More and more interracial couples are getting married. Support for interracial marriage is strongest among 18- to 29-year-olds, research shows. When it comes to love, more than ever couples are color-blind. Nearly one in seven new marriages in the U.S. is interethnic or interracial, according to research reported on CNN. When Pew Research Center analysts interviewed couples married for under a year, they found that racial lines are becoming increasingly blurred. Twenty years ago, some 6.8% of newly hitched couples said they had married outside their race or ethnicity. That figure now stands at 14.6%, according to the newly released Pew Report. "From what we can tell, this is the highest [percentage of interracial marriage] it has ever been," Pew Research Center senior demographer Jeffrey Passel told CNN. Overall, support for interracial marriage is stronger than ever, particularly among 18- to 29-year-olds. Marrying outside one's own race is most common for Asians and Hispanics, according to the Pew Center study. A gender difference was evident among the Asian population, with 40% of newlywed Asian women marrying outside their race and just 20% of Asian men doing so. About 18% of African-Americans married interracially, with Black men more likely than Black women to do so, according to the study. Educational level and place of residence tend to affect whether people will wed interracially. College-educated adults are more likely to marry someone of another race, and people living in the West tend to marry interracially more often than those in the South and Midwest. "We are seeing an increasingly multiracial and multiethnic country," Johns Hopkins University public policy and sociology Prof. Andrew Cherlin told CNN. "The change in our population is bringing more people into contact with others who aren’t like them." Source:
Pew does some excellent work, I wonder what the Census numbers will look like, we'll know around 2011/2012.
Doesn't this go against another study that was just released saying that the number of interracial marriages aren't increasing or something like that? If it's true, though, it's awesome.
Kinda sorta makes me think of a frontispiece shot for a Best Wishes oin Your Wedding Day Card. In any case, great news to read about, folks..... 'Nuff Said!!!! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
Another positive link, this one dated on the 20th of March.