what would you change in your life or done differently...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    You sit around and you take stock in your life and you do the following:

    I wish I never done this ____or that _____
    or I wish I would have done a____ or b_____.

    what are the things that would fill in those blanks

    If you are a parent or was giving someone some advise or being sagacious what would you tell the person who is talking to you rite now
  2. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Even if I had to do it all over again I still wouldn’t change a single thing. No regrets whatsoever.

    It is what it is and it's gonna be what it's gonna be.:smt023
  3. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i completely agree with you tony. i believe that you shouldn't live life with regrets...everything happens for a reason. both the good and the bad times are there to learn from and grow.
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    so what have you learned when you look back? are you saying you guys have not made mistakes ? in either case what would you pass on to someone as life advice
  5. ohio76

    ohio76 New Member

    Great question. I wish that I was as emotionally developed as the people who have no regrets! There are many things that I would have never done. I do however wish that I had traveled more and bonded with my family and friends more. Time with love ones is precious!
  6. ohio76

    ohio76 New Member

    Ignore them. Some of these people are idiots with keyboards. they cant add anything insightful, so they say dumb shit! :smt043
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. you caught on to that too. they call me dumb but they could not put any real thought into some shit.

    I would have loved to travelled also....I wish I chose better in a wife. .....learned the techniques in studying ( well there is some general rules not some magic formula)..... Not to worry so much.. manage money better and earlier

    I heard this ...wise people learn from other peoples mistakes. smart people learn from their mistakes and fools never learn.

    I will tell my daughter something like this:

    travelling will get you to see a larger world than your block.
    marrying a bad will drain you spiritually, financially and emotionally. its a major set back IF YOU ALLOW IT. It does happen to everyone. they try to front but dont be fooled.
    money enough said. you can somewhat tell someones mindset in how they handle money.
    studying is about time management and discipline
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    Im sure everyone have regrets its just you cant dwell on them. even trump stated he had regrets because he stated he made mistakes in life.
  9. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    depends on what you think is a mistake gl. yes we make mistakes, but if you look at it as i do, it was meant to be so whatever the situation, it will be a learning one. looking back i've learnt how to be strong, how to love without question, to believe in myself and my ability to come out of anything stronger than i was and a better person. as for passing on life advice to someone, it would depend on the situation, and the person would also have to want my opinion...in the end, everyone's journey in life is their own, and their decisions are their own to make and to live by, and we'll all get what we are meant to get out of it.
  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I like that.

    when there is no struggle there is no progress.

    Im not sure who said that but it is true on so many levels
  11. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    lol...back in the playground i see. i'll respond in kind.

    i know you are, but what am i
    sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me

    i've never called you dumb, gl, never.

    now you still have time to travel.
    you chose your wife because she was right for you at the time, and even if you don't wish to see it, she's taught you something.
    you will learn how to manage money

    as i see it, you're still alive and still able to do what you want.
  12. ohio76

    ohio76 New Member

    The downside to chat rooms is that people can be all that they can be! Very few people are that fucking emotionally secure that they dont regret anything! That is a bunch of idealistic crap! Hell, I could short this dam forum out with a list of my regrets.

    But, I do feel that my mistakes have developed me intoi the unique individual that I am. Some I would do over and some I would not!::smt023
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I know it wasnt you.....you know who they are tho....

    You are correct on the wife thing totally. It taught me to look closer, be more meticoulous in what they are saying and doing and does it match with what is best for me.

    Im learning now and getting better with the money. I was always responsible in payi9ng the bills but did not have the strategy to save. then I learned a little. Im getting better. when I get thru school if i can get past the gre and get a job I will pull up those strategies again.

    also life is not over i will travel.

    if you were sagaciousing out what proverbs will you kick out
  14. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    which is what i said...rolls eyes
  15. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    just making sure gl. it's not in my nature to call people names, it is though to keep the peace and try to make people live in a world of rainbows & kittens :smt003
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. thats the thing about chat rooms people can misconstrue what you are saying .
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I love you GURL
  18. ohio76

    ohio76 New Member

    I apologize, I wasnt addressing you. It is just a general problem, she was asking a question, it wasnt a dumb question, but at its core it is a complex question. Because there are things and oppurtunities that have been missed in all of our lives. That being said, you cant ignore that mistakes are how some people(myself included) learn. I just hate people who say stupid shit just for the sake of being involved in a discussion. I wasnt addressing you though and I am sorry if it appeared as if I was!
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    thanks everyone lets keep this cool. the chatroom can mislead folks thinking you are saying one thing when you are really saying another.

    but back to the subject.....
  20. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    agreed, and maybe i should have made my point clearer. sometimes i find it difficult to put my thoughts on paper (or computer).

    awwww....warm and fuzzy's all over...!!! hang on...it just started raining kittens and puppy's.

    no worries ohio, i accept your apology. only two of us responded to gl's question so it's difficult to know who you were responding to...and i must say that tony is far from an idiot as well...he's a gem, and i have nothing but love and respect for him.

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