicing that passion, which I think is great. Just because I don't agree with her POV doesn't mean I don't think it's great that she's bold in sharing it.

    As for the other comments you referenced, I can see how those could be misconstrued and how you arrived at that conclusion. I don't honestly think that's what that poster meant, it was something said in the heat of the moment and it was worded in a way that left it open to multiple interpretations. The comments were in poor taste, and perhaps arrogant, but that doesn't mean they conveyed all that you read into them.

    So again, I don't see arrogance or entitlement as the prevailing mindset on the part of the women here. I actually think most of us are a surprisingly open-minded lot. We obviously wouldn't be here if we weren't. I suspect you may be seeing what you want to see.
  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    who is "almost there" and where did that post come from? that seems rather odd that it is no where to be found...maybe he/she isn't almost here:smt101

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